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  • Abby Davis, Michela Dixon, Nicholas Dobroski, Ishfaque Faruk, Joanna Giordano, Arshad Hossain, Salman Khan, Michelle Leonard, Dennys Lozada, Michelle Mullins, Aleksandra Palak, Jenny Park, Megan Salmon, Mohit Sharma, Paul Sheldon, Omri Shellef, Hernan Silvestre, Josue Silvestre, Reva Sookraj, Sathya Vasudeva, Julia Velotas, Michael Wagner, Miao Xia, Laura Yenchman, Renee Yuen v. 96 & Second Llc, Walter & Samuels, Incorporated, Walter & Samuels Capital Group LlcTorts - Other (Breach of Contract) document preview
  • Abby Davis, Michela Dixon, Nicholas Dobroski, Ishfaque Faruk, Joanna Giordano, Arshad Hossain, Salman Khan, Michelle Leonard, Dennys Lozada, Michelle Mullins, Aleksandra Palak, Jenny Park, Megan Salmon, Mohit Sharma, Paul Sheldon, Omri Shellef, Hernan Silvestre, Josue Silvestre, Reva Sookraj, Sathya Vasudeva, Julia Velotas, Michael Wagner, Miao Xia, Laura Yenchman, Renee Yuen v. 96 & Second Llc, Walter & Samuels, Incorporated, Walter & Samuels Capital Group LlcTorts - Other (Breach of Contract) document preview


INDEX NO. 154859/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0372172019 04:55 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/21/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK aus pot oh INDEX NO. _/ 5 (657 [1K Plaintiffis) - against - IAS PART 14 Kah Vv Ro W Secousl LLC ya of Defendant(s). STIPULATION IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between or among the attorneys named below as follows: Ag Moti. to Stalke 1 barely adi ourml on congent ot ell partes to Y/Y (doke sf Cosphime Crfesaee)- ae: 4/4) = aera Attorney for Defendant Attorney forDefendant Attorney for Defendant paca: _% | 4G. SO ORDERED: ENTER: 7 ~ 6-O-~sar JSC. aT HON. FRANCIS A. KA HN IH V.S.C.0f 1