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  • Marquise Williams v. The City Of New York, New York City Department Of CorrectionTorts - Other Negligence (Negligence Med Indiff) document preview
  • Marquise Williams v. The City Of New York, New York City Department Of CorrectionTorts - Other Negligence (Negligence Med Indiff) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/15/2018 02:49 PM INDEX NO. 151063/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/15/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK --------------------------------------------------------------------------X MARQUISE WILLIAMS, Index No.: 151063/2018 Plaintiff, - against - ATTORNEYS AFFIRMATION DIN NO.: 17A2297 THE CITY OF NEW YORK, and NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, Law Dept. No.: Defendants. Claim No.: 2016PIO35197 --------------------------------------------------------------------------X I, JUSTIN ROPER, hereby make this Affirmation pursuant to CPLR Section 2106, under the penalties of perjury: 1. I am an attorney duly admitted to practice law in the State of New York and represent the Plaintiff herein. I make this Affirmation in support of the instant Order to Show Cause to take the Examination pursuant to General Municipal Law Section 50-h of MARQUISE WILLIAMS, the Plaintiff, in this matter, who is confined under legal process under the custody and control of the New York State Department of Corrections, at the Clinton Correctional Facility, Downstate Correctional Facility 1156 Cook St, Dannemora, NY 12929 under [DIN 17A2297], together with such other and further relief as to this Court seems just and proper. 2. This affirmation is made based upon a review of records maintained by my office in the ordinary course of business. I. MOTION TO PRODUCE PLAINTIFF AT AN EXAMINATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 50-h OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW 3. The above-entitled action is brought on behalf of the Plaintiff against the Defendants herein based upon a cause of action for negligence. The gravamen of the claim is that on November 27th, 2016 the Plaintiff sustained personal injuries as a result of negligence on behalf of Defendants when he was injured by negligent premises maintenance at the Manhattan Detention Center (MDC) located at 125 White 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/15/2018 02:49 PM INDEX NO. 151063/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/15/2018 Street, New York, New York 10013, County of New York, City and State of New York, while in the care custody and control of said defendants. 4. On December 1, 2016, a Notice of Claim and was personally served on THE CITY OF NEW YORK, and NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. 5. This action was commenced within one year and ninety days from the date the cause of action upon which it isbased by filing of a Summons and Complaint with the Clerk of Bronx County on February 2nd, 2018, annexed hereto as EXHIBIT A. Service was effectuated upon the Defendant City of New York on February 9th, 2018. Issue has not been joined by the City of New York. 6. The Plaintiff is going to be in prison for a lengthy period of time before he isreleased which would potentially delay this matter for many years. His projected release date is somewhere around 2028. Unless plaintiff's 50-h hearing is completed within a reasonable time, both sides will have difficulty recalling this event and plaintiff will be prejudiced in the prosecution of this civil action. Therefore in light of the adjournment and the Plaintiff's current incarceration, your deponent respectfully request that this Court grant an Order for the New York State Department of Corrections to produce the Plaintiff for a video conference at the facility where he is being detained for a 50-h hearing at, or such other facility as the Department of Corrections deems appropriate, on a date and time certain to be fixed by this Court together with such other and further relief as to this Court may seem just and proper. 8. Service of this Order to Show Cause is requested by regular mail. 9. No previous application has been made for the relief requested herein. WHEREFORE itis respectfully requested that this Court grant the relief requested herein, together with such other and further relief as to this Court seems just and proper. Dated: New York, New York June 14th, 2018 2 of 2