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  • CAMACHO vs CAMACHODissolution With Minor Children document preview
  • CAMACHO vs CAMACHODissolution With Minor Children document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF YOLO MEL P MAGUIRE JUDGE: HONORABLE SONIA CORTES: DATE: 11/25/2020 Echoe TITLE: CAMACHO VS wedoe CAMACHO FAMILY LAW TIME: 9:00 AM CASE NO.: FL2020-1184 PROCEEDINGS: “REQUEST FOR ORDER: INITIAL cushy end vaiitnhes(cebs CLERK: Christopher Bingham APPEARANCES ~ Vie teo~ 1 §Petitioner/Plaintiff present 271 WiBy Atty 3 0 Respondent/Defendant present --e 40 WiBy Atty 5 O Deputy DA NEXT APPEARANCE/CONTINUANCE Gi, TpaDate. U9. 26 Time, 14 For, Sueis dicho heatay __Dept_ D> 20 Date 7 Time For. Dept. 30 Continued by Court’s Motion (CTC) 410 Continued by Motion of (CPM). 5 LO Off calendar. Reason, CUSTODY/VISITATION ORDERS 1 O Court awards joint LJlegal |_Iphysical custody to the parties with [Iprimary residence[_]physical custody to: 2 0 Court awards sole legal and physical custody to: 3 O Court grants visitation as follows: 400 Pet/Resp ordered to drug test today CHILD CUSTODY RECOMMENDING COUNSELING: 1 C Stipulation reached in CCRC 2 C.No Stipulation reached; Court approves CCRC recommendation and signs order 3.2) Parties referred to FLF for referral to CCRC (RFM) 41 Parties to split the costs OTHER -- . TPlather pending Sa Macular Dane AecucdA Countw ‘ease COZEMLOOOIEA 12 The child support issue is reserved regarding ongoing and retroactive support and shall be heard at a later date in family support court as scheduled by the custodial or moving parent or DCSS in near future MOTIONS/ORDERS 1 C Stipulation reached & so ordered 2 C1 Petn/Resp sworn /testified to determine jurisdictional BD Vpdated declaceHor iacldias a Koval laws udse's name. Feba EPORTER: @. Vereis facts for granting dissolution/nullity 3 C1 Issues Bifurcated. Court orders termination of marriage 40 Other issues reserved 5 0 Marriage dissolved 6 O Marriage annulled 7 Don grounds: 8 All current/temporary orders remain in effect O pending hearing 9 CO Restraining order granted for yrs; defendant advised of rights and consequences. 10 CD Atty fees of $ Costs $ to be paid by. to . forthwith at $ per mo. beg. 11 0 Dismissal — Lack of Prosecution (DLP) 12 O Dismissal — Other 13 O Change of Venue to 14 0 Case Consolidated (COAH) w/ 15 O Atty Appt. for Minor(s) (CACC) 16 Cl Appt. 730 eval. (AECE) 17 O Court issues notice of related cases:, SUPPORT ORDERS (_) SUPPORT MODIFIED 10 Child support to be paid by to in the sum of $ per mo. for a total of $ Beginning 20 Child support modified to per mo. beginning 30 Family support to be paid by to in the sum of $ per mo., beg. 40) Spousal support to be paid by to in the sum $ per beginning 50) Parties to pay half uncovered medical, dental & eye Care 6OParties to split cost for day care during working hrs 7 to prepare formal order 800 Moving party is ordered to serve DCSS W/OSC filed 9DBoth parties to file & serve DCSS w/l&E by__ 4100 Settlement conference held; case settled O See attachment cus boda Ocd es ard Alane. Ace nde | cov-hy peowrde notice « oS