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  • AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC vs BANK OF AMERICA NA et al document preview
  • AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC vs BANK OF AMERICA NA et al document preview
  • AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC vs BANK OF AMERICA NA et al document preview
  • AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC vs BANK OF AMERICA NA et al document preview
  • AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC vs BANK OF AMERICA NA et al document preview
  • AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC vs BANK OF AMERICA NA et al document preview


’ eo: . SP feta heme ge > , yo. . no FF f was wT yey, Co a JUL 10 2007 $ bg . ? - AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 12TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND Plaintiff, ‘7 {2Q@O7 FORSARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA VS. T° eB CASE NO. BEDRI BEGANI, et ux., et al., Defendant(s). Yecouit ea “ee EA fee —v SUMMONS PERSONAL SERVICE ON A NATURAL PERSON Serve: JOHN DOE 3485 PARKRIDGE CIRCLE SARASOTA, FLORIDA 34243 IMPORTANT A lawsuit has been filed against you. You have 20 calendar days after this summons is served on you to file a written response to the attached Complaint in this Court. A phone call will not protect you; your written response, including the above case number and named parties, must be filed if you want the Court to hear your case. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case, and your wages, money, and property may thereafter be taken without further warning from the Court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may call an attorney referral service or a legal aid office (listed in the phone book). If you choose to file a written response yourself, at the same time you file your written response to the Court you must also mail or take a carbon copy or photocopy of your written response to the “Plaintiff(s)/Plaintiff's Attorney" named below. aes WEIGHT HEIGHT SPEAR AND HOFFMAN, P.A. AG ees 9700 South Dixie Highway, Suite 610 E ence HAIR nn Miami, Florida 33156 Ph.: (305) 670-2299 — Fax: (305) 670-9503 THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO EACH SHERIFF OF THE STATE: You are commanded to serve this Summons and a copy of the Complaint in this lawsuit on the TN Defendant(s). vas Wah Ee KUSH ING, CLERK 4 1 ok FANT & COUNTY CY RTS DATED ON JULY (SEAL) AUB-C-405/bao YES a \ (0) ee MILITARY NO ..IMPORTANT A lawsuit has been filed against you. You have 20 calendar days after this summons is served on you to file a written response to the attached complaint with the clerk of this court. A phone call will not protect you. Your written response, including the case number given above and the names of the parties, must be filed if you want the court to hear your side of the case. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case, and your wages, money, and property may thereafter be taken without further warning from the court. There are ot requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know ana may call an attorney referral service or a legal aid office (listed in the phone book), her legal ttorney, you If you choose to file a written response yourself, at the same time you file your written * - response to the court you must also mail or take a copy of your written response to the — “Pilaintiff/Plaintiff’'s Attorney” named below. IMPORTANTE Usted ha sido demandado legalmente. Tiene 20 dias, contados a partir del recibo de esta notificacion, para contestar la demanda adjunta, por escrito, y presentarla ante este tribunal. Una llamada telefonica no lo protegera. Si usted desea que el tribunal considere su defensa, debe presentar su respuesta por escrito, incluyendo el numero del cas0 y los nombres de las partes interesadas. Si usted no contesta la demanda a tiempo, pudiese perder el caso y podria ser despojado de sus ingresos y propiedades, o privado de sus derechos, sin previo aviso del tribunal. pene personal denominada abajo como “Plaintiff/Plaintiff’s Attorney” (Demandante o Abogado del Demandante). IMPORTANT Des poursuites judiciares ont ete enterprises contre vous. Vous avez 20 jours consecutifs a partir de la date de l’assignation, de cette citation pour :deposer une response ecrite a la plainte ci-jointe aupres de ce tribunal., Un simple-coup de telephone est insuffisant pour vous proteger. Vous, etes obliges de deposer votre reponse ecrite, avec mention du nemero de dossier ci-dessus et du‘nom des parties hommees ‘ici, :si vous souhaitez, que le-tribunal entende votre cause. Si vous ne deposez pas votre reponse ecrite dans le relai requis, vous requiez de perdre la cause ainsi que votre'salaire, votre argent, et vos biens peuvent etre sasisis par la suite, sans aucun preavis ulterieur du tribunal. Il y a d’autres obligations juridiques et vous pouvez requerir les services immediats d’un avocet. Si vous ne connaissez pas d’avocat, vous pourriez bureau d’ assistance juridique (figurant a l’annuaire de telephones). Si vous choisissez de deposer vous-meme une reponse ecrite, il vous faudra egalement, en meme temps que cette formalite, faire parvenir ou expediter une copie do votre response ecrite au “Plaintiff/Plaintiffs Attorney” (Plaignant.ou a son avocat) nommee cidessous, -_ en ad= Quick Status Document Print Page 1 of 2 A” ProVest, LLC 202 S. Rome Ave. Suite 150 Tampa, FL 33606 f#: AUB-C-405 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA PLAINTIFF AURORA LOAN SERVICES, LLCETC., ET. AL., VS. DEFENDANT BEDRI BEGANI, ET UX., ET AL. ET. AL., DEFENDANT TO BE SERVED: JOHN DOE CASE NO 2007-CA-008006-NC TYPE OF PROCESS (x) SUMMONS & COMPLAINT (x) LIS PENDENS DIVISION C ( ) OTHER Received this process on the 07/10/2007 at 10:00 AM I ( )served (x)notserved the within named defendant. DATE/TIME: 7/20/2007 9:40:00 AM ADDRESS WHERE 3485 PARKRIDGE CIRCLE SERVED SARASOTA, FL 34243 (OR ATTEMPTED) (x) NON-SERVICE: By return the same on 7/20/2007 9:40:00 AM for the reason that after due and diligent search through the following methods the within named could not be located: Immediate neighbors, telephone book and information operator, U.S. Postal search, local credit bureaus, Drivers License and Department of Motor Vehicles. ( ) Military Status: ( ) Refused ( )No ( ) Yes Branch: ( ) Marital Status: ( ) Refused ( ) Not married ( } Married ( ) Married, but separated (x) Mobile Home ( ) Yes/VIN Not Visible (x) No ( ) Yes Vin: COMMENTS: VACANT I hereby certify that I am not a party to the above action or suit and | am over the age of 18 years and the above affidavit is true and correct. "Under penalties of perjury, I de have the foregoing document and that the facts stated in it are true." F-.S. 92.5; xX i L717 to and Subscribed before me A. 2) 4 d /\ i A i 7 PEA A iy } larof Certifidd Process Server # 297 TOM LOVELL County SARASOTA TO ME sof, STEPHANIE GANZIANO : BR vs: MY COMMISSION # DD 612128 “se@Sac- EXPIRES: March 6, 2011 “Ox Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters 1a" WSO Aereee https://www. 7/22/2007