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  • AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC vs BANK OF AMERICA NA et al document preview


AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 12TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND Plaintiff, FOR SARASOTA COUNTY, VS. FLORIDA BEDRI BEGANTL, et al., CASE NO. 07-CA-8006 NC Defendant(s), AFFIDAVIT OF COSTS / STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE ) Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared, L. JOSEPH HOFFMAN, ESQ., who after being first duly sworn deposes and says: 1. I am L. JOSEPH HOFFMAN, a member of the law firm of SPEAR & HOFFMAN, P.A., the attorneys for the Plaintiff in this action; that I have personal knowledge of the costs advanced by the Plaintiff or in the Plaintiff's behalf in connection with this foreclosure. 2. The cost for the subject foreclosure are as follows: Mon ge SF een Filing Fee $ 277.50 BRE B® O Service of Process $ 450.00 * QE 3 cS Abstracting, Title Examination og" oOo wD ee 0 & Tax Search $ 305.00 SS 2 a -~} — 505 YY © TOTAL: $ 1,032.50 3S r- eB Qa —_J3 Oo L. JOSEPH 4OFEMAN The Affiant, L. JOSEPH HOFFMAN, who is personally known to me and who did take an oath has sworn before me this 5th day of SEPTEMBER, 2007 that he has personal knowledge of all the statements that he has made in this affidavit, and that all statements-are true a rrect. U Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: /dca wily, DAISY C, ABRAHAM ie MY COMMISSION # DD 394043 Hes. pu at EXPIRES: February 17, 2009 | os pe Rae Bonded Third Nétsry Public Underwriters Narre ate gartany a res