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  • AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC vs BANK OF AMERICA NA et al document preview
  • AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC vs BANK OF AMERICA NA et al document preview
  • AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC vs BANK OF AMERICA NA et al document preview
  • AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC vs BANK OF AMERICA NA et al document preview


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 12TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 2007 CA 8006 NC AURORA LOAN SERVICES, LLC Plaintiff, Om VS. wn wT. BEDRI BEGANI AND MILENA BEGANI, one HIS WIFE; BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.; et al, SE Defendants. c AFFIDAVIT OF INDEBTEDNESS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Loarr 4 (Victtbne , who being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. Affiant is an employee of the servicing agent of the Defendant, BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., and is personally familiar with the loan, which is owned by the Defendant and is the subject matter of this action. The information hereinafter given as to the indebtedness arising by virtue of the execution of the note and mortgage sued upon in this action is contained in the original books and records maintained in the office of said servicing agent. Affiant has personal knowledge of the books and records of the servicing agent and how they are maintained as they relate to the mortgage loan owned by Defendant. These books and records include data compilations of the payments, including escrow payments and advances made and received on the mortgage loan in question, and are kept in the course of a regularly conducted business activity by said servicing agent. The entries are made at or near the time that each payment is received by persons with knowledge of the information being recorded. It is the regular practice of said servicing agent to make these entries at the time the payments are received. Affiant has actual and personal knowledge of the facts stated herein and is authorized to make this (ivi Affidavit. 07-142262. There is now due and owning to the Defendant upon said note and mortgage and following amounts: a. Principal balance on the note and mortgage $ IAY 9214. ¥ b. Accrued interested $ ¥,aAA. FO c. Advanced Charges Amount $ d. Late Charges $ 147 8X e. Property inspection $ f. Miscellaneous Charges $ 570.00 TOTAL ¢ 133,440.24 STATE OF Wel Cony [va ) SS COUNTY OF Cul Lond ) -T Sworn to and subscribed before me this X { day of oven , 2008, who is personally known to me \~, or has produced the following identification My commission expires: ( + “2004 => NOTARY PUBLIC, 07-14226os : | - oe RECORDED TN OFFICJAL RECORDS _ INSTRUMENT # 2006027224 10 Pos. * to - : ' 9006 FEB 10 05:13 PA Ke KAREN E. RUSHING A CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SR eerie, || 4 “ IRN Receip j OOPS PRLS BI “> Dor Stamp-Hort: 175.00 5 ; HEN RECORDED MAIL TO: facord and Return To? Intana. Fax: 100.00 (6 ‘ | | Services BS / Iniaprated Loan : 27 tr«ood Rosd oe (4 Rocky Hibl» CT 0626? (} a Ee ae (A H. This Mortgage proparad try: i. Nome; TIA ELMORE i Company: Bank ot Amatica, NA. j Addrass: FL2-002-01-02 6700 LAKEVIEW CENTER DR. TAMPA, FL 33679-0000 a} _ 4. i TT a MORTGAGE ; i " FOR USE WITH SECURED REVOLVING CREDIT AGREEMENT (‘i | MAXIMUM LIEN. The total amount of Indebtedness secured by this Mortgsge may decrease or Increase {rom Oo tino to time, but the maximum amount of principal Indobtedneus which moy bo outstanding at any one tima Ty shall not excerd $100,000.00, plus interest,.and amounts expanded or advancdd by Lendor far the payment of: a i qaxog, loviesorinsurance ob. the :Proporty, "and Intorast ait:such amaunts.e: nice tote Dees cin Page Mh ta te hea epee Pe ages, cee Eset SEE ST et wee Rete GF dsb ype lle qed Dune attr eet Stig gh daha tty “hey ole be ag air Pests aa bytecode WF 4 tee vk eC “THIS -MORTGAGE ‘dated ‘Novembdr -4,"2005. dg ‘niado” and: executed:-betwean- BEDAL BEGAN! ;AND :MILENA :;.. f hei alt feces “BEGAN! MARRIED TO.EACH OTHER, WHOSE: AODAESS [S-8330:88TH "ST. 4H, WOODHAVEN, Nyi-1 1424 ge le {refarred: to bolow as: “Grantor") and Bank:-of ‘Amarica,’ N.A., Charlotte, NC 28255 (rafarrad ta below as “Lendar”). GRANT OF MORTGAGE. For vniveablo consideration, Grantor marigogas to Landar all of Grantor's sight, da, ond Interest in ond to tho followings doxciibad soo! ptaporty, toyotiier with all axisiing oF subsequantly cractod or alfixed buildings, improvemanis and iixturos; all cosumunts, fights of way, and aprurienanens; oll water, walnt tights, waiescaursos and diteh eights Uncludiag stock In udllilex with dich or Itrlpation tights}; ond all othar sights, royalties, and pratita sclaring to thu rual proparly, Including without Iinitatlon all minorals, oll, gas, geathormal aryl similar inatters, (the “Real Proporty”) locatad in SARASOTA County, State of Florida: USE EXHIBIT A THIS IS NOT THE PRIMARY ADDRESS OF THE GRANTORS OR BORROWERS . mF Tho Roal Property or its addrass is commonly known as 3485 PARKRIDGE CIRCLE 1703, SARASOTA, FL 34243-0000. REVOLVING LINE OF CREDIT, This Mortgoye secures thn Indebtodnoss Including, without Itmitotton, a savolving lina of cradit undor which, . upon request by Grantor. Lander. within twonty (20) yours from the date of thin Mongage. may maka fulnea advaneos to Grantor. Such | future aduances, tagather wills Intarest thorean, ara securod by this Mortgage, Such advances may he moda, topald. and ramada trom - dan to tls, subject to the Gmiltation that the total outstanding balance owing ot any ons tima. not including Minaneo cliargss on such Ualonen at 9 fixed or vasishlo cole of sum as provided in tha Crodit Agreoment, any teinporory ovaragex, othor charges. and sny amounts expondod oF sdvanced as provided In ollhtor the Indabiadnose perogroph of this paragraph, shalt not sxcoad the Credit Limlz a8 providod In the Crodlt Agrasmant, ft ty tha intention of Grantor ond Condor that this Mortgago secures tho botance outstanding undor’the Crodit Agrecment from tims to time from 2e70 up ta the Crodit Limlt a3 provided In the Credit Agraament and ony Internmadiate hatance, Grantor prosantly sssigns to Landar alt of Grontor's eight, title, and intorest in ond to oll prasant and {uture lonsos af tho Proparty and oft Rents {rom the Property, In additlon, Grantor grints to Londar o Unitotn Commearciol Cove sacutity intarest fn the Porsonol Property und Flonta. . ot THIS MORTGAGE, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENT S$ AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, | 8S GIVEN TO SECURE {A} PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND (B) PERFORMANCE OF EACH OF GNANTOR'S AGREEMENTS AND | OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE CREOIT AGREEMENT WITH THE CREDIT UAIT OF $50,000.00, THE HELATED DOCUMENTS, AND THIS MORTGAGE. THIS MORTGAGE IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS: whose, nddress;ia 100 North: Tryon, Sweet. of eenitepo dda, re . 8 é MPO Sot tol hoettional ty GC day pation of ha Prapatty. “Wihotit Uniting thadadetalny ol Mh forag ning, Grantor will not remavu, 4 “ao ba * e* em fe , : *, MORTGAGE Loan No: 68211057887399 (Continued) Paga 2 PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Earept as oltievase provided mn this Motlgage. Grantor shnll pay to Lender alt umaunts socurad by ins Mortgage os ihey become due anid shall suictly narform alt of Grantur's abligatians undur ths Kur iepagger. POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Grantor ogreos that Grantor's possussinn and use nf tha Propaorty shall be governor hy the fotoveansy povisiang: Passnsaton and Uso, Unil Grantor's brlurast incany ar al of tn Proporty is furaciosud, Grantor mnny 11) tumain in possnssiun anil Couerul of the Propurty: (2) use, aperate or manage wie Propartys nnd (3) colact tho Rants fom the Pronartty. Diny to Moietain, Grnvor shall mmitiin the Property i geod Candtion om! prompily gadonn al) raonrs, rapincumunts, and (raintanwincu NUCUSHty to pPraLurve vs valuL, Conipliance With Enviionmontl Lows. Grane coprasanin ond veoreants to Lender thet: (2) Dutiny au pareet of Grantor's ownutslip af the Proparty, thuse hns boen 10 vse, generation, monuwarturn, sioge, tammant, disses, rloase of uautunotd tulsasu of any Hivatdous Substance by ony gusson on, unidur. aboul vs from sho Propuety: 12) Gsantne hos eu KHOwiledyu ws, es sengen in Inova thot thusa has buen, except as pravigusly thsclosne io and acknawlatyed by Lande: in wentuing, fab ony Ureuch ur viotation of any eAvienmental Laws, ()) any usa, gonuteknn, miniulactuts, slorago, teanunt, disgusal, raluasy or thernlanud rotuume of any Hnzafoun Substance ast, under, ataut or drum ot Peopty bry aity pio ownars a Occup Of tha Properly. or tc} any aActuul of Witgntanad Migatian ar claims of any kind by any gassen tulatiany to such imatiens: und 3} Excupt a9 previously disclosiud to anid ocknowledqud by Lunifar in weitingt. da) nahi: Grantor ant any toning, contector, oyant or ather authorzud unut of thy Propurty shall usu, gunuraty, munuincture. Stand, test, usposu of ns ealnasy any Hazardous Sutawnes on, undur. ateut of trom the Propurty; ond |b) ony such activity shell bu cantuctud in conmplince wits ol applicnbta fuderal, stute, anil tvenl tawe, segulauons ond ordinoncus, ineluding veithout bawtation all Envionmental Laves. Grantor suthorizns Lundur and US OALUNIS ta umMtor upon the Property 10 Innko such inspackuns and tusts, at Graniar's qxpunse, us Lander may duem ARoprinte ta datarming compliance of the Propusty wih UuS sucton of the flurigoagy. Any tnspuctians ae tests mada by Londus shalt be for Lenders purposus onty and shall not be Consirues) to create any responsibilty or Naluinty aa tie part at Louder tea Granior or to any one person. Thiet mnprorontnions mand wotrantus contained hwrain oro Onged on Gronies’s duu udiqunce ub investiyatiag se Proponty for bazndous Substances, Grantor horoby (1) ratonsoy and witivas any future efoims nymiest Lander for indemnity et coatdnaion fp the uvesit Grantor bacomus Jiable for Cleinup ot uthur casts under any such taws: and (2) agen to indumnity newt hold heemboss Conitur uywiast any nnd all cinims, Jossuy, Hinwilius, dregs, peoiiers, cel cxguesed veltich. bauer may diruetly or mdiiuedty sustain ar sullus resultmy fram on breach of this section al tha Mortgeagn ar as a consiyuuncu of any use, ganueation, manulacture, storie, disposal, calnusi or threatunud soloase occuring porto Granian’s ovwnueship an anturst in the Propurty, sahather or net ite same was or should have boon known lo ° Grantar, The provisions af .thm sucnun of tho Miostyjaga,.including the obhgntion to indaumnily, shail Survive tha poaymunt of the =. Indabtudnogs and the sanustuctitin ond fuconvuyance of the tor of This Mortage amt shall new ve abfectud ty Lenddur's acquisition of a, 2 ALY AALS? oy NG, Propurty. whothns Oy Jorucionuie.o2 othurwisuita jt. Peds tte OL Rak ca Taree at! . . ee he : ahs + reat? aoe at yar 4 aan +,r bee © Hy y Crag t ' twee gay wtp dk '; er pardey ad. _— So “ Dg gS wee ‘ ee te tee Ce te be a tee et heey "ir ge ee th ee ete gt lt, oye, tener e “Nulsonco, Waste. Gronior stall not eause, conduc or permi) gay nuisnitce nor consmut, ‘pismit, or'sullit pily Aidnping Ot.or AWa5te-on : of gran, to i“ ft et ws yaen, ator tack pioduct shit eg Mae Ty any OUwe patty he. sight su: sumoves any. dinber, minerals. fineludngiall “Und gosh, -conk clny.! Bean, soil! qiay i wed ove ‘ atone Lendiur's nor writldn cansiynt. Cle eat ot, ui * *- "*« . . ” . ir “a . t és 8 : Taeg . ? 3 _o 7 “ res HUE : . '. . : : Pan eee “fer - : roe . ‘ f . . —, Romoval of tiiiprmvements. Grantor shalt not dunmalish ar eumove any tmpravemonts fram whi Reot Prosiuzty without Lenudue’s pring waiten consent. Aso candition to the removal of any limprovernuniz, Lanidur rly Woguire Grantor io Moke atrangumonts satisfactory to Lasifur to raglacu such Inyurevunieris with biprovamunts of at last uqunt valu. Landor’s Aight to Enter. Conver anid Conder’s gents non repranuntistives may anti apa the Real Penporty at oll suasunnhte tires to mtont tu Leeder’s iatarasin od to inspect the Real Prapurty for puponESs of Graniors compliance wih the tuns and conditns ol this Mareguge. Subsaquant Lians., Grantor shull oot allow any subsaquant linns or morgagus of all of aby Noon al tha Property without tho grins writtan cansont of Lundur, Compfianca wih Govarntmontol Fonuiraninnts, Grantor shall pramptly comply evith alt tnvws, onuumnces, and sagulinons, atv or hurubitar iy ulfani, of al yovurnmiunial suvionges appbcaliie io the use oF eccupaicy al the Propunty. Geanins may cuntast in good fait iny such low, ordinance, os ragutation nu wabthold camplioncu dudng any Hrocauchey, including npnronints appeals, so long as Grantor as notlived Lendur in writing gies to doing se nt. so ling as, on Luntiar’s sole njnmun, Landar's inturustis in the Propurty ary Not jJuopardiseck Landar may rogues Guintos to pot udaquieta sucumty ar a nyity bond, tonbonnbly yousinetery to Lunar, to protect Luetdus's intueust. Cuty to Psotoct, Grantor agreus nother te sbundon of lod unnttenmtod the Property. Grantor shnit do atl omer acts, In udditton to rose acts sot fosth abavo fn thic saction, which tom thu eSurnctar ani use at tho Propurty nru cansonubly nucessary to pratoci and prasdrva tho Propetty, DUE ON SALE - CONSENT DY LENDEN. Lenttur may. ot Londes’s optiun, ductors immediately duu-and poyrble af suns sonurad by tis Marignga upan tke ale or transis, veithout Landue’s poor wetitiun consant, at off ar any part of the Read Propurty. or any interast in the Rual Propusty. A “sale ar feartsior” ongans the canvayence of Ryal Peaparty of any Hoh nde or intusas. in the Real Propurty; whothor lupo, banulicinl of equitable: whether voluntary of involuntary; vwhulhnr by ownght sala, davd. installment saty contract, land cumtract, contract Jor ued, fonsehold inturest with o term grenter Uinn tteee (9) yeors, lause ontion cuntracs, oF by ghle. assignainsy, of transfur of any Durngiciol intesans in of to any land trust holding ttle In (he Nual Property, of by any other eli of convaynnce ef an interest in he Rai Propurty. Hoveuvur, tus option shall not ti aauelsed by Lender il such omergisu ls prohibited by ladnrat lave ot by Flaridn lav, TAXES AND LIENS, Thu following geavisians reiuting te the taxes anit hens on thw Propurty ate part of this Moartaniya, ‘ 33 "Be 4 “gh ae + og te + oe. ” ey te tes *, fey “ seis bye ge de os . a) 4 . a tay ' ge hpi tea BS, TP REL eS 7+ a io" ss soley eye we vob a 4 4 ek, Mat eS et. cay. be ve” msg fe dts “os “ee : . Vs UTE WT leo setpeg” “at . - MORTGAGE oft Loan No; 68211087881395 {Continued} Pages “ a J Paymont. Grantor shall poy whon duo tond in all avants prior 10 ‘detinquency} all loxus, paytall taxas, spacial 12x08, ossossmanis, 4 water charges and sowar sorvica chorgos lovied against ar on accaunt af the Penporty, and shall pay when dus ail claims ter work , done on or for satvices rendured or matetlal furnizhed fo tho Proparty, Grantor gho'l maintain the Proparty froo ol ony Vane having 4 pilorty avar or oqual to thu Intornst of Londer under this Elortgags, axcupt tor tho Existing indubtodnuss raferrad to In this tAantgnaga or those fians apacitically ogrend to in whiting vy Lender, and oxcapl lor tho Ulan of teans ond assnasimans Nol duo as lusthor spacifiod in the flight to Contest pormgroph., Right to Contest. Grantor may withhold payment of ony tex, assasamant. OF claim in connuetlon vith 6 good folih disputn aver tho abligation ta poy, $0 long as Londar’s intareat In she Propany is not jooparuized, I a lian arises oF is fited as & rasult a? nonpayment, Grontor shail within tifiven (15) days oliur the Won arises of, Ito Hen ls fied, within Moan (15! daya oiicr Grantor bas nailce of the fling, aucuta tho discharge of ihe het, or Wi raquosted by Londes, deposit with Landor cash of 6 sufficiant comonsia suraty bond or orhar aucuity satistactory fo Lendur in an amoutt eutfictant to discharge tho Han plus any costs Bad reasonable atlornoys’ fees. oF othut Ghatges that could actruo af 6 sonult of a foractosuro of sslo undar tha len. in any contest, Grantor shall defand lesal? ond Londor and shoil entisty any advorso judptnont batare onforcamont against Ihe Fropetty. Grantor soit apma Longar ga on avuitional oblijae undor any SuruTy bond tumniehod In the conics! prucoadings. Evidence of Payment. Grantor shail upan domand furnish to Lower satisfactory ovidence of paymant af tho toxas oF ossossmanis and shall nuthorizn the spprogsliato govarnmental alficial ta dativor to Lanuur al any timo o written statomant of tho ipkos ond assosamants opeinat tho Progutty. Notice of Canstiuction. Cenntor shall noty Landor ot fuast fiteuon (15) days balaso any wark is commonead, uny sorvicos ate tuinlstred, or any materiols are suppilad to the Proparty, U any mushanic’s Uva, materlatmen’s lien, or other tion could bo assemad on account of the work, sorvicaa, of matarials, Grantor will upon raquost of Lender furnish to Londor advance ousurancos eatistactory to Lander that Grantor car and will pay the cost of such improvemenis. PAOPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. Thu tollowing gsovislons relating to insuting th Proporty ofe & part of this Fortgagn: Maintenance of Insurance. Grantor shall pracuio and mainteln policles of lita insurance with standord extnmdcd coveroya ondorsomonis on a rapiscomont baste for the full Insurable valuc covaring afl improvomonta on the Root Proparty tn a amount sufficlont to svoid application of any colrsurence clause, and with o stontstd martigngua clause in favor of Lander. Pollclas sholl bo writtun by such Insuranco companies and in auch form as may be consonnbly acceptable to Lander. Grantor shall dofiver to Londor coriiicates of covernge from asch Insuror containing © stiputatton that coverage will not-bo canceliad ar diminished without a minimum of ttrty (30) doys* prior writtan potico ta Lendar and not contalning any disclaimer oi the Insusor’s Hability for (altura to give we Ruch noveo. Each insurance policy also shall include an andorseimont providing that covaraye in favor of Landur will sot ba Impalsad in . sny way by any act, omission of dafault of Grantol, or any olor pirsdg. Should the Real Peaporty be fycatad designated by pes... (ho -Dirattor of the. Fadasat-Emorganey. Monogomant, Agency 18 w spacial tlaod hazard area, Grantor 591005, 10 ahtain and muintaln we Gt vos oosat 7. Poorest: Flood: Insuranco, i available, within 45 ‘days oltur natled is givan‘biy: Landor-that tho Fropatty Is tocatad In-a.spociol-fload pF ate Baa i Snaterd roa, “teesthezmoximom amount ol your, cradle: tne: adztha dott: unpaid ‘prlieipalcbateneo of any: prlor.lluns on. We; PrOROMV iesgen. apis Ble ees tea hap touting thajloan:-up 10 the. rigcimun poly ‘liiia* sot” onor ‘thd National Fide" insurance; Progror. oF na colhaiwilso: raquitad bys ai sigue ih a Lahatat, and 10 maintain such inéurance for the tuin Gl tho-toany- > mheetphegsdsben sk bk Nard Bag Tae s Feeau ees Sl! pty utes Appileation of Proceeds. Gsontor chall ‘promptly nollly Lander of any loss.or dumtge to tha Property if:tho osiima tow cost of fapdir of » eoplocamant oxccads $10,000.00, Lonvar may moka eroal of toss if Grantor foils 10. do so within littoon (15) days ‘ol-tha casualty. — - Con out Whother or nat Londar'a socurity Is impaltad, Lendur may, at Lendar’s olaction, racalvo and retain tha pracouds of any Insurance ard apply the proceeds lo tha reduction af iho Indeblodasss, poyment of any lion affecting tha Property, of the rostoratian anil tapolr of tho Proporty. Wf Landes olocts to apply ihe proceeds to raatoralion ond cupasis. Grantor shat ropalr ar ruplaco tho damoged or dostroyad improvemonts ino monner galisinctory ta Landor. Landes ahail, upon sailsfaciaty proof of auch oxpanditure, poy of raimburse Grantor ltom the procesds for tha ronsonabis cost a! sopais or costoration i! Groator is not In dnloult under this fdotgagu. Any ntocands which have net bean disbuancd within 180 days aftar tholr recoilpt and which Lendor hos net commitrad to thy ropait ar castoration of tha Property sholl bo used treat to pay ony amount awing (a Londar under inla Mortgage, then ta pay eccrund intosost, and tho iamaindor, if sny, shail be applied to the pilncipat balnnea of tha Iniohiadnass. tf Lundor holds ony aroccods oftur poymant ier full of tha Indubtodness, such procauds afiall bo pold to Grontur os Grantor's Intorosts moy appoar. Compliance with Existing indebtadness. Ouring tho pariod in which soy Existing Indablodness doscribod bofow ts in altact, compllanco with tho insusooce provisions contained In the insicumont avidonclag such Exlsting Indeuradness sholl constitute complionce with the insurance provisions undor this Mortgage, to the oxtant camplisney with tho lorms of this Murtgape would constitute o duplication of Insurance soquiromont, If sny procoods tom the Insuronce bacomo paynblo oa loss. tho pinvisions in this Mortgog2 for division of atacands sholl apply only to that portion of the prucccds not poyablo to tha holdor of the Existing Invabtodness, LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. (f Grantor foils {A) tw keop thu Proparty ftoa of olf taxes, fanz, security Intasosts, encumbrancas, ond other elolms, 18) to nrovide any raquirad Insurance on tho Proparty, {C} ce maka sopalss to tho Proparty or te comply with any abligaiton to mainjain Existing indattednase in good standing as toquizod bolaw, thon Lander may do no. {i ony acilon of proceeding Is commancad that would matarloily atlact Londer’s Ininrosta In the Froparty, then Lander on Grantor's bohoft may, bul ls nat saquirad to, taka any action What Londar bollaves 10 be appropriate lo protect Londor's Intarasts. All axpanses incuttad of pald by Landor for such purposcs valll than buar .° interaat of tho tate charged uodor the Crodit Agraamont irom the dato Incussad ar patd by Laniior to tho datu of ropaymant by Grantor. All auch nxponsas will bocome o part of thy Indebtadnuss and, ot Landor’s option, wil TAL bo prayabla on demand; (0) be adder to the balance of the Cradit Agroumunt sod ba apportioned among arn! bo payabla with any installment payments to bucome duy during althor (4) iho term of uny oppllesbla insurance policy: or 12) tho romolning torm of tha Cradit Agroomont; ar {C}° ba tranted a5 a ballon paymant which will bo due and payablo at tho Crodit Aproomont's matlurlty. Tho Mostgoge also will secure poymont of thaso amounts. Tha rights provided for In this parontaph shall be in ouditian to any athar tights or ony samodias to which Lendor may be oniitind on account of ony dalpult. Any such acilon by-Landar shall nor he constrund os curing tha dufaull so O35 to bor Londor from any romudy that tt othorwiso foes fae . woo. FE“uy, 378 ; ee 7 Nae srenee ss 7, youths cet S44 ge ‘ . . . ety, eee g Ve Lk p, Gholea. ond Gruntor will deivor. or causn. tne: daliverde (O-linuliy suel Instiniiunts, af. ddcumemttion'as moy ou rduustad Wee, = 5 . - Lasseter’ Yam Jim 10. Tine to jiurmel such Harticnntians” rte Ceres td Gp Leta tee Ti egt hy Me . to ‘ it * ’ as ‘ a “ f Ay at ‘ . %, “hh Stee te br on ‘ . (es! J. : fetes tes te MORTGAGE Loan No: 68211057881399 (Continued) Pago 4 WOuld live tinct. WARRANTY; DEFENSE OF TITLE. Tin fallavving provisions ralawng ty Ovnurstip of tht Praperty nua part af this Mortqagu; Titlo, Geanior watrunts that: (a) Grantor tioteds goed und markatabite rit: of secon to the Pronarty in fou Kitnplo, [raw and eluar of af inns and oncumbruncas other ittan these set farihin die Roal Proputty duscrinvon on ia tho Existing Intlabtudness suction belaw or in any Ute insurancn policy. tite report, cr tient vie opsnivn issued in favor of, anil accapiad by, Lanier in conngetion wate ttn Morigiyu. and th) Gramior has the full tight, power, und authanty ty axicute and deliver this fdostyaye to Lautor. Dofonsn of Tilo. Sujuct to the oxcoption fi the pamyrayh ohovn, Geantar warrants anid wall Inrover dafend whe ditty a thu Property AQIS! Hh leevful clans of all presuns, tn the avent any actian or Crocunding m camimonced Une quashons Grantor's wile or thu Intutest of Lunar unter thin Moegayo., Geantor abul? defen the acvat ny Gramor’s expanse, Granta may be ie nairesat purty in Such procvadhiny. dat Landes shall ha antitied to @attiqnmto i the HMocnehag and te da eepigsunted ity ihe procnuiing by caunsal ot Lunder's avn chuicy, and Grantor wel dohwer, ur cause ie be stubead, to Lurder siete ine frementy as Captor query coquesrs from tien ta tima to pormit such particyinnon. Compliance With Laws, Grantor warsinte tiie win Property od Grantor's use ad tha Property complies with all GatshAt, oppheattu lowe, ardinancues, tod foguianons af govemmantal authadtion. Survival of Promises. All promises, nytaamunts, and statumuns Graniar has made on this Mortgaye sthull sume ihe uxecution and dafivery of this HMurtgaygu, snalt be continuing 1 nnture dnd shat ramon in full foreu and ollect UAW sich Uma as Grantor's tndebsuriness Ig proid ine full, EXISTING INDEBTEDNESS, The fotlawing Pedvions cancun Calsting Indakiidiosh are a pet ad this Mortrnnge: ~ oe Existing Lion, The bun of this Mongaigg ancunng die lndedledauns may due sunondiny amr ataor to Uy easing lei Granter’ Capiedsly covunanta and ogeens te pay, or sen to We gaymant of, the Existing Intinbtedavss anit to pravonat tiny sataglt an mush mdublediass, ony walt urate thar ensicamenyy quitansingy such indiutiigdnuss, oF uny dota wider aay security dacuaunts tor suth Indobreadiirss, No WAodiicntion. Grievtor shall aut antur inta any Hyamant wilt the haldes of any etetqage. dead ot wust or other sucutty oylogmoant which us paonty ovo this Mortginy by which that ajtaemant is modiied, amoatad, ttatieestied, uc rasmesad washout iw pier writen consant of Cuodur. Grantor stiotl nents requust aur need any atu advances Lsthie tiny much sucunty geen vatliout the pent waktan consent af Launder. CONDEMNATION. The Jovowing pravinwns rotistiney Lo.conuummilion preraaitings ara wv sinet al (his Mortyayn: ores * tawe - 8, “ . ~_» ¥ it ke a Be ete ne ete . ° : ' . .. pe ye gE bee pe canpfa te Prgcoodings:., We piy procamting 113 readin tod fs -flud) Grinvar shail mematly jatly Lentoc.aeevesaenp, canst Grantor shill goer ) LS ae ery oP OkO SuCh, Ships. ogy may bo nocussiity: ta-ifduni 3 Uw action apd’ obtain € > “Application of Not-Pracoads. $f all ar any part Gt tha Pdpony i cundamndil iy uminant domain nrocseadinga or by nny pidceaiin or purchiss in hue of condemnation, Lender nay tits vleegon TUNG Hine Oi Be any posh Of Ua net proceads of thn owas be Opps wird To (ny Inifubtudtuss of the sepa of restoration of tur Property. Thu net procuuds of the aveatd Shall made Wie avzand alien paymunt of all ruasonable costs, expensus, ond mitamoeyas’ (evn incuged by Lanter in Connectiun watt hu conuenwntion. IMPOSITION OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNIAENTAL AUTHORITIES, Thu follow. provishins rolpung te gavanununtol tomas, lees ane chotges ate o punt of ns Mortgage: . Curront Taxas, Foose and Chargos, Upon enquast ty Lendus, Qeantor uhull vsucute such documents iss adivon te this Mangnge and take walintevar other action ts caqnested by Cand te posece ant cuntiun Lenitue’s finnon tha Rael Property. Granios stall enimburay Lunder for all tasun. ns dusenliuss bulow, tagethar yah all vananias incur In sacerstyy. purfucting ex continuing) wen Murtqage, lucluding vathous Ualinden all mtongdide parsadnys Hapunty (Aas, HocumMantury Stina lax, tats, aad other charges tur rucarding ut ragestaringy thin Morlgagu. Toxes. The folloveing shull consutuie taxes to eich this gerton dpghes: ¢3) am pgevitic tax. meluding waliput tinitohan st Memb pursonal wupurty wx, wpe thio typa od Mangage ae upa oll we any pore of Yn Intelteinosys secured by tha Mortynge: 123 4 specie tax on Grintu: whieh Grantor os outhonzeil of ruquired 18 dedect tom puyinudts on ty Indubtudnuss secured by its typo ot PAoetapegu: (3) a ton on thrs tye of Manguye elurygaohhs ogwnst Wwe kunder of wha holdue of tha Creetit Agtaterunt: and (46 oa spuctic lax on allor any portion af tha Infabtudasss or an payments of wincipn aed intwras) onde by Granrur. Subsoquont Taaus. tanya te vehich Uns sactinn apphus is enncled sublsuquanl to the dot of this Mongags, this event stinll bnve tie sama ntlver ns on Evant of Dufsult, nnd Lunar may oxcresse any or all of ite availablu mmauius tor on Event of Qutuutt ox provided bolow unlaso Grantor nithor (3) pnyo tho tax hetara it bucamus Caliriguent, ar (2) contasts the tax as srovided abovn in the Taxon aad Cline saction and daposita wath Lander castor a suthcinne COMOTAY Lusty Hon Ur ollur sudutly Kotistactory th Londur, SECUAITY AGREEMENT: FINANCING STATEMENTS. Thu following provisiens relpimg te this Mortgage os a sucunty sgigenont area part al this Mortgnygu: . Socurity Aprocmont. This insirutnent shall cansiguta a Sucurtty Agragaiant to thr extent any of the Property constitutes fixtures, und Lander shat Stave all of the nghts of n secured patty under thin Unilonmn Cornnarcial Code os omanedn? fain tne to tinte, Security Intorist, Upon renuust by endure, Grantar stall saku vefiniaver acoon is requested by Lanter to porte and cantinue Lunver's sucurity inturast wn thy Patsonal Propurty. tr adthtivn to fucording this Mostquye in the oul prapuny casos, Landar mby, al ouy time i) coh procnading. “buy: Londitsball bo anutled to partempardln tha pioconding And jo,hocronreiunted sn :thp, praceading by counshl ab hia Gane es SV Aad . , L.the cayzaed,.., Grpntue- orgy Ata abe, nantiond panty al eho es ee1 » epee OL peer Te yates , . , MORTGAGE 7 Loan No: 68211057881399 (Continued) ; oo Pages A a _ 4 Ss camies or mproduatons of the Morgaga a2 a financing antt whbout turttar authorization fram Grantor, ile oxueuted countarparts, copies or roproductions of this Mortgage o5 a financing ° stotomont. Gromor shall celbmburse Lendor for ol) axponses incurrad in porfocting or cantnulng this socurity Interest. Upon default, * Grantor shnit nol tamovea, saver ar dotach tho Parsonal Pronporty ftom tho Proporty. Upon dolault, Grantor shall nssamblo uny Persanaol Y Proparty not otlixed to the Proparty Ing mnnnus and at o place reasonably convertunt to Grantor and Londer ond maka {t available to Londar within three (3) days otier racelpl of svtittan damand fram Londer to the extant permitted by apalicabla low. Addaasea, Tho mating addressea of Grantor {dubtar) and Lander (socurnd pasty) from which information cancerming tho security Intoroxt granted by this Mortgage may ba obtained teach os canuired by tha Unifarm Commarcial Coda} aro as siatod on tho first poge of this Mortgege. FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY-AN-FACT. Tho following ntovigions rolating to further assurances and ottornoy- Intact sro o part of this Murigaga: “7, Further Assuconces. At,any time, and form time to iime, voon raquast of Londar, Grantor will make, axctute and dutlver, or will cause 10 bo mado, oxecuted or dalivarod, to Landar or to Londor's dasignan, ond whan raquostod by Loader, causa to i (od, cocordad, railed, of rorocordnd, os thu coso moy ba, at such times and In such officos and glacus o3 Londer moy doom appropriots, any and aul such martgagus, davds of trust, ascurity docds, sacutily agraomanis, financing statamants, continuntion statomants, Instrumonts ob a furihur aasuranco, cortificatos, and other documonia na may, In thi sofe opinion of Lender, bo nocassory or casiratia [n order to 7: ollaciuaia, complete, portect, conilnuy, oF Mrasorwa (1) Grantor's obligations under tho Crodlt Agraumont, this Mortgage, pnd the ‘ Rolatad Cacumants, snd 12) tho licns and sacurlty intarosts crentad by this Morigoge on the Property, whother nove awnod or herontin: ncquired by Grontar. Untoss prohibited by law or Londar agrans 16 tho contrary In writing, Grantor shall talmburao Landes for all cozts and exponsos Incurtad in connaciion with thi snattoss rofurted to In this porageuph. Attorney: InFact. .U Grantor falls to vo ony of tho things tnfarred to in the pracuding parngraph, Lantos may do so lor ond fn the name ol Grantor nod at Grantor's oxponso, Far such pufpdacs, Grantor haraby Inrovocnbly oppolnts Londar-os Grantor's puornay-in-fact for... (he purpose of makliy. axccuting. dolivoring, filing, racarding, ond doing ajl othar things as may bo nacassary oF doslrabio, in Landor‘s wola opinion, 10 accomplish tho matiats talureod to In Ww pracouing paragraph. . . an = FULL PERFORIAANCE. If Grantor pays all tho Indabtognass whan duo, lorminntas tha credit lino sccount, ard othocwlaa parlorms oll tha obligations imposed upon Grantor under thie Mortgage, Londar stot oxacuie ond oliver to Grantor a aultablo satistocilon of ibis Mortgage nod sultablo stataments of termination of any {inoneiog stniament on filo evidencing Lendor’s security the Ronis and the Personal Progarty. Grantor vill! poy. If parmiied by opalicobie lav, any tonsonatle termination foo os votermined by Londo: from tima to tlma, ‘. 75 eG , ‘ . EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Gr ontor will ba in dofault undar this Morigage if nny af tho jollowirig hoppon: ‘{A} Grantor commits fraud or makos a i] 4; Et Sts tle me "hg: » lie weet, we tet : aw . = % te . boat ~ oe ‘ . + shot . . . ‘man . , Wea a, “1 & sintailal nilajaniasuntailon ALany. tima in connoctlon witht the Crovit Agradmonuii This.canfnclutle, for exnmplo, 9, folse miatoment pboul..7 a ee ry “es eG rantoi's iacoma,.6s6nis, (ionilittas, oF any othr napacts'ol Grantar's lingactal-condifar. (Bt. Grantor dodsinat mac iho rapaymanitoriss! 2500 | ¢ : g eed Fs on Por yg Crodt-Aironmant, (Ch. “Grantors. diction: of inacilonadvoraaly:allocts sie edlincoral-cr,Landor's. sights In the coltatarati: Tale: cae: | Todo: far sxompla, tatlura. tom fatale coquirod Insurtined, wastd' ord stiucilva’ use -of dha Welling, failura lo pay taker, donth Ghalhs al oR |. parsons Hobte'on tha secount, tyonstor of itlo or pata af tho’ dwalling, ctontlan of a‘suniar {onan Iho dwolling ‘Whihour Londora' pormisslanscc Lite : foroclosure by‘the:holdar of anothur lien, or tho usu of lungs. of the. dwalling-for prohibited purnosas...).": a (am ag teat tsa S RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. Upan the eceurrunce of an Evant of Datault and at any tlmo thoreotter, Lendar, ot Lendos’s optian, ©“ ; may exercise sny ano or mare of the follaving fights ond romodios, in addition to any athar rights of romedias providud by laws . . ae . - Accolorata Indebtedness. Londar shall have the right st its option without notice ta.Grantor to dacloro tha ontire indabtednass = Immadiately due and payahlo, Incjuding any propayment ponalty which Graniqr would bo soquljed to oy. UCG Romedivs. With raspact to all ar any part of tho Porsonol Proporty, Lendar shail nava all tho ights-and romadios of a sucurad patty undar the Unifarm Commoarcia! Cove. Appoint Rocelvar. Lender ghal! have tho eight to havo o socolver appaintad to take noxsansion of all ar any patt of tha Propasty, with tho puwar to protect and prasorve the Prapusty, to oparate tha Proporty pracading fotuciosura of onlu, and to colface tho Rants fram ” . tha Proparty end opply tho procoads, ovo? ond above tha cos! of the secaivorship, against tho Indobtodnors, Tho racaivar mby Gav mm without honed IF mummitted by law. Londer's tight to the appointment of a cocoivar shall exist vehathor ar not the appaiunt valuu of tho Proporty axcuods tho Indobrodnass by b substanilal amount. Employmant by Londor sholl nat disquallly a potsan from coving as 4 rocaivar. Judicial Foroclosura. Londor may oblain a judicto} dacean faraclosing Grantar’s Intorest in all a¢ any port of the Property. 7 Daficteney Judgment. Uf pormitod by nppliceble Jaw, Londar may obtain 5 Jedgmont for any daliclancy camolning in the fidebtednasa r duo to Lendor oftur opplicntipn ol 5) amounts rocolvad trom tha oxerciad of tho eights providud In this suction. ‘ rent “Tononey at Sullaronce. If Grantor camains In possession of tha Pioparty altar the Proporty Is sold as provided shove or Londur otherwise bucomos antitted to possossion of tha Praporty upon dotault of Grontor, Grantor shal bocomu o tengnt at sulfarance ob Londor or the purchasor of the Property and shot), o¢ Londar’s option, ulther (1) poy 4 reoganoble contal sore tho us of the Pioporty, oF (2) vacnte the Proporty immadiotely upon the demand of Landor. '* ‘Othar Remedios. Lander shall have all other rights ond remadius provided In this Mortgnyo or the Cradit Agraoment of avallabte ol Inve or in oquity. . , ° Sole of tho Proparty. To the axtont parmitiud by opplicablo flaw, Grontor heraby walves any and alt eight to hove the Proparty ma . marshalled. In axarciaing {ts rights nnd romodios, Londur ahall bo (rus to soll off or any part of tho Proparty togottiar or saparataly, In ‘ ano solo or by scparsio antes. Lonvor sholl ba aniltted to bid as any public solo on all or any portion af the Propurty, rs : ycaltataralis Thisscan? oc yeMORTGAGE Loan No: 68211057881399 {Continued} : Page 6 LS OT ie F HE —=y ap, TT oi ee Seer Notice of Safa. Lender will givy Grantor reasonably nouce of why ting and place af any public sala of the Persannl Proporty az al the time attur which any private sote of olher intundad disposition of the Personal Praparty is to he mate. Reassonablo notice sinl! mean Hotice givurr ut luast tes (10) days bela te time af thy solo or disposition. Any gula af the Personat Piupurty may be made in conjunction with any solu of tha Runt Praparty Efaction at Ramouios. Ail of Lundor’s ngits and sumed will be cumulahve anil may he oxurcisud alany of tayethur. An alectinn by A Leaifue tv chnosxo uny ana rumedy will no. bar Luridtur tran using any olhus rumoady. H Lander docidus to Spurl manny of to purlorn any of Geantor's ablignions uncer this Mertgquye, afige Grantor's folure tu do se, thor docsion by Lanuar will ant aftuet Lussig?'s tog ve p fo tuclon Grangur to dudault and to exorcise Cenitue’s tamiudivs. Attormoys” Foes; Expunsos, Mf Ligier rstitutis any stat or action to enferce any of the terns of tins fMurtynqn, Lander shall ta untied iy recovn such sunt os the coves nny adjudge reasonable us aiiameys® fens at teal oul upon ony epponl, Witrthor ar not any coult nefor +s involved, and ta the extent ood gratitad Uy trv, all tunsonatiy axpansus Landas incurs tht ws Lordue's uplnians ata nucossary ut any Urn for thy pesteckort of is interast oF he Olarcumunt ol Rs aghis shall become a pict of thy tndobiadiess poyoblo on domund anu shat bone intorest nt the Craatit Agseement rote trons tha date ab the naponiiture un tepnin. Expanses covarnd by Uns parograph include, aidtuutfiananon, however subject to aay hots untes eppheably inw, Luntive’s runsunably nttomays’ lies and Landers lagna! oxnonses, whuthar of not tian fs a tavsun. incluting cuasanuhic suomeys' duus and eypensus fer bnnkruptey procuurhings fuichatliny affnria ta modly or vacnta ony qtenwile aiay as inpMehian), appuals, ant any anvCpNIOd soytfudipnor collaction strvicus, iw Gost of searching recotds, obtnining tlle roports liactudiny fnrectosute teporia), surveyors’ reports, and appraisals tous ond tly insurance, to wie extuot pureutiud by opphentite taw. Grantor also valf hay any court cesis. in suvitian ro alt olltur suns provided by lave. aA be givden dA writing, and shat be oftacive vwhun actuilly dchvaratd, yun jictually ra¢uecud by talafacsimile (uninog olluzewine runquired by lave). vehun aposifed with a cntinonily srconnicud avarnight vourias, ar. if anited. whan Cepostod in they Untied Stutus matt, as tirst class, curtitieed or rogistered mad pustaga prapaitd, sheeted to thy adttesses shove nen Ue baginning ol this Morigage. Any person roy chungn his or her nddtss for noncus undue wis Motpayu vy yiveng vatittun catica to Whe othe: PursaN OF PUuESONY, spucilying Ihat ihe purpose af the notica fs to chanye the petsen’s addross, for notice Hurposen, Granias agraes ty ken Lenda: informed mt oll times ot Grantor's currant ofdraus, Unloss athonvise provitted ur enquired by fave of thatu is mare thon onu Grantor, iy nalice glvan by Loniore tn any Granios iy doemud to Wo notice givan to all Grantors. It will Ye Grantor's ssponsiility to tell dhe attines of tho notley fom Lunder. _ BONTITLED SPOUSES AND NON-DORAOWENR GRANTONS. Any Grantor at Trestos wha signk this Daud of Tsust, Morigagy or Madihcation eR 0) (Sacurty Insteumanr) botdoos not oxocute the Note or Crucht Agromont (CNowburfesgor Granter‘oe Triasior): 4a} iB-wigning only to: Hie ci sighant bargain, soll and-conbay, such Nop-tisrowar Grontur's: or Ttusters. Interest: 19 ‘Uw Praposty ‘ 2.5! = 2 <. t ‘ . yt. : = ws! . “ef, , + ** ° ° « a Mea fo (Typed Narie of Notary) [ne March 20, 9CO | | oo Jf ‘ .- we vs a were 7 (NOTARY SEAL. mo ex yt orm et ss Poyk ~ iM * q Mea: ' > - . te 5 s wo eo IEE) aT OER Hinge he ihe orn EA Ya _ 7: ; wt oar a ss See . Beet a net ok ce- me tale - so . sy | . . : :4 . ? at "a! 1; a Da bee e ‘ e a NIOOIFIGATION OF SECURITY HISTRUNENT DocMagic GForce mone | Moe FLYSIBOA G7/B0 Pago I0f3 wrw, Coc ngic. com *‘ ¢ +} de . - * I <, BankofAmeriea te FLORIDA CREDIT LINE ty De eS _ MORTGAGE MODIFICATION x Loe, 2 . o} uf EXHIBIT “A” s . The principal nmount stated as secured by the morigage is changed to $125,006.00 . This snongage ~ cricompasses the modification of no mortgage for a promissory note of line of credit agreement on which the Y docuiientary stamp tax of intangible tax on tie original amount pursuant to Floridis Statutes chapter 201,09()) and a (2) and Florida Administration Code section 120-4.054. This mortgage modification isa renewal montgaye as defined oe in Floridn Adminisientive Code section 12b-1,052(13), This morigage inedificatian also secures advauces of uci on ”. money which, pursumt to Section 201.09 Florida Statutes, os amended by Chapter 98,187, the total ainount of re increase is$ 75,000.00 , upon whieh documentary siatip taxcs tind intangible taxes hove been paid, an ‘ ‘ ° Application Number: 6822 1057881339 I TE . Docktagtc GAsgrar 45413 x7 FLORIDA CREDIT LING fAOR TGAGS MOUWICA TION : CUES wen, docmogic. £om FOUAV BOAew Ppt . “+. "te * _ . Fee et -_—_— _™ . * Are ° Sestinatas ize a- - 7 5, teR™ Rs « 4 ae Se ea —_ = ee * + _ G236FM2Y SCHEDULE "A" TILE FOLLOWING REAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN COUNTY OF SARASOTA AND STATE OF FLORIDA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: - UNIT. 17-203, PHASE 17, PARKRIDGE CONDOMINIUM, ACCORDING TO THE DECLARATION . OF. CONDOMINIUM THEREOF RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS INSTRUMENT NO. 2004046838 AND AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3485 PARKRIDGE CIRCLE UNIT 1703 ~ PARCEL ID: 0020-U1-1166Tr oo 86 om & PTs « BANK OF AMERICA EQUITY MAXIMIZER AGREEMENT AND DISCLOSURE account numer MMM oe ae. “i Borrower: BEDRI BEGAN! Lander: Bank of Aniorlea, NA. t MILENA BEGANI 100 North Tryats Strnat =? 8330 98TH ST 4H Choitotte. NC 28255 (} WOOQDHAVEN, NY 11421-0000 La i A ‘ CREDIT LIMIT: $50,000.00 DATE OF AGREEMENT: November 4, 2006 4 Introduction. This Bonk of Amoticn Equity Maximiser Agroament and Disclasure Staiamem ("Agraament’} governs your fine of cradit (tha {5 “Cradit Line? er the *Crodit Line Account”) iesuad through Bank of Amorica, N.A.. In this Agraemont, the words “Borrower,” “you,” “yout,” and “Agpllcant™ mean oach and ovary purson who signs this Agrcamont, Including all Borrowors named above, The words “we.” “us,” "out," nm and “Londer” moon Bank of Amorica, N.A.. You agree to the following tarms and conditions: . f, Promise to Pay. You promiso to poy Bonk of Amotica. N.A., or ordor, the fota! of all credit advancas and EIVANCE CHARGES, topathor with all costs ond expansas for which you ate rospansible undar thla Agroomant of undo the “Mortgage” which secures your Cradit tine, You will pay your Crogit Lino secarding to tha payment tormns set (orth bolow, [Ef thorn ts moro than ono Borrowar, nach fs jainily ond soveralty fiabla on thls Agroomant. This moans wo can taquiro any Borrowar to poy all amounts dua undae this Agecomant. Including crodlt advances mods te any Borrower. Ench Borrowar outhorizas any other Barrawul. an [tls ar hor signaiure Alone, to cancel the Crodit Lino, to sonuost and racolvo cradit advances, and to do atl athar things nocessary to cory out the torms of this Agrecinont. We con telunso any Borrowat fram raspunsibllity undar this Agroamont, and tho othars will ramain rosponsibia, Farm. Tho tarm of your Crodit Lina will bagin os of the dato af this Agroamant (°Ononing Date") and will continun untit Navambar 4, 2090 ("Moturity Cote"). All Indebiadnoss under this Agreemoant, if nat sliondy paid pursuarit 10 Iho paymont provisions batow, will bo dua and poysble upon maturity. Tha deaw potiod of your Gradit Line wil! hagin on a date, after thn Opaning Dato, whan the Agruainant Is accuptod by us In the Stove ef North Carolina, following tho expiration of tha right to concal. the pastoction of tha Mortgage, sha roculpt of alt mquirad certilicnies af nancancuilntion. and tho maotiny of all of our athar condhions and will continua as folloves; 120 months, You inoy obtain cradit advances during this pucod MDrove Parlod”). Aftar the Draw Paslod unds, the renaymant pariod will begin and you will sto fonger be ably ta obtain csuidit advancos. The lungth of the ranaymunt poriod Is ns follows: up ty 180 months dapanding an the paymunt schadulp set farih boalow. You agreo thot wa may runaw ar oatond the period during which you may olitain crodit ativancas ar minko paymants.- Yau -furthor agra thot wo mny eongw or oxtond your Cradtt Ling Account. Minimum Payment. During tha Draw Pasiod. Tho “Total Minimum Payment Duy” is equal to the Varinhle Rota Botance tAinimumn Paymant ibelov). tha poymant duo, if any, Jot ony oulslanding Fixed Rota Option and ony post duu amounts from prine biting periods. (Soma Flaud [tate Options may hove u dilfarant due tate and are not figured in this calculation of tho Tain! Minimum Paymont Dea.) At ony tima you many pay moe thon the Tato! Minimum Poymant Duy, make aduitions! payments or poy in full or in port (ho Ouistanting Galonca. The “Outstanding Balanco™ tn tho now Unlance of the Crariit Linu (which, HW applicable, Incluigas principat, accrued intercst on tha outstanding principal, teas ang chnigas, Proparty Exponsos {delinod os ony @xponsu which we incur bucouse you do not fulfsll olf obligations of this Agraament or If you or another party dees net fulfil! ol! obligations of the security instrument far the propatly which secutas this Agraemunt) ond any valurtury insurance of Botinwers. - - Protociian TM Plan.) Wo resorve the right to apply paymonts in any monner we choose, without notice Your “Variable ‘Maie- Balance”'is alPates. 7254 ¢- your Outstanding Batancu that fs ant port ol o Fsxad Roto Option. : Scher Fab ne beg Ty pe You may choase any of the falloviny monthly and quartafly Orow Pariod paymont aptions, Yaue billing statement willl satlect tho option you fave chosen, You mav also change your Diaw Parind paymunt optnn ata istus time. ror te ary Vorioble Ante Balance Minimum Paymont - Oopunding an what poymant echudulu option you choosn for the Drow Pusiod, tha Vorioble Rate Bolnnacu Minimum Poymont may vary. The Votinble Roto falance Biinimum Payment wit not be luss than the amount of accruad interast and any voluntary fnyurance, plus ony unpaid foas. Monthly Paymont Optiona: Intarnst Only {Plus Insurance! Option - The Ainimunt Payment will bo the amount of accrucd intnrest, plus ony voluntary insuranca and unpaid fous. 4.5% of Vorlable Rato Qutstanding Balance Option - The Minimum Paymont will bo ona and ono hall purcent 13.5%) of tho Varloblo Rate Outstanding Bolance plus any unpaid foes, or litly dollars (850), whichsvos ig graniur, os th Varioblu Ratio Outstanding Balonco it loss than the Minimum Paymant. Fluod Payinant Option - The Minimum Paymont will be at Inast ano ond eno holt porcant (1.555) of thy Cradit Lino plus any unpaid loos, or fifty dollors ($50), whsiehover is gruatac, or the Vaslablo Rote Oulstanding Balance it fuss than the Minin Payment. Quartaily Paymant Options: latest Only Opilon- Tho Minimum Paymant will be the amount af nccred interest and unpaid lees. 4.5% of Varintlo Mate Outstanding Balance Option - The Misimum Poymont will Oo four and one halt purcant 44.595} af the Varioblo Hate Qutstanding Balones plus ony unpsid favs, ar ano hundred fiity doflass ($150), whichever in qreniar, oF tha Vatintile Rate Outstanding Galance if tesa thon tho Minimurn Paymumnt. Fixad Paymont Option » Tho Minimuni, Poymant viill bu ey feast four end one hol! porcant (4,696) af the Cradn Lino plus any unpaid inos, or ono hundrod (ity dultars (6150), whichuvor is grantes, ot the Vanable Rute Batanca It less than the Minimum Payment. During tha Repaymont Porlod. The poymont traquanny you solact tor thy Draw Puriad is thu samo for the repoymant potind. Tho fongth of the tupaymaont poslod will vary daproding on tha Outstanding Gnlanco ot tho beginning of the rapoyment pnitod, H any Prapatty Exponsos aro Incuttod during the raginymuns puriod ond fF yuu have afty Fixnd Rate Options. The omount of the Total PAlnimum Paymont Oue may vary dun to Incranses or dociwasos In tha tndlax of if thoro ora any Fixed Rate Options thot ramain unpald at tha beginning of tha rapaymunt potiod., You may choose oljhar the following manthiy or quartady rapayment patiod pnynium option Your billing statement will raftact tho option you hava chosen. You may aotso chango your sapayniont porlod paymuint option al 6 Inter timu. Montily Paymunt Option - Tan Total Minimum Paymant Duo will be an amount equal to the granter of five hundrod fifty-five thousondths of ane norcant (0.555%) ar ono ane hundeud ord pighteth (1/180) of the Varioule Aato Principal Balance remaining on tho Inst doy of Ihe Drow Parlod, plus nccrucd Intucast, unpaid fons, unpaid Proporty Expensos and ony voluntary insurance, or fifty doltors 4$60). If thera ara ony Fixod Ratio Loan Options that romain unpold 03 tha stort of tho Ropoyment Purlod, tho Fixud Aatn Loan Option poymants previously ostalitished will cortinua to