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  • Voyager Restaurant Group, Inc. vs. Sonora Petroleum, Inc. civil document preview
  • Voyager Restaurant Group, Inc. vs. Sonora Petroleum, Inc. civil document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Superior TILED Court ofCalifornia COUNTY OF PLACER County of Placer STIPULATION AND ORDER FOR TEMPORARY JUDGE MAR 02 California Rules of Court, Rule 2.831 y: Perr Voyager Restaurant Group, Inc. vs. Sonora Petroleum, 3 Plaintiff(s) / Petitioner(s) Defendant(s) / ResponSaeat ts Case No. S-CV~0035599 The parties to the above entitled cause stipulate and agree this date that the Pro Tem Judge (s) whose name(s) and signature(s) appear below, member(s) of the State Bar, subject to the approval of the Presiding Judge of this Court endorsed hereon, may be designated as Temporary Judge(s) of the Superior Court in the above entitled cause upon taking and subscribing the oath of office below. DATED: 03/02/2018 Parties Plaintiff, Petitioners, Parties Defendants, Respondents, Cross Complainants: SEGAL Cress A Intervenors: Me utLés Yo ROL WAAR. he Atty Party HOG) MH tty es"Si t} f] L] t] tf] 6] {J t] f) €] C] C] ORDER Pursuant to Rule 2.831 of the California Rules of Court, the foregoing selection of the below named as Temporary Judge(s) in the above entitled causg is hereby attorney(s) is/are so appointed, designated and assigned. DATED: 03/02/2018 ; Yo fee OATH For the Office of Temporary Judge of the Superior Court for the County of Placer, I (below named) declare under penalty of perjury that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States d the Constitution of California; that I take this obligation freely without any men vation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duvies upon whkeoh I am about to enter. Executed: 03/02/2018, at Roseville, California. 10820 dee Center Drive Roseville, CA 95678 Revised 7/2008 CACAO