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  • TD Auto Finance LLC Plaintiff vs. Juanita Santana Defendant * CC Damages >$5,000 - $15,000 document preview
  • TD Auto Finance LLC Plaintiff vs. Juanita Santana Defendant * CC Damages >$5,000 - $15,000 document preview
  • TD Auto Finance LLC Plaintiff vs. Juanita Santana Defendant * CC Damages >$5,000 - $15,000 document preview
  • TD Auto Finance LLC Plaintiff vs. Juanita Santana Defendant * CC Damages >$5,000 - $15,000 document preview


Case Number: COSO-18-000104 Division: 61 Filing # 66107987 E-Filed 01/04/2018 02:29:22 PM IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION TD AUTO FINANCE, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. CASE NO.: JUANITA SANTANA, JUANITA SANTANA 6433 RODMAN ST HOLLYWOOD, FL 33023-1762 Defendant. COMPLAINT COMES NOW the Plaintiff, TD AUTO FINANCE, LLC, by and through its undersigned attorneys and sues the Defendant, JUANITA SANTANA, herein and alleges: 1. Ourfile# 42579 This is an action for damages exceeding $5,000.00 but not exceeding $15,000.00 exclusive of interest and costs of this action. The Defendant's, JUANITA SANTANA, principal residence is located in BROWARD County, Florida. On or about, July 22, 2012, the Defendant, JUANITA SANTANA, executed a Retail Installment Contract for the purchase of an automobile whereby Plaintiff agreed to provide the purchase money financing for the transaction. A copy of said contract is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Pursuant with the terms of said contract, TD AUTO FINANCE, LLC agreed to provide JUANITA SANTANA the funds to purchase the automobile and JUANITA SANTANA agreed to repay the loan in accordance with the terms of the contract. Thereafter, JUANITA SANTANA breached the subject contract by failing to make the payments as required therein. *4* FILED: BROWARD COUNTY, FL BRENDA D. FORMAN, CLERK 1/4/2018 2:29:20 PM.****10. 11. 12. Ourfile# 42579 As a result of the breach of the contract by JUANITA SANTANA, Plaintiff exercised its security interest in the subject automobile and recovered possession of same. Said automobile was recovered and Plaintiff notified JUANITA SANTANA of said recovery and their intent to dispose of the repossessed collateral in accordance with Florida Statute 679.611 et.seq. A copy of said Notice is attached hereto as Exhibit "B". Thereafter, with JUANITA SANTANA having failed to redeem the collateral as prescribed in said Notice, Plaintiff disposed of the collateral in a commercially reasonable manner by selling same at a private auction with competitive bidding by ready, willing, and able buyers for such collateral. Thereafter, Plaintiff provided JUANITA SANTANA with an explanation as to the application of all proceeds derived from the liquidation of the collateral and the resulting deficiency balance due as required in Florida Statute 679.616. A copy of said Notice is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". TD AUTO FINANCE, LLC has satisfied all conditions precedent on their part prior to the commencement of this action. TD AUTO FINANCE, LLC has made repeated demand for payment of the deficiency balance from JUANITA SANTANA, yet JUANITA SANTANA has failed and refused to pay same. There remains due and owing from JUANITA SANTANA to TD AUTO FINANCE, LLC the principal sum of $7,570.98 . TD AUTO FINANCE, LLC has retained the Firm of Hodges, Avrutis, & Foeller, and has agreed to pay same a reasonable fee for their services herein and TD AUTO FINANCE, LLC seeks to recover said reasonablegoverning contract. attorney fee from the Defendant in accordance with the terms of the WHEREFORE Plaintiff requests Judgment against the Defendant in the amount of $7,570.98, together with interest, costs of this action, and reasonable attorney’s fees. Ourfile# 42579 Attorney for Plainti P.O. Box 4137 Sarasota, FL 34230 (941) 955-730} . “ \ THOMAS L. AVRUTIS, ESQUIRE Florida Bar #0369365 SCOTT D. FOELLER, ESQUIRE Florida Bar #0002143 Email Service: PEEADINGS@HODGESAVRUTIS.COM HODGES, AVRUT: FOELLER /EXHIBIT A Ourfile# 42579RETA IROTALLHENT SALE COWTHACT aoe woe nae VIGNE (Contmat tumor TT See fag ato emnens Res a, 730-1750 3 30TH NE punters THOT cotupce sins PENBROKE PRE, FL 3009 wig Goan SLES ee aN NS Scee aa cn Phe ta ate een daa Se se RSI Pe ae eset ait tensa = iis Wann intent [ = 2 fecomoe| sew [ott “SE | vonwesemnaee | rmmun tein eee = Reeser wweo | aio | Site romesemsoss [Sears o ' a ERTS =e Deer ae npr S-S%] ¢ 5368.17] ¢ _29492..5)} oor Payment Schedule Wil be ‘anaemia ean para fob aaa Poppe gsm aa Ct enya esa rear inane vee ash muerte Inman Sv ha coz tno Mowat awash saa, noccomamectenis 19 ed wrinkle a wd ean ‘TaramenoF our Tonmnpeagt 082 Beas) sdssis.z6in ‘ aa 1 Septem ese pre on a uk 2 See canoe noc Apu Bo i 1a OR areas — ame aT FB 26 | | ccna slam Goa zadmmints + usBamaiereinisetestrennOr $B = 2 SEER S INTL. eee eretett eee eee a ‘SO ema barat tarred tron pen haa — tone mm ESTAR GAP iiga—— om a= [ier sc sen nine (lca tke icin ranean Sst ogee ree rem | | Oa Stach tory eae enn ean og ek free | | A ‘etn reo ohne ac Ditebe hie ares Linge Siena eed ye Sp9 kt poe - Sigeanedeenosemautertr raat or asic tsctctar at erdesaras = Bees nds aa Wo camera gargs RB Triana] | ABR ASRAIRE COVERAGE coer rae SOS NGtir Mien uke Shigeo gree er neLUaeO Eos ctngme ai sabe reore 'ELLER'S OMT TO CANCEL -BujradCo ujr par, rv lw See Wo Cavel sooo ie bask wien ges he oer harigicto cnet win ce iy —————— No GOOLING OFF PERIOD, Sata aw dona not provide fora “cooing oo” cancelation porid for his sale, After you sign this contract. 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We have obtained the vehucle described below (your vehicle) through enther repossession asa result ofa default under your contract with us or [}_ voluntary surrender of your vehiele, whichever is checked DESCRIPTION OF YOUR VEHICLE Pr 7 Make ene IvEwcLE TOBSTIRICATION NUMER 2010 (CHEVROLET TAHOE 2WD |IGNMCAE38AR130159 NOTICE OF SALE: Your vehicle will be offered for sae, al a private sale beginning on December 22, 2014, and from day to day thereafier until sold, REMAINING CONTRACT BALANCE / RIGHT TO MONEY LEFT OVER FROM SALE: If your vehicle 1s sold, the money we yet from the sale (after paying our reasonable costs) will reduce the amount you owe If we get less money than you owe, you will sll owe us the difference If there is any money left ‘over, we wall pay this money to you, unless we must pay if to someone else ACCOUNTING: If you want us to explain to you in writing how we have figured the amount that you owe us, you may calor write us a the number oF address provided inthis Notice We reserve the righ! (o charge you $0.00 for the explanation if we sent you another explanation af the amount within the last six moaths, NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTI the contract. JUANITA SANTANA We are sending this notice to the following people wha have an interest sn this vehicle or wha owe money under 30689899 ‘SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INFORMATION ON HOWTO GET YOUR VEHICLE BACK AND OTHER IMPORTANT NOTICES FLPLI2345678 Papa ex enZa,HOW TO GET YOUR VEHICLE BACK: To get your velncle back, you can do one of twa things as described below, unless the box that follows 1s checked o the right to cure your default and renew your contract, If this box is checked, the ony way to get your vehiele back isto pay the full amount you owe om your contract as described below; you do not have [FIRST WAY: RENEW YOUR CONTRACT |AT ANY TIME BEFORE YOUR VEHICLE IS ACTUALLY SOLD, you have aright to renew your contract and get your vehucle back by peying the full amount past due under your contract (excluding any amount that would not be Idue except for an acceleration provision) plus unpaid charges and costs we incurred as temized below To renew your contract, you rst pay vs the NET AMOUNT NEEDED TO RENEW YOUR CONTRACT shown below. plus any} lother amounts that may become due after the date of this Notice and before your lvehicle 1s sold. Uf you renew your contract, you musi coatinus to make regularly scheduled payments and satisfy other obligations as they come due lunder your contract To leam the exact amount you must pay to renew your [SECOND WA CONTRACT |AT ANY TIME BEFORE YOUR VEHICLE IS ACTUALLY SOLD, you have 2 eight to get your velucle back by paying the full amount you awe on your contract (not just she past due ammount) plus unpard late charges, finance charges land costs we mcurted as itemized below You must pay us the NET AMOUNT INEEDED TO PAY YOUR CONTRACT shown below, plus any other amounts Ihat may become due after the dete of this Notice and before your vehicle ts sold. To learn the exact amount you must pay, please contact usat the address lor telephone number provided 1m this Nouce. You must pay with a money order, « cashier's check or cerufied funds, personel checks will aot be secepted ‘AY THE FULL AMOUNT YOU OWE ON YOUR contract, please contact us atthe address ot telephone number provided in tus | |———— a aa INotice. You cmist pay with a money order,» cashier's check or certfied funds, | [UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANC! $21,032 95| personal checks will aot be accepted. You may be required to provide proot of | |PLUS LATE CHARGES AND OTHER Insurance, employment formation and three references costs $193.68 PLUS REPOSSESSION, STORAGE, IPAST DUE PAYMENTS 31,452.57] REPAIR AND PREPARATION COSTS (To Date) $400 0 [PLUS LATE CHARGES AND OTHER COSTS $193 68] EUS —pNANCE IPLUS REPOSSESSION, STORAGE, REPAIR AND CHARGETO 12/05/2014 $170.72 PREPARATION COSTS (To Date) $400.09] INET AMOUNT NEEDED TO RENEW YOUR SUBTOTAL OF CHARGES $21,797.35] CONTRACT (NOT INCLUDING AMOUNTS THAT CESS REFUNDS OF INSURANCE PREMIUMS oo MAY BECOME DUE AFTER THE DATE OF THIS INOTICE) 52,046.25] SUBTOTAL OF REFUNDS DEDUCTED 50.00] INET AMOUNT NEEDED TO PAY YOUR CONTRACT [Your vehicle will not be sold until the date shown in the Notice of Sale section (NOT INCLUDING AMOUNTS THAT MAY BECOME, DUE AFTER THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE) $21,797.35] lon Page |, atthe earhest AFTER THAT DATE, BUT BEFORE YOUR VEHICLE IS ACTUALLY SOLD, YOU CAN STILL PAY THE FULL |AMOUNT YOU OWE ON YOUR CONTRACT TO GET YOUR VEHICLE BACK NOTE If this box ss checked and your vehicle was repossessed, you must also provide proof that you have paid the required $15 fee to the appropriate law 1 enforcement authonty forthe receipt ad filing of the report of repossession, The auction will not release the vehicle without proof thi the repossession report fee has been pard IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY CODE, THIS NOTICE IS SENT FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF NOTIFYING YOU OF YOUR STATE LAW RIGHTS, AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT PAYMENT. YOUR OBLIGATION TO MAKE PAYMENT TO US IS SUBJECT TO DISCHARGE, AND MAY HAVE ALREADY BEEN DISCHARGED, IN BANKRUPTCY. ENTRY OF THE DISCHARGE ORDER IN YOUR BANKRUPTCY CASE RELEASES YOU FROM PERSONAL LIABILITY TO MAKE PAYMENT TO US. Ifyou have any questions about the sale of your vehicle of any other matters covered in this Notice, alease call or write us We are avatlable tthe phone number below from 8.00 AM to 10.00 PM Easiem Time, Monday through Friday ITD Auto Finance PO Box 551080, Jacksonville, FL 32255 866-659-1173 [BATE NOTICE MAILED: 12/05/2014 RAIL THE 30689899 Pe2d2 weaEXHIBIT C Ourfile# 42579TD Auto Finance TWAKEDOOEL OF VENICLE 2010 CHEVROLET TAHOE 2WD Date ACCOUNT 02/27/2015 AUYER'S NAME AND ADDRESS (CO.BLYERS NAME AND ADDRESS JUANITA SANTANA 6433 RODMAN ST HOLLYWOOD, FL 33023-1762 The following 1s an explanation of the amount of deficiency (or surplus, tf applicable) following the disposition of your vehicle (1) Secured obligation, including late charges, return check fees, penmutied legal fees and interest, finance charges or credit service charges due, at date ‘of repossession. $2390 91 (2) Gross disposition proceeds. 3 1420000 (3) Secured obligation after deducting amount in item (2) 8 7.19091 (Repossession, storage, preparation and disposition expenses, including legal fees related to the current disposition of the vehicle, if any 5 ages ~ | (5) Other credits or rebates such as msurance refunds, extended warranty or service contract refunds, or post-repossession payments, 7 pr [| (6) Deficiency Amount (or surplus, if applicable) 4 (If the total of items 2 and 5 exceeds the total of items | and 4, a surplus exists In that event, the amount of the surplus is shown on this bne in parenthesis, You will receive a check m that amount.) $s Future debuts, credits, and charges, mcluding additional credit service charges or interest, rebates and expenses may affect the amount of the deficrency (or surplus, if applicable). To obtain additional information about your account, please call the telephone number below, Monday - Friday from 8 00 AM - 6:00 PM Eastern Tune We are sure you want to settle your account. We may be able to work with you tn establishing payment terms To make arrangements, 11s unportant that you contact this office by telephone without delay TD Auto Finance PO Box $5100 Jacksonville, FL 32253-1080 1-866-251-9400 30689899 $4.291-6863 (2/15) SIMPLE INTERESTHonces, Avrutis & FOELLER Attorneys at Law 201 Fletcher Ave., 2™ Floor Sarasota, Florida 34237 Thomas L. Avrutis In Reply address firm at: Scott D. Foeller ‘Telephone (941) 955-7300 Post Office Box 4137 Retire ‘Teiecopier (941) 953-7625 Sarasota, Florida 34230 John M. "Jack" Hodges JUANITA SANTANA 6433 RODMAN ST HOLLYWOOD, FL 33023-1762 RE: TD AUTO FINANCE, LLC Our File Number: 42579 Dear Sir/Madam : This letter has been given to you along with a law suit that has been filed on behalf of our client. Please understand, our intent is not to harass or burden you but rather to try to establish a conduit for communicating in hopes of resolving the outstanding balance owed to our client. Realizing the importance of this situation, we respectfully ask that you contact our office. With this in mind, we respectfully urge you to contact our office to discuss the options available in hopes of avoiding further Court involvement. Please call our office at 941- 955-7300 or 888-808-0808 and ask to speak with the person assigned to your file - 42579. Sincerely, HODGES, AVRUTIS & FOELLER