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  • FEY, RICHARD R et al vs TURCOTTE, MARY ANN document preview
  • FEY, RICHARD R et al vs TURCOTTE, MARY ANN document preview
  • FEY, RICHARD R et al vs TURCOTTE, MARY ANN document preview
  • FEY, RICHARD R et al vs TURCOTTE, MARY ANN document preview
  • FEY, RICHARD R et al vs TURCOTTE, MARY ANN document preview
  • FEY, RICHARD R et al vs TURCOTTE, MARY ANN document preview
  • FEY, RICHARD R et al vs TURCOTTE, MARY ANN document preview
  • FEY, RICHARD R et al vs TURCOTTE, MARY ANN document preview


wo) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA RICHARD R. FEY and SCOTT FEY, Plaintiff, VS. Case No.: 2 L }p WG. 007 CK, S117: KG he a ~~ ry MARY ANN TURCOTTE, wee ge ay UD Defendant. Sa % nN CC. ae / BOR = 8 eee me tn ° =3 C > eae tf OO ha sa oe = SUMMONS 33 Ge ohh 54 oOo > .D THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO ALL AND SINGULAR THE SHERIFFS OF SAID STATE: GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to serve this summons and a copy of the Complaint or Petition in the above styled cause upon the Defendant Mary Ann Turcotte 2130 Pinehurst Street Sarasota, Florida Each Defendant is hereby required to serve written defenses to said Complaint or Petition on Plaintiff's Attorney, whose name and address is Harry W. Haskins 3400 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 941-366-1388 within 20 days after service of this summons upon that Defendant, exclusive of the day of service, and to file the original of said written defenses with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter. Ifa Defendant fails to do so, a default will be entered against the Defendant for the relief demanded in the Complaint or Petition. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain | Al eit i : oul») assistance. Please contact the Jury Office, within two (2) w¢rking days of your receipt of this notice. WITNESS my hand and seal of said Court on , 2007. KAREN E. RUSHING, CLERK eessee,. Clerk of Circuit/County Court JC, aa aoe Cre TO BB Ch! 5 MSY (Seal) eae MEE By: “Cn? Oger”IMPORTANT A lawsuit has been filed against you. You have 20 calendar days after this summons is served on you to file a written response to the attached complaint with the clerk of the court. A phone call will not protect you. Your written response, including the case number given above and the names of the parties, must be filed if you want the court to hear your side of the case. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case, and your wages, money, and property may thereafter be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may call an attorney referral service or a legal aid office (listed in the phone book). If you choose to file a written response yourself, at the same time you file your written response of the court you must also mail a copy of your written response to the “Plaintiff/Plaintiff's Attorney” named below. IMPORTANTE Usted ha sido demandado legalmente. Tiene 20 dias, contado a partir del recibo de esta notificacion, para contestar la demanda adjunta, por escrito, y presentarla ante este tribunal. Una llamada telefonica no lo protegera. Si usted desea que el tribunal considere su defensa, debe presentar su respuesta por escrito, incluyendo el numero del caso y los nombres de las partes, interesadas. Si usted no contesta la demanda a tiempo, pudiese perder el caso y podria ser despojado de sus ingresos y propiedades, o privado de sus derechos, sin previo aviso del tribunal. Existen otros requisitos legales. Si lo desea, puede used consultar aun abogado immediatemente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede llamar a una de las oficinas de asistencia legal que aparecen en la guia telefonica. Si desea responder a la demanda por su cuenta, al mismo tiempo en que presenta su respuesta ante el tribunal, debera usted enviar por correo o entregar unaa copia de su respuesta a la persona denominada abajo como “Plaintiff/Plaintiff's Attorney” (Demandante O Abogado del Demandante). IMPORTANT Des poursuited judiciares ont ete enterprises contre vous. Vous aves (20) jours consecutifs a partir de la date de l’assignation de cette citation pour deposer une reponse ecrite a la plainte ci-jointe aupres de ce tribunal. Un simple coup de telephone est insuffisant pour vous proteger. Vous etes obllige de dossier ci-dessus et du nom des parties nommees ici, si vous souhaitez que ie Tribunal entende votre cause. Si vous ne deposez pas votre response ecrite dans le relai requis, vous risquez de perdre la cause ainsi que votre salaire, votre argent, et vos biens peuvent etre saisis par la suite, sans aucun preavis ulterieur du tribunal. Il y ad’autres obligations juridiques et vous pouvez requerir les services immediats d’un avocat. Si vous ne conaissez pas d’avocat, vous pourriez telephoner a un service de reference d’avocats ou a un bureau d’ assistance juridique (figurant a l’annuaire de telephones). Si vous choisissez de deposer vous-meme une reponse ecrite, il vous faudra egalement, en meme temps que cette formalite, faire parvenir our expedier une copie de votre reponse ecrite au “Plaintiff/Plaintiff's Attorney” (Plaignant ou a son avocat) nomme ci-dessous. Harry W. Haskins, Esquire Plaintiff’s Attorney 3400 South Tamiami Trail Suite 201 Sarasota, Florida 34239 Florida Bar Number 229652t Karen E. Rushing Clerk of the Circuit Court a) Receipt Type Case Outstanding Amount 0.00 Receipt Number 373054 Receipt Date 07/13/2007 Case Number 2007 CA 008117 NC Description FEY, RICHARD R et al VS TURCOTTE, MARY ANN 4 Action Contract and Indebtedness - Circuit Judge DIVISION C, CIRCUIT Received From HARRY W HASKINS PA On Behalf Of FEY, RICHARD R Total Received 255.00 Net Received 255.00 Change 0.00 Receipt Payments Amount Reference Description Check 255.00 1459 Receipt Applications Amount CIVIL FILING FEES 255.00 Deputy Clerk: adwillia Transaction Date 07/13/2007 12:06:48 Comments(—nlegengs, ” RETURN OF SERVICE State of FLORIDA County of SARASOTA Circuit Court Case Number: 2007CA8117NC Plaintiff: RICHARD R. FEY AND SCOTT FE VS. Defendant: MARY ANN TURCOTTE For: Harry W. Haskins HARRY W. HASKINS, ATTY AT LAW Received by Sarasota Process Servers, Inc. on the 16th day of July, 2007 at 7:36 am to be served on MARY ANN TURGOTTE, 2130 PINEHURST ie) ARASOTA, FL. |, ly Ces M., £730 hereby affirm that on the day of 207 a y .m., executed service by delivering a true copy of the SUMMONS AND | COMPLAINT in accordance with state statutes in the manner marked below: INDIVIDUAL SERVICE: SERVED THE WITHIN-NAMED PERSON. () SUBSTITUTE SERVICE: BY SERVING AS , WHO IS OVER THE AGE OF 15. () POSTED SERVICE: AFTER ATTEMPTING SERVICE ON / AT AND ON / AT TOA CONSPICUOUS PLACE ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN. () OTHER SERVICE: AS DESCRIBED IN THE COMMENTS BELOW BY SERVING AS _ , () NON SERVICE: FOR THE REASON DETAILED IN THE COMMENTS BELOW. MILITARY? YES NO COMMENTS: _ | certify that | have no interest in the above action, am of legal age and have proper authority in the jurisdiction in which this service was made. with State Statutes . Sarasota Process Servers, Inc. P.O. Box 15009 Sarasota, FL 34277 (941) 365-1155 Our Job Serial Number: 2007027619 Copyright © 1992-2006 Database Services, Inc. - Process Server's Toolbox V6.0g ~~ ?