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  • FEY, RICHARD R et al vs TURCOTTE, MARY ANN document preview


¢ ’ 4 ry 4 ‘ mse IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT... Lied IN AND FOR SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA RTH CIVIL DIVISION meee mean anneal © RICHARD R. FEY and CASE NO.: 2007-CA+8117-NG-—~-~ a SCOTT FEY, Plaintiffs, VS. MARY ANN TURCOTTE, Defendant, / JOINT STIPULATION FOR DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE All matters and things in dispute between the Plaintiffs, RICHARD R. FEY and SCOTT FEY, and Defendant, MARY ANN TURCOTTE, hereto having been adjusted and settled, it is, STIPULATED and AGREED by the parties hereto that this action be dismissed as to Defendant, MARY ANN TURCOTTE, with prejudice, each party to bear its own costs and attorney’s fees. 5201 West Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33609 re aoe po ( (tyiitichonan ATED,this 2 & day of ‘UG 2008. -fth-— IF Sy - BY- tHe. [FfARS en -HARRYW. HASKINSYESQ. ; FBN:22965 SCOTT A. SHELTON, ESQ. Attorney for Plaintiffs FBN: 0036486 3400 S. Tamiami Trail, Suite 201 ae COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. Sarasota, Florida 34239 ¥$5 & 2 Attorneys for Defendant, Mary Ann Tel: 941-366-1388 225 oOo Mm Turcotte Fax: 941-953-4284 a Bridgeport Center, Suite 750 Bor, 2 COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. BRIDGEPORT CENTER - SUITE 750 - 5201 WEST KENNEDY BOULEVARD - TAMPA, FLORIDA 33609 - (813) 289-9300 - (813) 286-2900 FAX