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  • EDGE, BARBARA et al vs MIAMI TRANSFORMER CORP document preview
  • EDGE, BARBARA et al vs MIAMI TRANSFORMER CORP document preview
  • EDGE, BARBARA et al vs MIAMI TRANSFORMER CORP document preview
  • EDGE, BARBARA et al vs MIAMI TRANSFORMER CORP document preview


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 12" JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2007 CA 8149 NC CURTIS J. EDGE & BARBARA O oS 7 . We — EDGE, Husband & Wife, Se SO a5 @ 8 o gs ‘Om oo at a Plaintiffs, QBs wy 2 s7 tery 6 6Gy OD x) V Gor «a A SHO Elo a4 FT DO ~Ox oe =O MIAMI TRANSFORMER nee’ m0 cw | CORP., a Florida Corporation, Defendant. ___/ SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM FOR THE PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS AND THINGS WITHOUT DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FLA. R. CIV. P. 1.351 TO: Medical Records Custodial Dr. Norman Aprill 2750 Bahia Vista Street - #250 Sarasota, FL 34239 YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to produce without deposition and deliver to Law Office of Jason Gelinas, 3000 West Cypress OVA. Road, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 on or before October [ ihe 2007, copies of: ANY AND ALL medical records, medical bills, doctors' reports, physical therapy records, hospital records, x-rays, CT scans, M.R.1. scans, M.R.I. reports, x-ray reports, CT scan reports, admission notes, discharge notes, i (iii wuCase No. 2007 CA 8149 NC nurses’ notes, patient questionnaires, records of payments of medical bills, insurance filings, disability reports, consultation reports, and YOUR ENTIRE FILE REGARDING: CURTIS EDGE; Date of Birth: May 27, 1951 . You have the right to make a legal objection to the production of these materials under Florida Rules of Civil Procedure 1.351. If you fail to comply, you may be held in contempt of Court. You may request reasonable costs of preparing these copies in advance by making written request within five (5) days. A copy of this Subpoena has been furnished to all counsel of record. COMPLIANCE WITH HIPAA DISCLOSURE Defendant has complied with 45 C.F.R., Section 164.512(e) and Rule 1.351 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. Undersigned certifies that: 1. Written notice has been provided to the insurance and/or the individual's attorney for whom the documents are sought, 2. The notice included sufficient information about the litigation and/or proceeding to permit the individual or his/her attorney to raise an objection to the production of the requested documents, 3. The time to raise an objection has elapsed and, 4. Neither the individual nor his/her attorney filed an objection to the above-listed subpoena.Case No. 2007 CA 8149 NC WITNESS my hand and seal this 3 day of October, 2007. LAW OFFICE OF JASON GELINAS 3000 West Cypress Creek Road Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309-1710 Telephone: (954) 979-0980 Facsimile: (954) 979-2911 yk Nawal C darcy DAVID C. LUCEY, ESQ. (Florida Bar No.: 0845825)RETURN OF SERVICE - a State of Florida County of Sarasota Circuit Court Case Number: 07-CA-8149-NC Court Date: 10/19/2007 Plaintiff: Curtis J. Edge & Barbara Edge, husband and wife VS. Defendant: Miami Transformer Corp., For: David C. Lucey Law Office of Jason Gelinas Received by Dennis Urso Server on the 8th day of October, 2007 at 2:03 pm to be served on M/R/C Dr. Norman Aprill, 2750 Bahia Vista Street, #250, Sarasota, FL 34239. |, YY yar Le mange , do hereby affirm thaton the 12 day of (YAvoer _, 2007 at 2 :0¥ em., executed service by delivering a true copy of the Subpoena duces tecum for the production of documents and things without deposition pursuant to Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.351 in accordance with state statutes in the manner marked below: ( ) PUBLIC AGENCY: By serving as of the within-named agency. () SUBSTITUTE SERVICE: By serving _ as ( YCORPORATE SERVICE: By serving Date Keech as €cort&S Crrstadeenn. | () OTHER SERVICE: As described in the Comments below by serving as — () NON SERVICE: For the reason detailed in the Comments below. COMMENTS: | certify that | have no interest in the above action, am of legal age and have proper authority in the jurisdiction in which this service was made. LAW, Ne PROCESS SERVER #__>O) Appointed in accordance with State Statutes Dennis Urso Server 6771 N W 24th Ct Margate, FL 33063 (954) 979-3518 Our Job Serial Number: 2007003398 Copynght © 1992-2006 Database Services, Inc. - Process Server's Toolbox V6.0g