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  • IN RE: NATALY SALAZAR(43) Unlimited Other Petition (Not Spec) document preview
  • IN RE: NATALY SALAZAR(43) Unlimited Other Petition (Not Spec) document preview


NC-130 and address) PETITIONER OR ATTORNEY (Name, Sfafeaarnumfter, FOR COURT USE ONLY Xataly Salazar 187 Dumbarton Avenue Redwood City, CA 94063 TELEPHONE NO 650-716-9963 E-MAILADDRESS (Opfronail ATTORNEY FOR (Name) FAX NO (Opftonall Pf f,gg SANMATea cOumy SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN MATEO sTREETAoDREss 400 County Center MAiuNGADoREss 400 County Center Redwood clTY AND zIPcoDE City, CA 94063-1 655 Qekal t LI rI r LIn BRANGH NAME Southern Branch gy PETITION OF (Name of eachpetitioner) Nataly Salazar FOR CHANGE OF NAME DECREE CHANGING NAME 1 a b ~ The petition was duly considered ~ at the heanngon without heanng (date) JUtII 3 2015 in Courtroom 4 0 of theabove-entitledcourt THE COURT FINDS 2 a All notices requiredby law have been given b (1)~ Each ~ person whose is not ~ ~ name is to be changedidentified in item 3 below of the is under the)unsdiction Department of Corrections,and (2) These is not determinationswere made court by a local law enforcement agency gQ as to register is required by usingCLETS/CJIS ~ 290 of the a sex offender under section based on Penal Code informationprovidedto the clerk of the ~NO c d ~ oblections Oblections to the to the proposed proposed change change of name of name were were made made by (name) e it appears of the court that all the allegations to the satisfaction true and in the petition are sufficient and that the petition should f ~ be granted Other findings (if any) THE COURT ORDERS 3 The name of Present name New name a Nataly Salazat Ischanged to Nataly Salazar Barragan is changed to is changed to is changed to is changed to ~ Additional name changes are listedon Attachment 3 Date UUN -3 vms ~~ JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT F~ier /@IIII~.FPT slGNATURE QF JUDGE Form Adopted for Mandatory use Judtaal Counol of Caafornta DECREE CHANGING NAME (Change of Name) I 1278, 1279 Code of Ctul Procedure, Nc-130 [Rev July 1, 2007)