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  • SWEET PRODUCTION, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION  vs.  SOLOMON SHA, et al(07) Unlimited Business Tort/Unfair Business Practice document preview
  • SWEET PRODUCTION, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION  vs.  SOLOMON SHA, et al(07) Unlimited Business Tort/Unfair Business Practice document preview
  • SWEET PRODUCTION, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION  vs.  SOLOMON SHA, et al(07) Unlimited Business Tort/Unfair Business Practice document preview
  • SWEET PRODUCTION, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION  vs.  SOLOMON SHA, et al(07) Unlimited Business Tort/Unfair Business Practice document preview
  • SWEET PRODUCTION, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION  vs.  SOLOMON SHA, et al(07) Unlimited Business Tort/Unfair Business Practice document preview
  • SWEET PRODUCTION, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION  vs.  SOLOMON SHA, et al(07) Unlimited Business Tort/Unfair Business Practice document preview


t KW ‘x/ \ ’ z ClV-1 3O ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, Stale Barnumber, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY _ David J. Miclean (SBN 115098)" Danielle M. Mihalkanin (SBN 271442) MICLEAN GLEASON LLP 411 Borel Avenue, Suite 310, San Mateo, CA 94402 TELEPHONE NO; eanAnnRessmpuanaI): (650) 684_1 1 81 dmiclean@micleangleason. com FAX NO. (Optionav: FI ' .V H AWORNEY FOR (Name) Defendant and Cross-Comnlainant Solomon Sha SAN MATEQ COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F San Mateo STREETADDRESS' 400 County Center E 8 2019 MAILING ADDRESS: CWAND Z'P 000B Redwood City, BRANCH NAME: PLA'NT'FF’PEW'ONER' . Sweet Productlon, DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Solomon Sha CA 94063, NOTICE OF ENTRY 0F JUDGMENT . . Inc. ' ‘ By C's ‘ W CASE NUMBER: e u UWCLERK I “0" COW? 0R ORDER - 18-CIV—031 10 (Check one): UNLIMITED CASE (Amount demanded ' D' LIMITED CASE (Amount demanded was exceeded $25, 000) $25,000 or less) TO ALL PARTIES : 1 A judgment, decree. or order was entered in this action on (date): December l7, 2019 2. A copy of the judgment, decree, or order is attached to this notice. Date; December Danielle M. Mihalkanin (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME 0F 18, 2019 ATrORNEY E PARTY wrrHom AnORNEY) b ' m 42;. W; (SIGNATURE) Paga 1 of 2 Form Approved for Optional Use- Judia‘al Council o! Califomia ICE OF ENTRY OF JUDGMENT OR ORDER @gfigggg ”a fl. _ U DAVID J. MICLEAN (SBN 115098) - FILED “ DANIELLE M. MIHALKANIN (SBN 271442) - SAN MATE? Go”'Nfry ~ DEG 1'7 2019 AWN MICLEAN GLEASON LLP ' cm“ 411 Borel Avenue, Suite 3 10 San Mateo, CA‘94402 Telephone: (650) 684—1 181 Facsimile: (650) 684-1 182 - _ 9” m r \DWQO‘xUI Attorneys for Defendant and Cross-Complaihant, v ' Solomon Sha SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE 0F CALIFORNIA 1o COUNTY 0F SAN MATEO 11 12 SWEET PRODUCTION, INC., a California Case No. 18—CIV-03 1 10 Corporation, 13 Plaintiff, . . ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT 14 SOLOMON SHA’S MOTION FOR DEFAULT v' JUDGRIENT AND JUDGMENTAGAINST 15 CROSS—DEFENDANTS SWEET PRODUCTION, INC., A CALIFORNIA ' 16 SOLOMON SHA, an individual; and DOES 1 to CORPORATION; SWEET EXPRESS; MING 10, inclusive, CHIN; AND DOREEN CHEW _ 17 Defendants. 18 Date: December 17, 20 1_9 19 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept: 15, Courtroom 7C ' v SOLOMON SHA’ , 20 The Honorable Don R. Franchi 21 Cross-Complajnant, 22 v. 23 SWEET PRODUCTION, INC, a California . ' J 24 corporation; SWEET EXPRESS; MING CHIN; DOREEN CHJN; and ROES 1 through 10, 25 inclusive, 26 Crosé—Defendants. 27. x_________. 28 ' ORDER CASE No. 18-CIV-03110 .1 1 '7 {C KL 'ORDERAND JUDGMENT b On December 17, 2019, Solomon Sha’s (f‘Sha”) Motion for Default Judgment A'gainst Cross- Defendants Sweet Piroduction, Inc., a California Corporation; Sweet Express; Ming Chin; and Doreen Chin came on regularly for hearing before the Honorable Don R. Franchi in Department 15, Courtroom \DOOQOxU'I-hWNr—I 7C of the San Mateo County Supcn'or Court. Upon consideration of the papers filed in support of the motion and the argument of counsel, and the testirhony of Solomon Sha and Jeff Redman, and the argument of counsel, and good cause appearing therefor, the Court rules as follows: 1. Sha’s Motion for Default Judgment is GRANTED Against Cross—Defendants Sweet Production, Inc., a California Corporation; Sweet Express; Ming Chin; and Doreen Chin; 2. Judgment pn Sha’s Cross—Complaint is entered in favor of Sha and against Cross Defendants Sweet Production, Inc., a California Corporation; Sweet Express; Ming Chin; and Doreen Chin, HHHHHHH jointly and severally, in the following amounts a. Unpaid disuibutions to Sha: $1,421,750.00; b. Convérted ownership interest: $624,000.00; c. Allowable costs: $28,300.61; gggapwwwoom3mm¢wmwo For a total judgment in the amount of $2,074,050.61. 3, The Court confirms that the judgment will bear intepest at the legal rate of interest at 10% per annum starting on the date of this judgment, December 17, 2019. NNNNNHv—t IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: 1%erz‘? l i ‘ '32% / ' . flfig the Superior Court ORDER ~ CASE NO. l 8—CIV-03 1 10