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  • SWEET PRODUCTION, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION  vs.  SOLOMON SHA, et al(07) Unlimited Business Tort/Unfair Business Practice document preview
  • SWEET PRODUCTION, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION  vs.  SOLOMON SHA, et al(07) Unlimited Business Tort/Unfair Business Practice document preview
  • SWEET PRODUCTION, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION  vs.  SOLOMON SHA, et al(07) Unlimited Business Tort/Unfair Business Practice document preview
  • SWEET PRODUCTION, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION  vs.  SOLOMON SHA, et al(07) Unlimited Business Tort/Unfair Business Practice document preview


DAVID J. MICLEAN (SBN 115098) DANIELLE M. MIHALKANIN (SBN 271442) MICLEAN GLEASON LLP 411 Bore] Avenue, Suite 3 1 0 San Mateo, CA 94402 Telephone: (650) 684-1 181 Facsimile: (650) 684-1 182 Attorneys for Defendant and Cross-Complainant Solomon Sha SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN MATEO SWEET PRODUCTION, INC., a California Case No. 18—CIV—O3 1 10 Corporation, Plaintiff, DEFENDANT SOLOMON SHA’S AMENDED NOTICE OF MOTION FOR LEAVE OF v. COURT TO FILE AND HAVE HEARD SI-IA’S MOTION FOR TERMINATING SANCTIONS OR ALTERNATIVELY TO SOLOMON SHA, an individual; andtDOES 1to REOPEN AND COMPEL DISCOVERY 10, inclusive, (C.C.P. §§ 2023.010, 2023.030, 2024.050) Defendants. Date: August 28, 20 1 9 Time: 9:00 a.m. Department: Law & Motion SOLOMON SHA, Cross-Complainant, f 18—cIV—0311u AMOTNF l AmendedNotice of Motion and Motion to V. SWEET PRODUCTION, INC, a California ”zil’iiumnmmmmN corporation; SWEET EXPRESS; MWG CHIN; \___ DOREEN CHIN; and ROES 1 through 10, inclusive, Cross—Defendants. SHA MOUON FOR LEAVE (CCP 2023 .010, 2023 .030, 2024.050) CASE NO. 18-CIV-O3 1 10 TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR COUNSEL OF RECORD: Please take notice that on August 28. 2019, in the Law & Motion Department of the above- entitled court, located at 400 County Center, Redwood City, California 94063, Defendant and Cross- Complainant SOLOMON SHA (“Sha”) will, and hereby does, move this Court for leave t0 have the Court hear Sha’s motion for terminating sanctions against Plaintiff Sweet Production, Inc. (“SP1”) for discovery misuse pursuant to California Code 0f Civil Procedure section 2023.030, or alternatively to reopen and compel discovery from SP1 to allow Sha to prepare for trial pursfiant to California Code of WOOQG Civil Procedure section 2024.050. This motion isbased upon this notice of motion, and the motion, memorandum of points and 10 authorities, and the declarations 0f David J. Miclean and Solomon Sha filed and served on July 5, 2019; Y 11 the pleadings and records on file herein; and other such evidence and argument as may be presented at 12 or before the hearing on this Motion. 13 14 Dated: July 8, 2019 ReSpectfully Submitted: fix 15 MICLEAN GLEASON LLP 16 17 TDavid J.Miclean 18 Danielle M. Mihalkanin Attorneys for Defendant and Cross-Complainant 19 SOLOMON SHA 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 SHA MOTION FOR LEAVE (CCP 2023.010, 2023.030, 2024.050) CASE No. 18-CIV-03 1 10