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  • Sheraton Real Estate Management Inc vs Lungu, Madelyn H(32) Limited Residential Unlawful Detainer - under 10,000 document preview
  • Sheraton Real Estate Management Inc vs Lungu, Madelyn H(32) Limited Residential Unlawful Detainer - under 10,000 document preview
  • Sheraton Real Estate Management Inc vs Lungu, Madelyn H(32) Limited Residential Unlawful Detainer - under 10,000 document preview
  • Sheraton Real Estate Management Inc vs Lungu, Madelyn H(32) Limited Residential Unlawful Detainer - under 10,000 document preview
  • Sheraton Real Estate Management Inc vs Lungu, Madelyn H(32) Limited Residential Unlawful Detainer - under 10,000 document preview
  • Sheraton Real Estate Management Inc vs Lungu, Madelyn H(32) Limited Residential Unlawful Detainer - under 10,000 document preview
  • Sheraton Real Estate Management Inc vs Lungu, Madelyn H(32) Limited Residential Unlawful Detainer - under 10,000 document preview
  • Sheraton Real Estate Management Inc vs Lungu, Madelyn H(32) Limited Residential Unlawful Detainer - under 10,000 document preview


‘\fi *5 UD-105 l ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Barnumber, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY W r _ \ ‘ p'maauv)“ Wary _ “(P . qLLa \\\q_¢\ Wac5vxo\w\ TELEPHONE No E-MAILADDRESS: ktWJ" ATTORNEY FOR (Name)-'. ‘\K -.- . Avg ‘\Ipfla,» PW)‘ a"; ‘ g ' ' ‘ FAX [/k“(_0l No; ~ ‘ - elk -_ @y I’? WW COUniy otButle F L ‘ SUPERIOR COURT OF WWIQQQPNrnUPER QR CCU??? L 20W 9% - QCT 3 U ' E STREETADMESS Noam BUTTE couav'rv collar; I". S.“ Flene Clerk D MAILING ADDRESS: CITYAND ZIP CODE: flulffi QQNGQFRD AVENF-m E . DEDUW all? “Ell ’ ' (£sI 1‘ I BRANCH NAME: @HECQ \‘L' x . -~.._._ @M New“ Plaintiff: V-{cu WWWWYHM If“ \IM- Defendantzg“ (A l\ R-\\qv\\'\'\,u\03v\ CASE NUMBER‘ ANSWER - UNLAWFUL DETAINER Y)‘ UDOBEACJ 1.Defendant (each defendant for whom this answer is filed must be named and must sign this answer unless his or her attomey signs): 5AM A c\ 2.\\’)n \A Lu“ QYN answers the complaint as follows: 2. Check ONLY ONE of the next two boxes: a. Defendant generally denies each statement of the complaint. (Do not check this box if the complaint demands more than $1,000.) b. El Defendant admits that all of the statements of the complaint are true EXCEPT: (1) Defendant claims the following statements of the complaint are false (state paragraph numbers from the complaint or explain below or on form MC-025): D Explanation is on MC-025, titled as Attachment 2b(1). (2) Defendant has no information or belief that the following statements of the complaint are true, so defendant denies them (state paragraph numbers from the complaint or explain below or on form MC-025): Explanation is on MC-025, titled as Attachment 2b(2). 3. AFFIRMATIVE DEF ENSES (NOTE: For each box checked, you must state brief facts to support it in item 3k (top of page 2).) a. b. E D (nonpayment of rent only) Plaintiff has breached the warranty to provide habitable premises. (nonpayment of rent only) Defendant made needed repairs and properly deducted the cost from the rent, and plaintiff did not give proper credit. c. D (nonpayment of rent only) On (date): before the notice to pay or quit expired, defendant offered‘ the rent due but plaintiff would not accept it. d. CI Plaintiff waived, changed, or canceled the notice to quit. e. Plaintiff served defendant with the notice to quit or filed the complaint to retaliate against defendant. f. 8 By serving defendant with the notice to quit or filing the complaint, plaintiff is arbitrarily discriminating against the defendant in violation of the Constitution or the laws of the United States or California. g. III Plaintiff's demand for possession violates the local rent control or eviction control ordinance of (city or county, tit/e of ordinance, and date of passage): (Also, briefly state in item 3k the facts showing violation of the ordinance.) h. U Plaintiff accepted rent from defendant to covera period of time after the date the notice to quit expired. i. El seeks to evict defendant based on acts against defendant or a member of defendant's household that constitute Plaintiff domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, 0r abuse of an elder or a dependent adult. (A temporary or police report not more than restraining order, protective order, 180 days old is required naming you or your household member as the protected party or a victim of these cn'mes.) j. El Other affirmative defenses are stated in item 3k. Pago1of2 Form proved for Optional Use ‘Essential ANSWER - UNLAWFUL DETAINER Civil Code, §1940 etseq.; Judicia Council of California Code ol Civil Procedure, § figgélggegseq. “lb-mm UD-105 [Rev January 2, 2014i UD-105 CASE NUMBER: ‘\w m use 1% 3. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES (cont'd) k. Facts supporting affirmative defenses checked above (identify facts for each item by its letter from page 1 below or on form MC-O25): Description of facts is on MC-025, titled as Attachment 3k. 4. OTHER STATEMENTS a. El Defendant vacated the premises on (date): b. The fair rental value of the premises alleged in the complaint is excessive (explain below or on form MC-025): E Explanation is on MC-025, titled as Attachment 4b. c. Other (specify below or on form MC-025 in attachment): El Other statements are on MC-025, titled as Attachment 4c. 5. DEFENDANT REQUESTS a. that plaintiff take nothing requested in the complaint. b. costs incurred in this proceeding. c. E reasonable attorney fees. d. a that plaintiff be ordered to(1)make repairs and correct the conditions that constitute a breach of the warranty to provide habitable premises and (2) reduce the monthly rent to a reasonable rental value until the conditions are corrected. e. [Z] Other (specify below or on form MC-025): E AII other requests are stated on MC-025, titled as Attachment 5e. 6. Number of pages attached: 5— UNLAWFUL DETAINER ASSISTANT (Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 6400-6415) 7. (Must be completed in all cases.) An unlawful detainer assistant .did not El did for compensation give advice or assistance with this form. (If defendant has received any help or advice for pay from an unlawful detainer assistant, state): a. Assistant's name: b. Telephone No.1 c. Street address, city, and zip code: d. County of registration: e. Registration No.: f. Expires on (date): (Each defendant for whom this answer is filed must be named in item 1and must sign this answer unless his or her attorney signs.) ‘(\fi (A d 0%“ \Mn 03A > (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DEFENDANT OR ATTORNEY) (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DEFENDANT OR ATTORNEY) VERIFICATION (Use a different verification form if the verification is by an attomey or for a corporation or partnership.) W am the defendant in this proceeding and have read this answer. declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of I California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: )0 ' 5O ‘ I ‘1° \'-\' IY) C\d e.\u(v\ Um c>u~ > vv-gca (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DEFENDANT) LID-105 [Rev January 2. 20141 ANSWER - UNLAWFUL DETAINER Page20:2 "I ' Essential $52. Fianna. SHORT fine.- Mic-025 wem SWWON» am Qs\0\\c \Mf/ma Mimi \is. mm,“ 1mm 5M5‘ 7 ATTACHMENT(Numberj: MFPAL H6] Q ‘O C5 E (This Madmnl may be used wifh 8”m! Counofifonn J I I \“ \mnav) OE ,1 (“1' AQ-R/ ATMQ 'QDM/AA“ ‘\\\ {(3K\ Qhk V“ ‘QKOVW SMCLFCVVB“ QKQ\ GSXQR \(V\OV\O~C)LVYRH'\1 0m (A §qVCL1 ‘\\ C C\\\S {V DWI ’\b AFMW A“ NLJOr (XS 3m \AV\\\0\\;\\c~\Q\Q RflVHKSL\ X~ \c L\-ar a‘ \iSH '\ w\>~\fi\n~\¢\\\'\% ° Q Viv“ Qirvu’ \ 3“:c 03%“ '\Q (cu “(\Mfd~\ V’ 1A Mm\c\ v1 "\ ¥ IQ\\L 3(\/~>\ SAMQHMI 0v~6\ 6Vzrmhn \Awli 0~v~¢\ ’Qb( '\\—§ QY»\\ MA“ c) ‘(\QIA) m S? ®b\0\c,\c, ‘MW Wu)” A“ MW‘n c) \A AQAL V\ ‘ncm Kg \L A YR!" h N {M Mr R “aw c0 v“ L‘ \ OW‘ \gmivww _ 0W5 01¢’. _\\,\ a) 1“ \hvx W<>\§ <>\'\ ivk a, KMW'><> HAMQJVWVM ‘ 03LR\“% <_,\k¥-' '(fbVH;’ *mw‘ W“) ““\\‘“‘3'\Y\\b Ark MAM“ COW» WWW. SM/Jead \n YV\ \/\>x\.\'\f_v\ (Ab-w) “AM $14415, Dab 5Nrmw C'\ov-\'\¢d ASSKSA a“ to’ \ VRJBM“Q\’\L 4b L.\P_0-,\ _§<\_Q.Mn an.\§— AKA A-cogt O“), 5xf-“3q r,\\)~°~ pviik\\°\f_ C\'\S¢¢\SQ_ \O QYip)“0\f\L\J>Q"\cS @\e_v\\<-‘\v\=> @q {\b“ AL‘ ubuvz CAPX- . v9\'\ SLVLr&\ ‘ .\\\s_>}occms|o~\5'w\l> ‘ ‘ £{\\\\,\ $AY“Q\_AC\\‘QX \A\' “x A€:\‘ \Aakt WAH/ {NM A“ (\‘QQ5,vvwfl~¢-\fl a) wx Q \ W 03$ \wvfl! (AN/i ,(w\~¢o\ \ QLQ.\~/\‘) ‘\‘0 *LK\ h“\-\I},o K c\ w 94319.9 Y“°\d&6 Wux \OA“ \i/R>v<_ d LVIA {*t a a d bvch,\l\uz 40AM“ \MA'AQ \wV/“i 0\\Y\Y\Q( \Y\'\‘b WW) ‘$50) LL.\\~N\ "k5 'Q'Vfl. Shrnfib“ a‘, (é) Vko“)€\'\5 V\I\\L,\/\ ®-\W\\?s'o~qéf \Yw A U») Ce.\\\¢~v\3. I?V\ MAL OK- _\.\_&NA“ C\ “\yQ ‘4% ‘ \v\ v“ CAVX QK \{WV f \ ‘> SQCALA‘, n-LJLA 0v‘? “Q 3 > Cf QC. 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O\ 5.. - \\ LC)“ \ nX mad vz/ box sue“ M 0A,“ $1; Q ) Awe (“L/m“ Lq t JMAA \ C~w~ KP); \AAS QWWLQ wl~¥k &b¥\f c L m5‘ \hn ) V0“ b {M/ WW" @VhCIqE'H-‘J VMIP0“‘J'I “0'8\w t3 “wkf I “b \_v\u<.\t.)I)V\§>( “0 - \2'7\ W»<>3\‘ \ 0' nlF _ muzflA I _ Sheff/X0“ Y\ a‘ L 3 b \,_,m\\\' p0“) "~m WM“ \ww mwd w my’) 26 ‘FHA/\K is \’\°\5 WC‘ P? ‘HA ‘b"°~\\' B'Q V\~\,) ‘MN-“$45 WL§€)\’\\O(,($ 0V‘) L\:—ufl¢\,_5r'¥v_ SCWN, 1W“ SAW/v a >A$1 I» XVha on wLn P~€ ° yes; \ow)£1\u_¢i w\»<>\1~o\>~n 1,06k“ \K \Iw\r\\( 94°n Q-(w ‘*kak ,m’ 'h? 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