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  • City of Chico et al vs. Move the Junkyard et alcivil document preview
  • City of Chico et al vs. Move the Junkyard et alcivil document preview
  • City of Chico et al vs. Move the Junkyard et alcivil document preview
  • City of Chico et al vs. Move the Junkyard et alcivil document preview
  • City of Chico et al vs. Move the Junkyard et alcivil document preview
  • City of Chico et al vs. Move the Junkyard et alcivil document preview
  • City of Chico et al vs. Move the Junkyard et alcivil document preview
  • City of Chico et al vs. Move the Junkyard et alcivil document preview


JAMES F. MCCABE (BAR NO. 104686) McCabe@ Superior Court of California SALVATORE U. BONACCORSO (BAR NO. 313903) SBonaccorso@ County of Butte MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP 425 Market Street 6/15/2018 ots San Francisco, California 94105-2482 Telephone: 415.268.7000 Facsimile: 415.268.7522 By Deputy Electronically FILED Attorneys for Defendants MOVE THE JUNKYARD AND KARL ORY SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF BUTTE 10 11 CITY OF CHICO, a Califomia charter city, and Case No. 17CV 00173 CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CHICO, 12 a duly elected legislative body, Assigned for all purposes to the Honorable Tamara L. Mosbarger 13 Plaintiffs, REPLY DECLARATION OF JAMES F. 14 Vv. MCCABE IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS’ MOTION FOR 15 MOVE THE JUNKYARD, an unincorporated ATTORNEYS FEES association, KARL ORY, an individual, and 16 Filed concurrently with: DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, 1) Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion 17 for Attorneys’ Fees Defendants. 18 Date: June 22, 2018 19 Time: 9:00 a.m. CHICO SCRAP METAL, INC., a California Dept: 1 20 Corporation, Location: North Butte County Courthouse 1775 Concord Avenue 21 Real Party in Interest. City of Chico, CA 95928 22 Action Filed: January 23, 2017 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 REPLY DECLARATION OF JAMES F MCCABE IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS’ MOTION FOR ATTORNEYS’ FEES sf-3911158 I, JAMES F. MCCABE, declare as follows: 1 I am an attorney duly admitted to practice before this court and all courts in the State of California. I am co-counsel for defendants in this action. I have personal knowledge of each and all facts contained herein and, if called as a witness, I could and would testify competently thereto under oath. 2 I submit this declaration in support of defendants’ motion for attomeys’ fees in the above-captioned matter, to put before the Court certain documents referred to in the reply brief. 3 Attached as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the Charter of the City of Chico that I obtained through the City of Chico website. Article II, section 200 of the 10 Charter states: “The legislative power of the city shall be vested in a body to be designated as the 11 council, and in the people through the initiative and the referendum.” 12 4. Attached as Exhibit B is an article published on the Chico News and Review 13 website on February 1, 2018 titled “Broken trust: Chico Scrap metal is picking up the tab for the 14 city’s lawsuits.” The article notes that in response to a Public Records Act request to the City of 15 Chico from the newspaper, the City responded that its fees in this action were being paid by 16 persons affiliated with Chico Scrap Metal, Inc., “under an indemnification found in the 17 development agreement . . . approved by the City Council on a 4-3 vote down party lines in 18 October 2016.” 19 5 Attached as Exhibit C is a true and correct copy (without exhibits) of the 20 Development A greement between the City of Chico, Chico Scrap Metal, Inc. and the George W. 21 Scott Inter Vivos Trust approved as a part of Ordinance No. 2490. 22 6 Attached as Exhibit D is a public records request I submitted to the City of Chico 23 on March 6, 2018. The first request was for “[a]ll records and writings relating to the payment of 24 fees incurred with [this action], including any agreement providing a basis for an indemnity claim 25 against any party.” 26 7 Attached as Exhibit E is a true and correct copy of the City of Chico’s response to 27 the above referenced public records request. In its response to the request described in paragraph 28 6 above, the City responded: “the City directs you to the Development A greement between the 3 REPLY DECLARATION OF JAMES F. MCCABE IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS’ MOTION FOR ATTORNEY S’ FEES sf-3911158 City and Chico Scrap Metal, approved by Chico City Council on November 1, 2016.” I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements made by me are true and correct. Dated: June 15, 2018 JAMES F. MCCABE MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP By: Gu. James F. McCabe JAMES F. MCCABE (BAR NO. 104686) JMcCabe@ MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP 425 Market Street 10 San Francisco, California 94105-2482 Telephone: 415.268.7000 11 Facsimile: 415.268.7522 12 Attorneys for Prevailing Parties MOVE THE JUNKYARD AND KARL ORY 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 REPLY DECLARATION OF JAMES F. MCCABE IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS’ MOTION FOR ATTORNEY S’ FEES sf-3911158 Exhibit A Chico, CA Code of Ordinances ARTICLE Il. POWERS OF THE CITY. Section 200. Legislative power of the city. The legislative power of the city shall be vested in a body to be designated as the council, and in the people through the initiative and the referendum. Section 201. General powers. The city shall have the power to make and enforce all laws and regulations in respect to municipal affairs, subject only to such restrictions and limitations as may be provided in the Constitution of the State of California, or provision of this Charter. The enumeration in this Charter of any particular power shall not be held to be exclusive of, or any limitation upon, any general power of the city. Exhibit B Page | of 2 This article was printed from the Opinions (ons ae 5S section of the Chico News & Review, originally published Ue AA February 1, 2018. This article may be read online at: Copyright ©2018 Chico Community Publishing, Inc. Printed on 2018-06-15. Broken trust Chico Scrap metal is picking up the tab for the city’s lawsuits By Melissa Daugherty After seeking from City Hall a breakdown of expenditures on lawsuits related to Chico Scrap Metal, I now know why the members of the City Council majority are appealing the ruling of a local superior court judge who sided with community group Move the Junkyard: They think they have nothing to lose. That’s because, as I recently learned through requests for public records, Chico Scrap Metal is picking up the tab. You read that correctly. The Chico business that for more than a decade had been the subject of a city amortization order—that is, an order to eventually move because its operations were illegal under local land-use laws—is paying the municipality’s legal bills in the battle against the grassroots group that is trying to make sure the process is completed. So far—as of Jan. 25, anyway—the price tag totals just shy of $74,000. That’s according to the City Clerk’s Office, which reported to me the costs associated with “Move the Junkyard et al vs. City of Chico et al” and “City of Chico et al vs. Move the Junkyard et al,” both of which you can read about in detail at the Butte County Superior Court’s website ( Keep in mind that figure is for legal fees only. I’d also inquired about the cost of the time city staff has spent working on efforts related to the litigation—no final word on that yet. So how is it, you might ask, that Chico Scrap Metal is on the hook for the city’s legal expenses? That was my first question, too. As it turns out, payment of such fees is required by an indemnification clause found in the development agreement signed by George Scott, the recycling center’s owner, and approved by the City Council on a 4-to-3 vote down party lines in October 2016. I’m referring to the vote of Sean Morgan, Reanette Fillmer, Mark Sorensen and Andrew Coolidge, the conservative bloc that, during the first meeting in which they gained a council majority just over three years ago, voted to agendize discussion of the city’s long-planned effort to get the nonconforming business to vacate the property in light of the passage of the 6/15/2018 Page 2 of 2 Chapman-Mulberry Neighborhood Plan many years earlier. They subsequently torched those plans. A couple of things to chew on here: First, why wasn’t the city more transparent about the fact that the recycler is paying the attorney’s fees? Neither Howard Hardee (the CN&R reporter who regularly covers the council) nor Ashiah Scharaga (the former Chico E-R city beat reporter who now works for this newspaper) was aware of this arrangement. Second, doesn’t it seem strange that City Attorney Vince Ewing’s employer, the Southern California-based Alvarez-Glasman and Colvin Law Firm, is the one working on the cases? I mean, obviously the public doesn’t know how Ewing advises the council in closed session, the place such litigation is discussed and voted upon, but it seems like a conflict that his employer is benefiting financially from the council majority’s litigiousness. And last, but not least by any means, since some outside entity is writing the check, there’s at least the appearance that the city is doing the bidding of a private business. Which brings me back to the council majority’s belief they have nothing to lose. Clearly, the public’s trust was never a consideration. 6/15/2018 Exhibit C RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO City of Chico Attn: City Clerk Space Above This Line for Recorder's Use (Exempt from Recording Fees per Gov't Code § 27383) DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHICO AND CHICO SCRAP METAL, a California corporation, and GEORGE W. SCOTT, TRUSTEE OF THE GEORGE W. SCOTT, SR. REVOCABLE INTER VIVOS TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 25, 1995, AS AMENDED EXMIBIT_1 EXH C-027 TABLE OF CONTENTS RECITALS Enabling Statute. Property Description. Property Use History Amortization of Chico Scrap Development Agreement Goal. Mutual Benefits... SECTION. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Sec. 1.1 Property Description and Binding Covenants Sec. 1.2 Interest of CHICO SCRAP Sec. 1,3 Term and Amendment. Sec. 14 Definitions... SECTION. 2. IMPROVEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. OF THE PROPERTY . Sec. 2.1 Vested Rights Sec. 2.2 Schedule of Improvements and Development Sec.2.3. Processing Fees and Charges... Sec. 2.4 Compliance with Conditions of Project Approval. SECTION. 3. PERMITTED USES OF THE PROPERTY. . Sec. 3.1 Legal Nonconforming Use Status Sec. 3.2 Land Use Zoning, Rules and Regulations 10 Sec. 3.3 Specific Prohibited Uses 10 Sec. 3.4 Conditions and Limitations on Use of the Property 10 SECTION 4, OBLIGATIONS OF CHICO SCRAP 11 Sec. 4.1 Conditions of Approval. ........ 11 Sec. 4.2 Dedications and Improvements. 1] Sec, 4.3 Indemnification 11 Sec. 4.4 Nexus/Reasonable Relationship Challenges. 12 Sec. 4.5 Cooperation By CHICO SCRAP. 12 Sec. 4.6 Other Governmental Permits 12 SECTION. 5. RESERVATION OF CITY AUTHORITY 12 2 EXH C- 028 Sec. 5.1 Limitations, Reservations and Exceptions 12 Sec. 5.2 Future Discretion ofCity. .. 13 Sec.5.3 Modification or Suspension by Federal, State, County, or Multi- Jurisdictional Law. 13 Sec. 5.4 Intent. . 14 Sec. 5.5 Regulation by Other Public Agencies 14 Sec. 5.6 Additional Applicable Codes and Regulations 14 SECTION. 6. MORTGAGEE PROTECTION; CERTAIN RIGHTS TO CURE 14 Sec. 6.1 Encumbrances on the Project. 14 Sec. 6.2 Mortgage Protection. pee 14 Sec. 6.3 Mortgagee Not Obligated. 15 Sec. 6.4 Notice of Default to Mortgagee; Right of Mortgagee to Cure 15 SECTION. 7, DEFAULT; REMEDIES; DISPUTE RESOLUTION 15 Sec. 7.1 Notice of Default 15 Sec, 7.2 Cure of Default. 15 sm Sec. 7.3 City Remedies 16 SECTION 8, MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 16 Sec. 8.1 Authority to Execute... 16 Sec. 8.2 Transfers Of Interest In Property Or ‘Agreement. 16 Sec. 8.3 Consent. 16 Sec 8.4 Construction of Agreement. 17 Sec. 8.5 Covenants of Good Faith and Fair Dealing. 17 Sec. 8.6 Further Actions and Instruments, 17 Sec 8.7 No Third Party Beneficiaries 17 Sec. 8.8 No Waiver... 17 Sec. 8.9 Notices. . 17 Sec. 8.10 General Plan ‘Consistency... 18 Sec. 8.11 Review for Compliance. 18 Sec. 8.12 Force Majeure 18 Sec. 8.13 Binding Effect. 19 Sec. 8.14 Independent Entity 19 Sec. 8.15 Agreement Not to Benefit Third Parties. 19 Sec. 8.16 Non-liability of City Officers and Employees 19 3 EXH C- 029 Sec. 8.17 No Waiver... 19 Sec . 8.18 Severability. . 19 Sec . 8.19 Recordation.. 20 Sec . 8.20 Recitals & Exhibits Incorporated; Entire Agreement. 20 Sec. 8.21 Counterpart Signature Pages. 20 Sec. . 8.22 Governing Law; Litigation Matters.; Attorney’s Fees. . 20 LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT “A” (Property Description)... 22 EXHIBIT “B” (Improvement Schedule).. 24 EXHIBIT “C” (List of Acceptable Metals and Expressly Prohibited Materials 24 EXHIBIT “D” (Compliance Reporting Form).......... EXH C - 030 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (hereinafter "Agreement”) is made and entered into this day of , 2016, by and between the CITY OF CHICO, a political subdivision of the State of California (hereinafter "City"), and CHICO SCRAP METAL, a California corporation, and GEORGE W. SCOTT, TRUSTEE OF THE GEORGE W. SCOTT, SR. REVOCABLE INTER VIVOS TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 25, 1995, AS AMENDED, (hereinafter "CHICO SCRAP"), pursuant to the authority of Sections 65864 through 65869.5 of the California Government Code . RECITALS A. Enabling Statute. To strengthen the public planning process, encourage private participation in comprehensive planning and reduce the economic risks of development, the Legislature of the State of California adopted Sections 65864-65869.5 of the Califomia Government Code (“Development Agreement Act” or “Act”) enabling a city, and an applicant for a development project who has a legal or an equitable interest in the property to be improved or developed, to enter into a development agreement establishing the zoning standards, land use regulations and development standards of the city that will govern project improvement and development. B Property Description. CHICO SCRAP owns a legal or equitable interest in that certain real property which real property is generally referred to as Assessor Parcel Nos. 005-450-014, 005-450-030, 005-422- 009, 005-422-013 and 005-422-017. Said Property is more particularly shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this refererice (“Property”). Cc. Property Use History Since December 17, 1963, the Property was within the jurisdiction of the City, was General Plan designated as Warehouse and Manufacturing and Low Density Residential, and was zoned M-L (Light Industrial/Manufacturing) and R-1 (low Density Residential). The Property was used as a scrap metal yard and metal recycling center since approximately the late 1960's. Chico Scrap located to the Property in 1983. In 2004 the City adopted the Chapman/Mulberry Neighborhood Plan (“Plan”) which resulted in the Property becoming a legal nonconforming use and being rezoned to CN (Neighborhood Commercial) and R1 (Low Density Residential) with an SD-6 overlay zone. D Amortization of Chico Scrap The Plan recognizes the legal nonconforming use status of Chico Scrap. The Plan further requires the City to adopt an ordinance providing for the amortization of such nonconforming use. The City has adopted ordinances requiring the amortization and termination of the Chico Scrap non-conforming use by December 31, 2014. EXH C-031 E Development Agreement Goals. City and CHICO SCRAP desire to enter into this Agreement relating to the Property to facilitate current improvements to the Property in a timely manner, Due and reasonable consideration has been given to the history of the site and use, the environmental benefits, utility and convenience of the services CHICO SCRAP provides to the community, the economic impact CHICO SCRAP has on the community and financial feasibility and costs of moving the CHICO SCRAP to a location which permits the use. F. Mutual Benefits City and CHICO SCRAP desire the installation of physical improvements to enhance the aesthetics and landscaping to the site and changes to operational characteristics. CHICO SCRAP recognizes that required improvements to the. Property will involve investment by CHICO SCRAP. The City recognizes and has determined that the provisions of the Agreement for the improvements to the Property, and the continued use of the Property for recycling by CHICO SCRAP would assist both the City and CHICO SCRAP and achieve a public benefit and viable economic solution for both parties NOW, THEREFORE, in further consideration of the above recitals, all of which are expressly incorporated into this Agreement, and the mutual promises and covenants of the parties contained in this Agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: SEC. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 1.1 Property Description and Binding Covenants, The Property is that improved real property owned by CHICO SCRAP described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. It is intended and determined that the provisions of this Agreemient, to the extent permitted by law, shall constitute covenants which shall run with the Property and the benefits and burdens of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and to their successors in interest. Sec. 1.2 Interest of CHICO SCRAP. CHICO SCRAP holds a fee interest in the Property and all other persons in the future holding legal or equitable interests in the Property shall be bound by this Agreement. See. 1.3 Term and Amendment. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the effective date of the ordinance authorizing the approval and execution of this Agreement (“Effective Date”) and shall continue until the current use of the Property voluntarily ceases by CHICO SCRAP or its successor in interest, is tenminated pursuant to the process under Chico Municipal Code Chapter 19.14, or is otherwise terminated pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended from time to time by mutual consent of the City and CHICO SCRAP, or its successors in interest, and pursuant to noticed public hearings in accordance with the Act. EXH C- 032 See. 1.4 Definitions This Agreement uses a number of terms having specific meanings, as defined below. These specially defined terms are distinguished by having the initial letter capitalized when used in this Agreement. The defined terms include the following: “Agreement” means this Development Agreement. “City” means the City of Chico, a California municipal corporation. “City Council” means the City Council of City. “Development Approvals” means any and all permits, licenses, consents, rights and privileges, and other actions approved or issued by City in connection with the Development on or before the Effective Date, including but not limited to: i) General plans and general plan amendments; ii) Specific plans and specific plan amendments iti) Zoning, rezoning, change of zone and zoning amendments; iv) Approved conceptual site design and architectural plans for the Project, with conditions; v) Tentative and final parcel maps; vi) Applicable environmental documentation. pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and vii) Grading and building-related permits. “Development Requirement’ means any requirement of City in connection with or pursuant to any Development Approval for the dedication of land, the construction or improvement of public facilities, the payment of fees or assessments in order to lessen, offset, mitigate or compensate for the impacts of the Development on the environment, or the advancement of the public interest. “Developer” means Integral CHICO SCRAP and, where specified in this Agreement, its successors in interest to all or any part of the Property. “Effective Date” means the date that this Agreement shall take effect as defined in Section 1.3 of this Agreement. “Heavy Equipment” means vehicles, tractors and equipment used in construction, moving, loading, and/or processing of on-site operations. Typically such equipment contains hydraulics, power trains and controls. Such definition shall not include trucks entering or exiting the premises after operating hours but which have been loaded or unloaded during operating hours or off site, EXIC - 033 “Land Use Regulations” means all ordinances, resolutions, codes, rules, regulations and official policies of City, including but not limited to City’s development impact fees, adopted and effective on or before the Effective Date governing the Development and use of the Property, including, without limitation, the permitted use of land, the density or intensity of use, the rate of development of land, subdivision requirements, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, the provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes, and the design, improvement and construction standards and specifications applicable to the Development, including, but not limited to, the Development Approvals. “Project” means the improvement, development and use of the Property for the purposes of completing the structures, improvements and facilities comprising the Project, including, but not limited to: grading; the construction of infrastructure and public facilities related to the Project whether located within or outside the Property; and the installation of landscaping and improvements., including the use, maintenance and repair, of any building, ‘structure, improvement, landscaping or facility after the construction and completion thereof on the Property. “Property” means the real property described in Exhibit “A”. “Reservation of Authority” means the rights and authority excepted from the assurances and rights provided to CHICO SCRAP under this Agreement and reserved to City under Section 5. “Subsequent Development Approvals” means all Development Approvals issued subsequent to the Effective Date in connection with the Development. “Subsequent Land Use Regulations” means any Land Use Regulations adopted and effective after the Effective Date governing development and.use of the Property. SEC. 2. IMPROVEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY Sec. 2.1 Vested Rights. By entering into this Agreement, City hereby grants CHICO SCRAP a vested right to proceed with the improvement, development and use of the Property in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. CHICO SCRAP'S vested right to proceed with the project shall be subject to any subsequent discretionary approvals required in order to complete the project, provided that any conditions, terms, restrictions and requirements for such subsequent discretionary approvals, shail not prevent development of the land for the uses-and to the density or intensity of development set forth in this Agreement and provided CHICO SCRAP is not in default under this Agreement. Sec. 2.2 Schedule of Improvements and Development (a) CHICO SCRAP shall commence and complete improvements and development of the Property ("Improvements") in accordance with the “Improvement Schedule” attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and incorporated herein by reference. CHICO SCRAP shall obtain all permits and approvals for commencement and completion of the Improvements. (b) If CHICO SCRAP fails to commence or complete any line item improvement listed in the Improvement Schedule, by the date specified in the Improvement Schedule, then 8 EXH C- 034 CHICO SCRAP shall pay to the City as liquidated damages the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day for the first ten late days, Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per day for the next ten late days and Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per day until the work of improvement is commenced or completed in addition to or alternate to any other remedy or termination provided in this Agreement. After thirty (30) late days, the City, in its sole discretion, may suspend all operations and activities on the Property until the improvement is completed. (c) CHICO SCRAP and City agree that the liquidated damages sum in subsection (b) above is a reasonable sum considering all of the circumstances existing on the date of this Agreement, including the relationship of the sum to the range of harm to Agency that reasonably could be anticipated and the anticipation that proof of actual damages would be costly or inconvenient. In placing their initials at the place provided, each Party specifically confirms the accuracy of the statements made above and the fact that each Party was represented by counsel who explained the consequences of this liquidated damages provision at the time this Agreement was made. Xx CHICO SCRAP, (initials) City (initials) See. 2.3 Processing Fees and Charges. CHICO SCRAP shall pay those processing fees and charges of every kind and nature imposed or required by City or other entitics covering the actual costs of City in (i) processing applications and requests for permits, approvals and other actions, nd (ii) monitoring compliance with any permits issued or approvals granted or the performance of any conditions with respect thereto or any performance required of CHICO SCRAP hereunder. Sec. 2.4 Compliance with Conditions of Project Approval. CHICO SCRAP shall, in consideration of the City's commitments set forth in this Agreement, comply with all of those specific conditions of Project approval in the improvement, development and use of the Property contained in this Agreement. SEC. 3. PERMITTED USES OF THE PROPERTY. During the term of this Agreement the permitted uses of the Property, the density and intensity of use, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes and location of public improvements, and other terms and conditions of improvement and development applicable to. the Property shall be those set forth in this Section 3 as follows: Sec. 3.1 Legal Nonconforming Use Status The effectiveness of this Agreement is contingent upon the approval by the City of an effective amendment of the Chico Municipal Code and/or the Chapman/Mulberry Neighborhood Plan which eliminates the requirements of amortization and termination of the CHICO SCRAP use. Such amendment is within the sole and absolute discretion of the City and cannot be required by this Agreement. If such an amendment is approved and remains effective, CHICO SCRAP shall be allowed to continue its existing operations as a legal nonconforming use during the term of this Agreement, subject to the conditions contained in this Agreement. Completion of the Improvements is a condition precedent to the legal nonconforming use status of the Property provided by this agreement. EXH C- 035 Sec. 3.2 Land Use Zoning, Rules and Regulations During the term of this Agreement the zoning regulations the density and intensity of use, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes and location of public improvements, and other terms and conditions of improvement and developinent applicable to the Property shall be as follows: (a) Existing buildings, infrastructure, accessory buildings and fences which existed on the effective date of this Agreement may continue to exist. (b) Any expansion of buildings, structures, accessories or fences, the construction of new structures, the expansion or intensification ofuses or the construction of any new infrastructure shall comply with the zoning rules and regulations in effect at the time the activity is undertaken, (©) Any revision, alteration or expansion of buildings, structures, accessories, landscaping or fence that are proposed by CHICO SCRAP as part of this Agreement, shall be reviewed and processed in accordance with the appropriate provision of the Chico Municipal Code, if any. Such review and approval shall be consistent with the terms of this Agreement and shall not unreasonably delay or prevent the attainment of the terms of this Agreement. Any revision, alteration or expansion of buildings, structures, accessories, landscaping, fencing or uses that is not a part of this Agreement shall require subsequent review and permitting at a future date. Sec. 3.3 Specific Prohibited Uses During the term of this Agreement CHICO SCRAP shall not engage in any of the following activities on the Property: (a) Shredding or baling of truck, automobile or other vehicle bodies on site. (b) Operating on any portion of the Property that is not capped with concrete, or equivalent protective barrier such as rock base with underlayment approved by Community Development Developer. (c) Receiving for recycling nonhazardous or hazardous liquids. Exhibit C contains the list of materials that can be accepted by CHICO SCRAP, and the list of materials that CHICO SCRAP does not accept, CHICO SCRAP shall not accept any materials not listed on Exhibit C, or any expressly prohibited materials listed on Exhibit C. (d) Operating heavy equipment outside of the operational hours noted in Section 3.4. Sec. 3.4 Conditions and Limitations on Use. of the Property During the term of this Agreement the use of the Property by CHICO SCRAP shall be subject to the following conditions, rules and regulations: @) Hours of Operations shall be limited to: Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, Saturday: 8:00 a.m, to Noon (12:00 p.m.) Sunday: Closed The foregoing Hours of Operation represents the hours open to the public and shall not prevent CHICO SCRAP from staging equipment for use on the next business day before 7:00 p.m. on weekdays and 4:00 p.m. on weekends, or 10 EXH C- 036 engaging in activities after such Hours of Operation required to be completed by CHICO SCRAP under its SWPPP or otherwise comply with conditions or regulations imposed by the City or other governmental agencies. (b) All operational aspects, including storage of and moving of materials shall be done on a concrete, equivalent, or equivalent protective barrier such as rock base with underlayment approved by Community Development Manager. (c) If operational aspects, involving the processing of materials need to take place or expand into locations that are currently void of such operations as of the date of this Agreement, a Use Permit shall be secured by the applicant prior to such expansion. CHICO SCRAP is not prohibited by this Agreement from utilizing such areas (i.e. those on which processing of material does not currently take place) for other business purposes such as storage, offices, and parking. (d) All improvements shall be constructed on the Project site. Landscaping is permitted within the public right of way, so long as it is maintained and up kept by CHICO SCRAP. Installation of landscaping shall be done in conformance with the Municipal Code. ©) On-site directional, collection and rules signage shall be presented to, and reviewed and approved by, the Community Development Director prior to installation by CHICO SCRAP to inform customers of which materials are not collected on site, and that sweeping of trailer and other transportation devices is strictly prohibited. ( The entire length and width of the path of travel at the subject site, from entrance gate to exit gate, shall be swept at least twice a day (business days only) by the applicant. As a minimum, such activity shall be conducted once during normal business hours, and once at the end of each business day to minimize fugitive dust. (g) Baler equipment shall be maintained in good working condition to minimize noise impacts, and comply with the City’s operative noise ordinance. SECTION 4. OBLIGATIONS OF CHICO SCRAP See. 4.1 Conditions of Approval. The CHICO SCRAP shall complete and operate the Project in accordance with the terms of this Agreement in a timely manner and in cooperation with the City. Sec. 4.2 Dedications and Improvements. CHICO SCRAP shall offer dedications to City or other applicable public agency, or complete those public improvements in connection with the Projéct, as specified in the Development Approvals or Conditions of Approval. Sec. 4.3 Indemnification. (@) CHICO SCRAP agrees to and shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend, City and its respective officers, officials, members, agents, employees, and representatives, from liability or claims for death or personal injury and claims for property damage which may arise from the acts, errors, and/or omissions of CHICO SCRAP or its contractors, subcontractors; VW EXH C-037 agents, employees or other persons acting on its behalfin relation to the Project and/or in any manner arising from this Agreement. The foregoing indemnity applies to all deaths, injuries, and damages, and claims therefor, suffered or alleged to have been suffered by reason of the acts, errors, and/or omissions referred to in this Section 4.7, regardless of whether or not City prepared, supplied, or approved plans or specifications, or both. In the event of litigation, City agrees, at no cost to City, to cooperate with CHICO SCRAP. (b) In the event of any court action or proceeding challenging the validity of this Agreement, any of the Development Approvals or any environmental documentation (CEQA) prepared and adopted for the Project, CHICO SCRAP shall defend, at its own expense, the action or proceeding. In addition, CHICO SCRAP shall reimburse City for City’s costs in defending itself in any court action or proceeding challenging the validity of this Agreement, any of the Development Approvals or environmental documents, with counsel to be chosen by City and approved by CHICO SCRAP, with such approval not to unreasonably be withheld. In addition, the City shall provide CHICO SCRAP the opportunity in such court action or proceeding to provide a defense to the City, subject to the City’s approval, which the City, through its counsel, will monitor. CHICO SCRAP shall cooperate with City in any such defense as City may reasonably request and may not resolve such challenge without the agreement of City. In the event CHICO SCRAP fails or refuses to provide such defense of any challenge to this Agreement, the Development Approvals or the environmental documents, City shall have the right not to defend such challenge, and to resolve such challenge in any manner it chooses in its sole discretion, including termination of this Agreement. Sec. 4.4 Nexus/Reasonable Relationship Challenges. The CHICO SCRAP consents to, and waives any rights it may have now or in the future to challenge the legal validity of, the conditions, requirements, policies or programs required by the Existing Land Use Regulations or this Agreement including, without limitation, any claim that they constitute an abuse of the police power, violate substantive due process, deny equal protection of the laws, effect a taking of property without payment of just compensation, or impose an unlawful tax. Sec. 4.5 Cooperation By CHICO SCRAP. CHICO SCRAP will, in-a timely manner, provide City with all documents, applications, plans and other information necessary for City to carry out its obligations hereunder, and cause CHICO SCRAP's planners, engineers, and all other consultants to submit in a timely manner all required materials and documents therefore. Sec. 4.6 Other Governmental Permits. CHICO SCRAP shall apply in a timely manner for such other permits and approvals from other governmental or quasi-governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the Subject Property as may be required for the development of, or provision of services to, the Project. Sec. 5. RESERVATION OF CITY AUTHORITY Sec. 5.1 Limiitations, Reservations and Exceptions, Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the following Subsequent Land Use Regulations shall apply to the Development: 12 EXH C- 038 (a) Processing fees and charges of every kind and nature imposed by City to cover the estimated actual costs to City of processing applications for Development Approvals. (b) Procedural regulations consistent with this Agreement relating to hearing bodies, petitions, applications, notices, findings, records, hearings, reports, recommendations, appeals and any other matters of procedure. (c) Changes adopted by the International Conference of Building Officials, or other similar body, as part of the then most current versions of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, or National Electrical Code, and also adopted by City as Subsequent Land Use Regulations. @ Regulations that may be in conflict with the Development Approvals but which are reasonably necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. (e) Regulations that are not in conflict with the Development Approvals and this Agreement. ® Regulations that are in conflict with the Development Approvals provided CHICO SCRAP has given written consent to the application of such regulations to the Development. (g) Federal, State, County, and multi-jurisdictional laws and regulations which City is Tequired to enforce as against the Property or the Development. Sec. 5.2 Future Discretion of City. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 5.1, this Agreement shall not prevent City, in acting on Subsequent Development Approvals, from applying Subsequent Land Use Regulations which do not conflict with the Development Approvals, or in accordance with any provision of the Chico Municipal Code, nor shall this Agreement prevent City from denying or conditionally approving any Subsequent Development Approval on the basis of the existing Land Use Regulations or any Subsequent Land Use Regulation not in conflict with the Development Approvals. Sec. 5.3 Modification or Suspension by Federal, State, County, or Multi- Jurisdictional Law. In the event that Federal, State, County, or multi-jurisdictional laws or regulations, enacted after the Effective Date, prevent or preclude compliance with one or more of the provisions of this Agreement, such provisions of this Agreement shall be modified or suspended as may be necessary to comply with such Federal, State, County, or multi-jurisdictional laws or regulations, and this Agreement shal] remain in full force and effect to the extent it is not inconsistent with such laws or regulations and to the extent such laws or regulations do not render such remaining provision impractical to enforce. 13 EXH C- 039 Sec. 5.4 Intent. City acknowledges that CHICO SCRAP has reasonably entered into this Agreement and will proceed with the Project on the assumption that City has adequately provided for the public health, safety and welfare through the Land Use Regulations. In the event that any future, unforeseen public health or safety emergency arises, City agrees that it shall attempt to address such emergency in such a way as not to impact the Development in accordance with the Development Approvals. See. 5.5 Regulation by Other Public Agencies. It is acknowledged by the Parties that other public agencies not subject to control by City may poss