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  • Manuel Castro v. Nathaniel Becoate, Certified Testing Laboratories, Inc. Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/17/2019 03:01 PM INDEX NO. 157017/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/17/2019 To: 718-777-2160 From: inSync L lt 19at lon Support Pg 2/2 11/27/15 12:27 pm SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF STATEMENT OF AUTHORIEATEUN BOR ELECTRONIC WDRrG (Managhts AttormungAutherladag PlRng Agenat Entity I, r Ask .nse.cattorney ation o. >amthe managing atto offattorn incharge ofa4ling far LP n 7/-«- . (the'Pirm"). Ibere animowledge and repalment thatthe attofn in the who are authorisedusers thmNew York state Eleeironie Filing system NYSGBF") herebyauthorise aE who possesses a NYSCEF agent ID to filedeemnants an their behalf and attheir direction, as a filing agent, inany matter in which they are commel of recordthrough as provided inSection som.5-b of the thMeet Rules ibr the NTBCEF, Trialcaurts, This authortmadon extends to any consensualmatter in which these attaraq#have previouslyeomanted to e4ling or bereafter consent, toany mandatory matterin which may they have recorded their representation, an@ toany manar m whichpur authurim the1%g agent to recordsonment or representationin theNTSCEFsystan. This authorization extends to anand alldoemnants these attorneys generata and submit tothe Sing agent forSing in an each matter. This authorization, posted once on the NTSQEP website as toeach matterin which these a arecounsel ofrecord, shellbe deemed toaccompany any documentinthatmat±me filed thefilingagent en behalf ofthese atteneys. Tlds authorization also extends to matters atpayment, whichthe filfog make eitherby debiting an aceanut the filingagent maintains wRh theCotmty Gerk e4ling county or by debiting anaceonut the Phm maintains with the County Olerk any authceized e4ling county, This authorizatianregar this filingagentshall continue untilthe Pirmrevokes the authorizationin writing onap bed fbrm delivered to theE-Filing Resourne Center. Print Name Phone ( o04 2 1 of 1