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  • Anelfa P. Gonzalez v. 2705 & 2707 Morris Llc, City Skyline Realty, Inc. Torts - Other Negligence (Premises Liability) document preview


FILED: F ILED : NEW KINGS YORKCOUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 10 08/06/2019 /19/2 017 08 : 08:58 10 PM| AM INDEX INDEX NO. NO . 156998/2019 520315/ 2017 NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. DOC. NO. NO. 6 2 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 08/06/2019 10/19/2017 To: 718-777-2160 From: inSync LitigationSupport P9 2/ 2 11/27/1512:27 pm SUPERMR C0 OF IWE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTYOF u STATEMENT 0F AUTHORIEA110N POR BLECTRONIC RILING Attorney Authoredag FIBng Agent Entity (Managhmg b M Registration No. )am the I, Esq., ( Attorney attorn in charge ofe4ling for uH‰__£__,.f . managing offattorney rhft r (the 'Firm"). I hereby acknowledge and repensent that the attoinge inthe Firm who are authorized users of the New York Btate Electronie Systan ("NYSCEF") hereby authorize any employee of Piling . . who possesses a NYSCEF agent ID to filedocuments on . filing behalf and attheir as a filing in any e4led matter in which they are their direction, agent, counsel of record through as provided in Section ao&5-b ofthe Uniform Rules forthe NYSCEF, Tdal Courts. This authorization extends to consensual matter inwhich these attorneys have any to or hereafter consent, to any mandatory matter in whteh pmviously eøñsanted e-filing may they have reeceded their representanon, ann toany mans m whi the ag agent to record consent or representation in the NYSOEF system. authodzation extends to and alldocuments these attorneys generate and This any agent for in such matter. This authodmation, postedones on the submit to the Sing filing any NYSCEP website as toeach matter in which these attarrerfa are counsel ofrecord, shallbe deemed to deemnent in thatmatter aled the agent on behalf ofthese accompany any by filing attorneys. This authorization also extends to mattersat payment, which the filing agent may make either an aceanut the agent maintains with the County Clerk of any authorized by debiting filing or an seconut the Firm maintains with the County Clerk of any e4ling county by debiting authorized e4ling coun1y, this agent shan continue until the Firmrevokes the This authorizationrg;arding filing authodzation in onaprescribed form delivered ta the E-Filing Resouns Centze. wdfing Dated Signature eity,State and Zip dode ' Pdnt Name Phone (O 2 1 1 of of 1 1