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FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/02/2019 03:41 PM INDEX NO. 157010/2019 NYSCEF DOC./2012 NO. 310: 44 12122268089 KRAMERDUNLEAW RECEIVED PAGE NYSCEF: 82/82 08/02/2019 06/18/2012 13:35 9927 P.001/001 t rom: SCPRF,ME COURT OF THE STATF, OF NEW YORK COl3TY OF NEW YORK STXTEMENT OF ACTMURT z.AttoN FOR ·- ..... ELECTRONIC F1UNG (Single Attorney for Firm Employee or 1mdependent FIBag Agent) 1, Onc¢$he •ÊÔ IAttornesRegism·ntion No. 2856607 . )nm an nuthorized tuer ortheNYSCtŒ system tuser !D: jrrarc.M i. Iherebyacknowledge that American Clerical ___ cthe cling attem")has resistered as a Mins necei anthor!red user of the NY SCFF symem tuser TD: s Further1 bereby atnhorize the 11ting agerit to file documeMs on my behalfond at my directioninnitye-filed matter in w hichI am colmsef of recorti thrmigh the New Yed State Courts Decwnse PillngSystem. as provided in Seed*m 2015-bidN1t of the, Uniform Ruks forthe TritiCoufu, this sethorinticit emends m any rnetter M which 1have previotrsly ennsented to e-li.ingand ro any metrer m which 1 rneyattthetizethe IUing agetit to record my ennsern in theNY90EF system. rhis thg authorimotion extends to any andell documents I p,enerara and submh to thefi:ing agent forfiling inany such matter. This authorixntion. posted once ott theNY$CTIF website as losuch maner in wbkh I am cotmset of record.saallbe deemed lo accompany on5 doct,mlent 11fed in that metrier by'thefliingngem. Where a documem imended ftyfilinginchtdce recure in formationnu setforth in the P-FilingRules.: willnotify the agem filittg and directthe fl1ingagent re murk thatdocumetit jggggg in the NYscEF system. i lbrtherattthorisethe ithigagent tot let such Secure docuttents thm I have filedur that1 gencre e and mubmit to the Filingagent for in any liling such mai:er, This authorizatismregarding thisfilingagem.,hall soothine tarifI revoke itm writingon a prescribed fo del|V 't the Restmres Center. E-Filing Dttted + ....Rare.hik _150 Broadway_,_.Stdf,.q_JJ00 Frin Name StreelAddress .._Kr_amer,,,L,Dµnleavy, LE New y,arks..EY 100J3. _ Firm,Depanmom City. State und zip Code Phons )._226-6662_, - _IRRJramerdunleavygom_ E-V ad Addreas ace- mp+| Complete & Fax to 212.732.4327 1 of 1