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  • Ruby Anderson v. Mount Sinai Hospitals Group, Inc., St. Luke'S Roosevelt Hospital Center Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/17/2019 05:11 PM INDEX NO. 156996/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/17/2019 8UPREME COURT OF TH.E STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTYOF STATEMENT0F AUTHORIEATION FOR ELECTSONIC VIIJNG (Managing Attorney/Attorney in Charge for Multiple Attorney s, In Filrm/ Agency) I, boAM aVor,9,J , Esq. (Attomey Registration No. f/ fp st ? F/ em themanaging a ey offattorney in charge of e-filingfor thelaw or ent(9he /* fhtn/agency departm__ FirraWAo/J v#M C.Iherebyacknowledgethat Ardérican Clerical Service ("the filing agent") has registered as an authorized filing t userof the New York State Comts ElectronicFiling System ("NYSCEF") (User ID l. Purther, I repriesent that the attorneysinthe Firm who are authorizedt1sers ofthe NYSCBFsystembeithysuthorizethe filingagent tofiledoonments on their behalf and at their direction in any e-filed matfor in which they are counsel oftecord through NYSCEF, as provided in Section 202.5-b(d)(1) ofthe Uniform Ruleis fbe the TrialCourts. This authorization extends to any tnatterin which these attortiefshave previously consented to ofiling or may heunu8er consent and toany matter in which they authorize the filirtsagedt to record consent in the NYSCEF system. This filing authotization extends to any and all documents these attomeys generatenad submit to thefilingagentforfilingiaanysuchmatter.This authorization,posted once on theNYSCBF website each matter in which these attorneys·are counsel ofreconi, shallbe deemed to accompany any document in thatmatter filedby the filingagenton behalf of tlwee attomeys. Whepadoopmentintended forfilingiocludes secureinfsenation.asetforthinthe E-Filing Rules,theattorneywillnotifythefilingagentsanddkeetthefilingsgenttomarkthatdocumentSecure These attaneys sothorize the view sophssecure· in the NYSCBP system. further filing documents thattheyhavefiledorthat1heygenerateandsubmittotheflitingagentforfBag inanysuch matter. Thisatithorhationsbullcontinuounti1theFix ,oratiorneyrevÀhe 4.anthdi528 o RiÄ onaprescribedform delivered to the B-Filing Resoatee Center, Sigi sture City, State and 21p Code pea y 9tt-ase-aooe f 3 Print Name Phone othà Êfor f.C. M°ovru44atfad¿npet c r Pirm/Depertment E4Iail-Address Street Address Complete & Fax to 212.732 4327 1 of 1