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  • American Transit Insurance Company v. Robinson Ortiz, Apple Acupuncture P.C., Citimedical I, Pllc, Jeffrey Cohen, M.D. & Mark Kramer, M.D., P.C., Farmacia Central, Health Balance Medical, P.C., Heel To Toe Foot Center Llc, Metro Pain Specialists P.C., Narra Chiropractic, P.C. Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • American Transit Insurance Company v. Robinson Ortiz, Apple Acupuncture P.C., Citimedical I, Pllc, Jeffrey Cohen, M.D. & Mark Kramer, M.D., P.C., Farmacia Central, Health Balance Medical, P.C., Heel To Toe Foot Center Llc, Metro Pain Specialists P.C., Narra Chiropractic, P.C. Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/31/2020 04:38 PM INDEX NO. 157031/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/31/2020 °°sª® REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION (rev. 07/29/2019) SUPREME COURT , COUNTY OF NEW YORK Index No: 157031/19 Date Index Issued 07/17/2019 For CmRNJiss [hly ad h M ded Attach á táøtfamider she t As c,tryDate AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY Plaintiff(s)/PetitionerN Jadge A5sgned -against- ROBINSON ORTIZ, APPLE ACUPUNCTURE P.C., CITIMEDICAL I,PLLC, JEFFREY COHEN, M.D. & MARK KRAMER, M.D., P.C., FARMACIA CENTRAL, HEALTH BALANCE MEDICAL, P.C., HEEL TO RJiF ed DW TOE FOOT CENTER LLC, METRO PAIN SPECIALISTS P.C., NARRA CHIROPRACTIC, P.C. Defendant(s)/Respandent(s) MATLME OF ACTION ORPacCEEDING Check enlyene be a rgdspsifywhereiMiested COMMERICIAL MATRIMONIAL O BJ5 e55Ent.ty1CJde5 CofDo at.o 5 Daft le 5 ¤5, LLC5,LLP5,ets:CI Q Conte5t.ed O Contract NOTE: lfthere are children under the age of 18, complete and attach the O Insurance (where insurance company is a party, except arbitration) adamanO^?M RJiADDENDUM (UCS-840M). O UCC(includes sales and negotiable instruments) ½½-M For Uncuntested actions, use the Uncunlested Divorce RJ!(UD-13 ). O Other Commercial (specify): TORTS NOTE: For Commercial Division assignment requests pursuant to 22 NYCRR202.70(d), O Asbestos complete and attach the CnuumrlAL DIVISION RJinuuctsuüM (UCS-84OC). Q Child Victims Act REALPROPERTY Spec fy how many ropet es the r;. nc ude5: Q Environmental (specify): O Condemnat on O Medical, Dental or Podiatric Malpractice O MortgageForeclosure (specify): O Residential OCommercial O Motor Vehicle Property Address: Q Products Liability (specify): NOTE: For Mortgage Foreclosure actions involving a one to four-family, O Other Negligence (specify): owner-occupied residential property or owner-occupied condomiñium, O Other Professional Malpractice (specify): Ril annmnnM complete and attach the FORECLOSURE (UCS-840F). O C e To t (5¤eCfyh O Tax Certiorari $PECIALPROCEEDINGS O Tax Foreclosure O CPLRArticle 75 (Arbitration)[see NOTEin COMMERCIAL section] O Other Real Property (specify): Q CPLRArticle 78 (Body or Officer) OTHER MATTERS O Election Law O Ce t f cate of uco o at ono 550 on [5ee NOTE n rnMMmrIAI sect on ] O Extreme Risk Protection Order Q Emergency Medical Treatment Q MHL Article 9.60 (Kendra's Law) O Habeas Corpus O MHL Article 10 (Sex Offender Confinement-Initial) O Local Court Appeal O MHL Article 10 (Sex Offender Confinement-Review) O Mechanic's Lien O MHL Article 81 (Guardianship) O Name Change O otherMental Hygiene (specify): O Pistol Permit Revocation Hearing O Other Special Proceeding (specify): O Sale or Finance of Religious/Not-for-Profit Property INSURANCE Other (specify): STATOSOfiAMIONDBPROMEDINGi Asws YESerNOfor everygitestionand entsadditanalInformetan wmseindicated YES NO Has a sarrirrioris arid coma aint o fi ed? surrirrioris w to riol ce ace, ® O Iryes, date fied: 07/17/2019 Has a summons and complaint or summons withnotice been served? If yes, date served: 10/22/2019 @ O Is this action/proceeding being filed post-judgment? Q @ If yes, judgment date: NATLIRE OF ]l)DICIALINTERVENTION Check orra box only and er(teradditic£nal informationwhere indicated. O Infant'scompromise Q Extreme Risk Protection Order Application O Note of Issue/Certificate of Readiness Q Notice of Medical, Dental or Podiatric Malpractice Date IssueJoined: Notice of Motion Relief Requested: DECLARATORY JUDGMENT Return Date: 08/17/2020 @ O Notice of Petition Relief Requested: Return Date: O Order to Show Cause Relief Requested: Return Date: O otherEx Parte Application Relief Requested: Q Poor Person Application Q RequestforPreliminary Conference O Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Settlement Conference Q Writ of Habeas Corpus Q Other (specify): 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/31/2020 04:38 PM INDEX NO. 157031/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/31/2020 RELATED CASEs LiinAiMy refáted Aaf0s. For idsttlinonleidases,1ist dref reI ted c astluter Fahilly EditrEmist If hðñ..ledWblsñk If edditlanalspamas reqsjired, t empletsand stt dithe Ril ADDENDIJM [EIC5440A) Case Title Index/Case Nurnber Court |Judge (if assigned} case toinstant Relationship "LIrt,Rep" enter PARTIE5 For parties without check art attorney. the box and thepartV'saddress,phone number and email in the space provided, If additional space Is required, cornpleteand attachthe RJI ADDENDUM (UCS-84DA). Un- Parties Attorneysand UnrepresentedLitigants issue Joined Insurance Carriers Rep L st pa Les -1sa'lle o de- n sted-1Lle Fe J sa-t es, :rov de atIo--ley's f -'111;rne. 1;rne, add ew. alo-le