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  • State Farm Fire And Casualty Company v. Manual Approach Physcial Therapy, P.C., Proact Physical Therapy P.C., Utr Chiropractic Services P.C., New Sense Acupuncture P.C., All County, Llc, Atb Services, Inc., The Mount Sinai Hospital A/K/A Fpa Hospital Based Non Par Mt, Chelsea Mobility Inc., The Mount Sinai Hospital A/K/A Mount Sinai Hospital Queens, Birch Medical & Diagnostic, P.C., Kadheijah Noel Torts - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/12/2019 04:06 PM INDEX NO. 156986/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/12/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION FOR ELECTRONIC FILING (Single Attorney Authorizing hdividual Filing Agent) 1, V lÛ ( Attorney RegistrationNo. Esq., am an authe ed gaer f theNew York State Courts Electronic Filing Systeni("NYSCEF") ÚJser ID 95 9 ).I hereby authorize Awocato Litigation Support Interüatiüñal Inc (dthe agent §]ing ) toutilizebiS/her NYSCEFfning agent ID to behalf and atmy direction in any e-fded matter ñIndenementionany in which I am counsel of record through theNYSCEF system, as providedin Section 202.5-bef the Uniform Rules for the Trial Courts. This authorization extends to any consensual matter inwhich Ihave previansly ceasented to e-filing,to any mandatory matter in which I have recorded my representation, and to any matter inwhich Imay authorize the filing agent to record my ement or representation in the NYSCEF system. This authorization extends to any and alldocuments Igenerate and submit to the filing agent for filingin any such matter. This authorization, posted once on the NYSCEF website asto each matter in which I am counsel of record, shall be deemed to accompany any document filed in that matter by the filingagent. This authorization also extsñds to matters of payment, which the filingagent may make either by debiting an account the filing agent maintens with the County Clerk ofany authorized or an account Imaintain with the Clerk of authorized e- e-filing county by debiting County any filing county. This authorization regarding this filing agent shall continue until I revoke itin writing on a prescribed form delivered to the E-Filing Resource Center. Dated: . City State an Zip Code bao A outhe C {?ts 9ŒÆ Print Name Phone IQ a a nnul b‰hers rkf14te](qre Firm/Deparbnent E-Mail Address Street Address (6/6/13) 1 of 1