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  • Nyctl 1998-2 Trust And The Bank Of New York Mellon As Collateral Agent And Custodian For The Nyctl 1998-2 Trust v. Chong Sang Kim, Lisa S. Kim, Sonia S. Kim, The City Of New York - Parking Violations Bureau, The City Of New York - Environmental Control Board, The City Of New York - Transit Adjudication Bureau, The Board Of Managers Of The 325 Fifth Avenue Condominium, John Doe No. 1 Through John Doe No. 100 Real Property - Tax Foreclosure document preview
  • Nyctl 1998-2 Trust And The Bank Of New York Mellon As Collateral Agent And Custodian For The Nyctl 1998-2 Trust v. Chong Sang Kim, Lisa S. Kim, Sonia S. Kim, The City Of New York - Parking Violations Bureau, The City Of New York - Environmental Control Board, The City Of New York - Transit Adjudication Bureau, The Board Of Managers Of The 325 Fifth Avenue Condominium, John Doe No. 1 Through John Doe No. 100 Real Property - Tax Foreclosure document preview
  • Nyctl 1998-2 Trust And The Bank Of New York Mellon As Collateral Agent And Custodian For The Nyctl 1998-2 Trust v. Chong Sang Kim, Lisa S. Kim, Sonia S. Kim, The City Of New York - Parking Violations Bureau, The City Of New York - Environmental Control Board, The City Of New York - Transit Adjudication Bureau, The Board Of Managers Of The 325 Fifth Avenue Condominium, John Doe No. 1 Through John Doe No. 100 Real Property - Tax Foreclosure document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/07/2020 12:17 PM INDEX NO. 156985/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 29 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/07/2020 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION ForCourt Clerk Use Only: - --- ucs-840 (7/2012) IAS-Eñtiÿ-Date Supreme COURT, COUNTY OF New York Judge Assigned Index No: 156985/2019 Date Index Issued: 07/17/2019 Enter the ÷ case caption, If more space is required, Do not use et al or et ano. RJI Dale CAPTION: attach a caption rider sheet. __ NYCTL 1998-2 Trust and The Bank of New York Mellon as CollateralAgent and Custodian forthe NYCTL 1998-2 Trust Plaintiff(c)/Petitioner(s) -- """"'"" " " -against- CHONG SANG KlM; LISAS. KlM;SONIA S. KlM;THE CITY OF NEW YORK - PARKING VIOLATIONS THE CITY OF NEW YORK - BUREAU; ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL BOARD; THE CITY OF NEW YORK - TRANSIT ADJUDICATION BUREAU; THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE 325 1" FIFTH AVENUE CONDOMINIUM; and "JOHN DOE No. through "JOHN DOE No. 100",inclusive,the names ofthe last100 defendants, being the fictitious, truenames of saiddefendants being unknown to it being plaintiffs, intended todesignate feeowners, tenants,or occupants of the lienedpremises and/or persons or partieshaving or claiming an interestin orlienupon the liened premises, if the aforesaid individua! defendants are and living, if any or allofsaid individualdefendants be dead, their heirsatlaw, next ofkin,distributees,executors, administrators, trustees,committees, devisees,legatees, and the assignees,lienors,creditorsand successors ininterestof them, and generally allnersons havino orclaimino under. bv.thronoh. or aoainst saiddefendants named as a class. ofany rinht.title or ir tees i e ungn t NATURE OF ACTION OR PROCEEDING: Check ONE box 3nly and specify where indicated. MATRIMONIAL ---- COMMERCIAL Contested O BusinessEntity Gñdü±g partnerships, corporations, LLCs, etc.) NOTE: For all Metrimonial actionswhere the parties have children under O Contract the age of 18, complete and attach the MATRIMONIALRJi Addendum. O Insurance(whereinsureris a party, except 3rb!trãtics) For UncontestedMatrimonial use RJI form actions, UD-13. O UCC 0ñ±d!ng sales, -±m negotiable TORTS O Other Commercial: (specify) IO Asbestos O BreastImplant NOTE: For CommercialDivision essignment requests[22 NYCRR § - completeand attach the COMMERCIAL DIV RJi Addcr,dum. 202.70(d)), (specify) REAL PROPERTY: How many propertiesdoes the applicationinclude? O Medical,Dental, or Podiatric Malpractice Q Condemnation O Motor Vehicle O Mortgags Foreclosure (specify): O Residential O Commercisi O ProductsLiability: PropertyAddress: (specify) StreetAddress City State Zip O OtherNegligence: NOTE: For MortgageForec!esere actions a one- to four-family, involving (specify) owner-OCCupied, ree!dent!c! or an owner-occupied property, O Other Prüfess|Gñal ":!prâcticé: ccñdom!ñ!um,completeand attach the FORECLOSURE RJI Addendum. (Sa'°* O - Section: Tax Certiorari Block: Lot: O Other Tort: Tax Foreclosure (specify) Û Other Real Property:____ OTHER MATTERS (specify) 0 Certificate of incorporation o sse ution[see NOTE under Commerciall SPECIAL PROCEEDiNGS O Emergency Medical Treatment Q CPLR Article 75 (ArNtrãt|on)[see NOTE under Commercial] O Habeas Corpus O CPLR Article 78 (Body or Officer) O Local Court Appeal O Election Law O Mechanic'sLien O MHL Article 9.60 (Kendra's Law) O Name Change O MHL Article10 (Sex Offender Confinement-initial) O Pistol Permit RevocationHearing O MHL Article10 (Sex offender CenFeemst-RêWew) O Sale or Finance of Religious/Not-for-Profit Property O 81 (C-u: MHL Article O Other: O Other MentalHygiene: (specify) O Proceeding: Other Special (specify) STATUS OF ACTION OR PROCEEDING: AnswerYES or NO for EVERY auestion !n :Mer AND enter additional where hetód. YES NO Has a summons and comp!eintor summons w/noticebeen filed? Q If yes, date filed: 07/17/2019 Has a summons and camp|ã|ñtor summons w/noticebeen served? 07/23/2019 If yes, date served: Is this act:Gñ/pracGGding being filed poet judgment? If yes, judgment date: 1 of 3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/07/2020 12:17 PM INDEX NO. 156985/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 29 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/07/2020 infom1ation where Check ONE box only AND enter additional indicated Q infant s Cc.. O Note of Issue and/or Certificate of Readine O Notice of Medical, Dental, or Podiatric ".'5!prS--t!ce Date issue Joined: O Notice of Motion Relief Sought:Judgment -Default ReturnDate: 03/17/2020 O Notice of Petition Relief Sought: ReturnDate: O Order to Show Cause Relief Sought: ReturnDate: O Other Ex Parte App!!cetion Relief Sought: O Poor PersonApplication O Request for Preliminary Cüñfereñcs O Residential Mortgage Foreclosure GstusrñêñtConference O Writ of Habeas Corpus Q Other (specify) For Matrimonial 1.fat any related actions. include any related actions, and/or criminal FamilyCourt cases. If additional space is required, completeand attachthe ItJiddandurn If nonePleave blank Case Title index/Case No. |Court |Judge (ifassigned) Relationship to Instant Case an attomeyrdhecK¶n-l3ep" For parties with xit twANRenter partydt( plioñphijrnTer n space nail address "nsidad PARTIES If additional spt ce is required, completeand attachthe RJi Addendur Parties: Attorneys and/or Unr:-r:ssñ‡ed Litigants: Un- issue List parties in caption order and Provideattorneyname, firm name, business address,phone number and e-mail J.oined Rep indicate party role(s) (e.g. da'aad";address of all attnrneys that have appearedin the case. For uñrsprêssñted Carrier(s): (y plaintiff). 3rd-party provide litigants, address,phone number and e-mailaddress. NYCTL1998-2 Trust and The Bank of New itich David LastName LastName FirstName YES York Mellon as Collateral Agent FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: 121FifthAvenue,17thFloor NewYork NewYork 10175 Plaintiff StreetAddress City State Zip secondaryRole(if any): F1(646)554-4421 +1 (203)992-1203 Phone Fax e-mail Kim LastName LastName FirstName FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: 21WestEdsallAvenue PallisadesPark NewJersey 07650 StreetAddress city State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mail Kim LastName LastName FirstName LisaS. FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: 100West63rdStreet,Apt.1410 NewYork NewYork 10069 Defendant StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mall Kim LastName LastName FirstName Sonia S FirstName FirmName X PrimaryRole: 1WestEdsallAvenue PallisadesPark NewJersey 07650 Defendant StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mail I AFF RM UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT, TO MY KNOWLEDGE, OTHER THAN AS NOTED ABOVE, HERE ARE AND HAVE BEEll NO RELATED ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS, NOR HAS A REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION P IOUSLY BEEN FILED IN THIS ACTION OR PROCEEDING. Dated: 02/04/2020 S GNATURE 2393874 David P. Stich ATTORNEY REGISTRATION NUMBER PRINT OR TYPE NAME 2 of 3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/07/2020 12:17 PM INDEX NO. 156985/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 29 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/07/2020 PrintForm Request for Judicial Intervention Addendum ucs-s40 m20,,> Supreme COURT, COUNTY OF New York Index No: 156985/2019 infor¬" For i se when additicñal space is needed to provide party or related case P PAR'1ES: For partieswithout checIUUn-Rep" "AttomevS" an attorre yi box AND enter cartvÓd numbieir 1Wf e nalliaddissin spaces Parties: Attorneys: issue Joined insurancecerr½*(s)· R andant. Providename, firm name,businessaddress,phone number and e-mail ind ca e pa e s) (e.g address of all attomeys that have appeared in the case. (Y/N): plaintiff). 3rd-party The City of New York - Parking Violations LastName LastName FirstName First Name FirmName X PrimaryRoie: i6 Johnstreet NewYork NewYork 10038 StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mail The City of New York - Environmental LastName LastName FirstName Board -ontrol '"**"'"© X PrimaryRole: i9-17JunctionBlvd. Elmhurst NewYork 11373 StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mail The City of New York - Transit LastName LastName FirstName Adjudication Bureau FirstName FirmName PrimaryRoie: 19GallatinPlace,ThirdFloor Brooklyn NewYork 11201 Oefendant StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mail The Board of Managers of the 325 Fifth LastName LastName FirstName Avenue Condeminium FirstName FirmName X PrimaryRole: 125FifthAvenue NewYork NewYork 10016 efendant StreetAddress City State Zip . SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mail The City of New York - Department of dirro Michele LastName LastName FirstName inance )ffice of the Special Assistant Corporation Counsel FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: 175PearlStreet,ThirdFloor NewYork NewYork 10038 StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): 1-1(718)488-2115 Phone Fax e-mail LastName LastName FirstName FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mall RELt JED CASESL List any rela¾actions. ForE -½i criminal include any related actions, and/orFamily Court cases. Case Title Index/Case No. Court . udge Relatiom hip toInstant Case (Rapsigned[ 3 of 3