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  • David Marrero v. City Of New York, The New York City Department Of Correction, Captain John Thomas Shield #1120, John Does Correction Officers whose names are not yet known or identified Torts - Other (Assault) document preview
  • David Marrero v. City Of New York, The New York City Department Of Correction, Captain John Thomas Shield #1120, John Does Correction Officers whose names are not yet known or identified Torts - Other (Assault) document preview
  • David Marrero v. City Of New York, The New York City Department Of Correction, Captain John Thomas Shield #1120, John Does Correction Officers whose names are not yet known or identified Torts - Other (Assault) document preview
  • David Marrero v. City Of New York, The New York City Department Of Correction, Captain John Thomas Shield #1120, John Does Correction Officers whose names are not yet known or identified Torts - Other (Assault) document preview


: INDEX NO. 156979/2019 NYSCEF*DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/01/2019 ge SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY PRESENT: DORIS LING-COHAN PART _.3G Justice Coma rgs INDEX NO.156 939/20 8 MOTION DATE You last fe hi fon. 4 bes U7 + MOTION SEQ. NO. Soe Be VApan The following papers, numbered 1 to , were read on this motion to/for _« Notice of Motion/Order to Show Cause — Affidavits — Exhibits J No(s). Answering Affidavits — Exhibits No(s). Replying Affidavits 7/30 /20/7 (ce foe [ize afpuctox) J No(s). Upon the foregoing papers, itis ordered that thismetionis Zu 4/75 Correa Con fCrecee Cche du b he VOU. SY, POUG fs Af ane by Yeu Corer fo Lecom bey 19.2019 (ag & Confro/, 06 fo ype) ao thar Cay-t hao bern mpimel Suet Vary XR Caz Age See) v Thad & Shu kha of| Je Hoa IS fe9 Let, . Yen Cornea b Ce, Colr Ll Shall fre a Coys of fm Jnpeulahre, ol Setereo7 or AS 0m PP Caney. rm (est Ceyrt - Dated: dof, /20/ a IS 5 JSC. “ING-COo nAny 4. CHECK ONE: ons sssecsseesnseres (7) CASE DISPOSED ‘3% NON-FINAL DISPOSITION 2. CHECK AS APPROPRIATE: JOTION IS: [GRANTED (1) DENIED (GRANTED IN PART CotHer 3. CHECK IF APPROPRIATE: sense [_] SETTLE ORDER [7 SuBMIT ORDER (D0 Not Post T) FIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT CIREFERENCE 1 of 2 INDEX NO. 156979/2019 NY pK EF Doc. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/01/2019 Phillips & Associates, Attorneys At Law, PLLC 45 Broadway, Suite 620 New York, NY 10006 Tel: (212) 248-7431 Fax: (212) 901-2107 September 30, 2019 Via NYSCEF Hon. Doris Ling-Cohan Part 36, Room 428 Supreme Court 60 Centre Street New York, New York 10007 Re: Cummings v. The Institute for Family Health and Sonia Beltran Index No.: 156979/2018 Your Honor, This office represents Plaintiff Billie Cummings in the above-referenced matter. Plaintiff writes jointly with Defendants in compliance with the Court’s August 21,2019 Order to update the Court with the status of settlement discussions. The parties are pleased to report that we have reached a settlement in principle. The parties are in the process of drafting a written settlement agreement and anticipate submitting a stipulation of dismissal within twenty-one (“21”) days. The parties thank the Court for its time and attention. Respectfully, /sh Shawn R. Clark Esq. Phillips & Associates, PLLC CC: (Via NYSCEF) All Counsel of Record Michelle Kern-Rappy, Esq. ~~ 2 of 2 ~.