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  • Leonard Williams vs David Blouin et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Leonard Williams vs David Blouin et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Leonard Williams vs David Blouin et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Leonard Williams vs David Blouin et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Leonard Williams vs David Blouin et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Leonard Williams vs David Blouin et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Leonard Williams vs David Blouin et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Leonard Williams vs David Blouin et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview


Reviewed By: L Del Mundo on 8/20/201 3:53 PM Envelope: 3287163 ROBERT L. MEZZETTI I, 114282 CHRISTOPHER R. MEZZETTI, 282287 ILE MEZZETTI LAW FIRM, INC. 31 East Julian Street San Jose, CA 95112 é Tel. 408) 279-8400 Fax (408) 279-8448 OCT 17 2019 Clerk of the c| Attorneys for Plaintiff Leonard Williams Courtof CA County of fanta Clara DEPUTY SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Ming COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 10 14 LEONARD WILLIAMS, Case No.: 17CV318363 12 13 Vv. Plaintiff, eK [PR OP! ED] JUDGMENT ON ACCEPTED CODECIV. PROC. § 998 OFFER TO COMPROMISE 14 DAVID P. BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. BLOUN, individually, and as Trustees of the 15 DAVID P. BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. 16 BLOUIN Trust; and DOES 1-30, Inclusive, 17 Defendants. 18 19 20 On July 31, 2019, Plaintiff Leonard Williams accepted the Code of Civil Procedure § 998 offer 21 to compromise of Defendants David P. Blouin and Mona Lisa Blouin, individually, and in their 22 capacities as Trustees of the David P. Blouin and Mona Lisa M. Blouin Trust in the amount of Sixty- 23 One Thousand Dollars ($61,000.00). A true and correct copy of the accepted Offer to Compromise 24 Pursuant to Califomia Code of Civil Procedure Section 998 and Exhibit “A” is attached hereto as 25 Exhibit 1. Pursuant to the terms of the accepted Offer to Compromise Pursuant to California Code of 26 Civil Procedure Section 998 and Exhibit “A” Plaintiff Leonard Williams shall have judgment against 27 Defendants David P. Blouin and Mona Lisa M. Blouin, individually, and in their capacities as Trustees 28 of the David P, Blouin and Mona Lisa M. Blouin Trust and that judgment shall be entered in favor of {Proposed] Judgment on Accepted 998 1 Offer to Compromise Case #17CV318363 Plaintiff Leonard Williams and against Defendants David P. Blouin and Mona Lisa M. Blouin, individually, and in their capacities as Trustees of the David P. Blouin and Mona Lisa M. Blouin Trust in the amount of Sixty-One Thousand Dollars ($61,000.00). patep: A->4¢_2019 f Lo-—" Honorable Mark H. Pierce Judge of the Superior Court 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 [Proposed] Judgment on Accepted 998 Offer to Compromise Case #17CV318363 EXHIBIT 1 170318363 ‘Santa Clara - Civil Y. Chavez Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, SANTANA & VIERRA Kevin J. Hermanson Esq. - SHN: 236162 County of Santa Clara, 255 Califormia on 8/16/2019 12:57 PM San Francisco, CA 94111 Reviewed By: Y. Chavez Telephone:415-777-1308 Case #17CV318363 Facsimile: 603-430-0513 Envelope: 3273347 for Defendants, DAVID P. BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. BLOUIN, individually, and aa Tmstees of the DAVID P. BLOUIN and MONA LISA M, BLOUIN Trust SUPERIOR. courr OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA - SAN JOSE 10 ll LEONARD WILLIAMS, Case No.: 17CV318363 Complaint filed: October 30, 2017 Plaintiff, Assigned to: Honorable Theodore C. Zaynor 3 Dept. 06 14 v. OFFER TO COMPROMISE PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CODE OF CIVIL 15 DAVID P. BLOUIN end MONA LISA M, PROCEDURE SECTION 998 AND BLOUN, individually, and as Trustees of the EXHIBIT “A” 16 DAVID P, BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. VW BLOUIN Trust, DOES 1 to 30, inclusive, 18 Defendants. 19 20 TO PLAINTIFF LEONARD WILLIAMS AND HIS ATTORNEY OF RECORD: 21 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Defendants, DAVID P. BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. BLOUIN, individually, and as Trustees of the DAVID P. BLOUIN end MONA LISA M. BLOUIN Trust hereby offers to compromise this litigation in the exchange for SIXTY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($61,000.00), pursuant to the provisions of Califomis Code of 25 Civil Procedure 3998; however, this Offer to Compromise and acceptance thereof is conditioned Bpon the following: 27 1. This Offer to Compromise does not constitute an admission of liability by or on behalf of Defendants, DAVID P. BLQUIN and MONA LISA M. BLOUIN, individually, and as -1- OFFER TO COMPROMISE PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE §998 Trustees of the DAVID P. BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. BLOUIN Trust by whom all liabilityis expressly denied. Plaintiff is responsible for all medical expenses and liens, This Offer to Compromise includes all costs and attomey’s fees; i.e., earch party to bear own costs and attorncy's fres. This Offer to Compromise is subject to Defendants, DAVIDP. BLOUIN and MONA LISA M, BLOUIN, individually, and as Trustees of the DAVID P. BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. BLOUIN Trust being provided with a Release of All Claims, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit “A", executed by Plaintiff LEONARD WILLIAMS as well as & 10 Request for Diemiesal with prejudice. il ‘This Offer to Compromise may be accepted in the form of 2 letter directed to attomeys for 12 Defendants, DAVID P, BLOUIN end MONA LISA M. BLOUIN, individually, and as Trustees of 13 the DAVID P, BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. BLOUIN Trust wherein the Offer to Compromise is 14 accepted pursuant to the terms end conditions outlined hereinabove. 1s However, if Defendants, DAVID P, BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. BLOUIN, individually, 16 and as Trustees of the DAVID P. BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. BLOUIN Trust's offer is not 17 accepted and if Plaintiff LEONARD WILLIAMS fails to obtain a mire favorable judgment, 18 California Code of Civil Procedure §998 also provides the Plaintiff shall not recover costs and shall 19 pay Defendants’ costs from the time of the offer end the court may, in ita discretion, require the 26 plaintiff to pay the Defendants’ costs from the date of the filing of the Complaint and a reasonsble 21 sam tp cover costs of services of expert witnesses, who are not regular employees of any party, actually incurred and reasonably necessary in either, or both, the preparation or trial of the cago by the Defendant. Please bo advised that the above-referenced offer is valid and enforceable pnrmuant to California Code of Civil Procedure §998 end Goodstein, M.D.v. Bank of San Pedro, 27 26 Cal. App.4* 899, (1994). ‘You are tequired to promptly comununicate ell amounts, terms and conditions of this written 28 offer to your client. See Califomia Business & Professions Code §6103.S(a). -3B- OFFER TO COMPROMISE PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CODE OF CIVEL PROCEDURE §998 DATED; Jnly 1, 2019 SANTANA & VIERRA Leu fe KEVIN J. HERMANSON ESQ, ESQ, Attomey for Defendants, DAVID P, BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. BLOUIN, individually, and as Trustees of the DAVID P. BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. BLOUIN ‘Trust 1m YW Proof of Acceptance 12 Plaintiff accepts your offer to«low jodgment on the terms end conditions aa specified shove, a You may file this offer and proof of acceptance with the cy ‘lerk: so that judgment mey be 14 entered uccotdingly. is 16 DATED: 7hba4 ROB LM} TTI H, ESQ. 7 Attomey for Plaintif€, Leonard Williams {8 19 21 2 23 24 25 26 27 3k -3- OFFER TO COMPROMISE PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CODH OF CIVIL, PROCEDURE §998 EXBUEIT fA? This Release, (“Release”), by and between LEONARD WILLIAMS (“PLAINTIFF”) and Defendants, DAVID P. BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. BLOUIN, individusily, and as Trastccs of the DAVID P. BLOUIN and MONA LISA M. BLOUIN Tut (“DEFENDANTS”) is made with reference to certain facts including the following: A. PLAINTIFF makes personal injury and other claims against DEFENDANTS arising out of an alleged incident occurring on or about May 6, 2016, at or near 139 Rainier Strest, San Jose, California. B. PLAINTIFF end DEFENDANTS wish to setile and compromise their differences; in consideration for DEFENDANTS’ insurance camier paying to PLAINTIFF and PLAINTIFF'S ATTORNEYS the sum of Sixty One Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($61,000.00). PLAINTIFF agrees to the following release which is Himited to Plaintiff's claims arising from the accident at issue in the subject lawsuit identified in Paragraph BI: 1 PLAINTIFF will cause his attomeys to dismiss his int with prejudiceas against DEFENDANTS in the matter of Leonard Williams v. DavidP. Blouin, et al, San Jose Superior Court Case No. 17CV318363. 2. PLAINTIFF releases, absolutely, and forever discharges DEFENDANTS, its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, agents, employees and officers from any and all claims, demands, damages, debts, linbilities, obligations, costs, expenses, actions and causes of action of every kind and nature whatsoever, whether known or unknown, or unsuspected, relating to all claims which PLAINTIFF may own or hold against DEFENDANTS, related to stemming from the incident at issue in this lawsuit. 3 PLAINTIFF intends this Release to constitute a gunerel release arising only from the claim underlying the litigation identified in Paragraph B1, and he hereby waives the benefits of Seotion 1542 of Califomia Civil Code, which provides: “A general release does not axtend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her firvor at the time of executing the release and that, if known by him or her, would have matedielly affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.” 4, Thia Release effects the settlement of claims which are denied and contested, and nothing contained herein shall be construed as en admission by DEFENDANTS, or DEFENDANTS’ attorneys, of 5. PLAINTIFF represents and warrants he has not heretofore assigned or transferred, or fo assign or transfer, to any person, firm or corporation whatsoever, any claim, debt, Hability, demand, obligation, cost, expense, damage, action or cause of action herein released, 6, Each party is to bear its own costs and attomeys’ fees. 7. PLAINTIFF acknowledges he is responsible for all liens whether asserted pursuant to Califomia Welfare and Institutions Code §14124.70, Siciliano v. Fireman's Fund ins, Co., 62 Cal. App. 3d 745 (1976), and Califorla Civil Code §3045.1 and/or any other Rawlings, Meridian, Anthem Blue Cross, Federal, State, Medicare, Medi-Cal, Sociel Security, atiomey, doctor's, chiroprector's or stututory lien. -4- OFFER TO COMPROMISE PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CODE OF CIVIE, PROCEDURE §998 — EXHIBIT “A” 8, This Release shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of (in addition to the named parties) the officers, directors, shareholders, agents, employees, insurers and attorneys of DEFENDANTS, and all parties in privity with DEFENDANTS, as well as the respective relatives, legal successors and assigns of DEFENDANTS, 9. This document constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between PLAINTIFF snd DEFENDANTS, and it supercedes and replaces all prior negotiations, proposed agreements end agreements, written or oral, relating thereto. PLAINTI sinowigs neither DEFENDANTS for its attomeys and agents, taade any promises, whatever, express or implied, not contzined herein eonceming the subject oatier ofthe Action to induce the execution of this Release, amd PLAINTIFF acknowledges he has not executed this instroment in reliance on any promises, tepresemtations or warranties not expreasly contained in this Release. 10. PLAINTIFF acknowledges having been represented by independent legal counsel of his own choice throughout all negotiations which preceded the execution of this Release, and PLAINTIFF hes executed this Release with the consent and on the advice of such independent legal counsel, 11 This Release is executed and delivered within the State of California and the rights end obligations of PLAINTIFF and DEFENDANTS shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of Celifomia. 12. This Release may be signed in countesparts. For your protection California lew requires the following to sppear on this form. “Any person who knowingly presents false or fraudulent claim for the payment of'a loss is guilty ofa etime and may be subject to fines and confinement in state prison. patep: __! 31-t9 Kem cge -5- OFFER TO COMPROMISE PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE §998 ~ EXHIBIT “A” PROOF OF SERVICE CCP §1013; 1013(a) I, the undersigned, declare: Iam now, and at all times herein mentioned have been, a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County of Santa Clara; I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the within action; my business address is 31 East Julian Street, San Jose, Califomia 95112. On, August 20, 2019, I served a copy of 1. [Proposed] Judgment on Accepted Code Civ. Proc. § 998 Offer to Compromise. _XXX_ BY MAIL - by placing said copy in an envelope addressed as shown below, which envelope 10 was sealed and, with postage fully prepaid thereon, was then placed for collection and mailing at my 11 place of business following ordinary business practices at San Jose, California to Parties Below under 12 Party(s) Served. 13 14 T declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this Declaration was 15 executed on August 20, 2019, at San Jose, California. 16 17 DWIGHT WHIPPLE 18 19 Party(s) Served: 20 Helen Santana, Esq. 21 Kevin J. Hermanson, Esq. Law Offices of Santana & Vierra 22 255 California Street, Suite 900 23 San Francisco, CA 94111 Phone: (415) 777-1308 24 Fax: (415) 896-9063 25 Email: 26 Attorneys for Defendants David P. Blouin and Mona Lisa Blouin, individually, and as Trustees of the David P. Blouin and Mona Lisa M. Blouin Trust 27 28