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  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview


sangre apy oo ys FILED ( GERALD LAU (SBN 209301) ti - PRUDENTIA. LAW CORPORATION’ \ $33 Airport Blvd.,. Suite 400 ERK oy Burlingame, CA 94010 fT OF CA Telephone: (650) 268-8128 GLAR: Facsiinile: (650) 434-5688. BY. verry Email: Attorneys for Defendant we Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association + SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 9 10 SAN'FRANCISCO PIZZA INC., TAN CASE NO, 17CV318151 NGUYEN, NGHIA NGUYEN, and KIM lI THUY HO DECLARATION OF JOSEPH NGUYEN IN OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ EX 12 Plaintiff/Petitioner, PARTE APPLICATION FOR A TRO AND Be Ze AN OSC TO SHOW CAUSE RE 13 Vv, PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION mae 14 VIETNAM TOWN CONDOMINIUM Date: November 6, 2017 uo OWNERS ASSOCIATION, MATRIX mee 15 ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT, Time: 9AM JOSEPH NGUYEN, LAP T. TANG, © 16 MICHAEL JOHNSON, DAVID Dept. TBD ALVARADO, and Dees 1 thru ‘10, 7 inclusive Judge: TBD 18 Defendants/Respondents 19 20 I, Joseph Nguyen, declare: 21 1 1 am the President of the Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association (the 22 “Association”) anda member of its Board of Directors (the “Board”). 23 2. The matters stated herein are known to’me personally, and if called and sworn as a 24 witness 1 could competently testify thereto. 25 3 Vietnam Town consists of one hundred (115) units and is located at 909-999 Story 26 Road in San Jose, California. 27 4, Gas lines are installed only for units that are not prohibited from restaurant use. 28 -1- DECLARATION OF JOSEPH NGUYEN men oe © ®@ 5 On August 13, 2017, I received an email from Jennifer Tran stating that her gas line (unit 9039) had been cut/stolen. A true and correct copy thereof is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 6 Plaintiffs accessed the Building Common Area for a purpose that was not intended, since unit 9015 was not intended to-have gas and be used for a restaurant. 7 Plaintiffs have done work in their unit without approval in writing by the Board. 8 The Board did not even-receive the plans and specifications in writing until October 17,2017 by letter from Plaintiff's counsel requesting approval. A true and correct copy of the letter is attached hereto as Exhibit B. 9 This request was denied by letter to Plaintiff's counsel on October 30, 2017, and the W plans were disapproved. A true and correct copy of the letter, the exhibit comprised of the CC&Rs 1 omitted, is attached Exhibit C. 12 10 The Board never approved unit 9015: to be used as a restaurant. be Ze 13 1 The Board never approved Plaintiffs” installation of the gas meter, ne 14 12. The Board never approved Plaintiffs’ tap of their neighbors’ gas lines. > mee 15 13, The Board never approved any of Plaintiffs’ plans regarding unit 9015, and in fact © 16 disapproved them. 17 14, The Vus entered into a settlement agreement with the Association, a true and correct 18 copy of which. is attached hereto‘as Exhibit D. 19 15. The Association engaged Aquatek Plumbing, Inc. to restore the gas.line to 9042, the 20 unit to whom it was assigned. 21 16, The gas line has been restored, and the work was approved by the city. 17. If this injunction is granted, it will send a message to other owners of units that they 23 can ignore and violate the CC&Rs and the rights of neighboring owners, which will cause 24 tremendous damage to all of Vietnam Town. 25 1B. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws ofthe, State of California that the 26 foregoing is true and correct, and that this declaration was executed at San Jose, California on. 27 November 2, 2017. 28 -2- DECLARATION OY JOSEPH NGUYEN @ wel Joseph Nguyen 10 i 12 Ee Ze 13 mad as me 14 pez 1S 16 17 18 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -3- DECLARATION OF JOSEPH NGUYEN EXHIBIT A cone oe omens 99000°T-Mobil E is 3:45 PM: @ 763 ox < “NM werner yireicvorn- qavauvarrorwyenuu vert . protaxcorp88 @; protaxcorp;; jewelz408@; jrne408;; Subject: REPORTING - GAS LINE FOR UNIT 9039 HAS BEEN CUT/STOLEN My name is Jenniter Tran, the owner of unit.9039 and | would like to info you all that my gas line has been cut and now being connected to the unit 9015. The dangerous part is that the main gas line inside my unit is currently opening and the whole building could be explored when PG&E install the meter and apply gas fo the gas fine. Therefore, | am requesting the HOA and Board of Directors to immediate take action to prevent a disaster could be happened anytime to the building. Also, in according to the CC&R; Exhibit D, the gas line and grease interceptor have been approved by the City and dedicated to the unit 9039. Therefore, | request that the HOA and Board of Director to protect my rights. Please advise your action and comment by COB Wednesday, 2 QNES&e August 16,.2017. | will proceed further legal action if | do.not receive any response from the HOA and/or the Board of Director by Wednesday. Thank you for your prompt attention to this email. Regards, Jennifer Tran nnn F 4 EXHIBIT B LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL G. ACKERMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW 2391 THE ALAMEDA SUITE 100 SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95050 TELEPHONE: (408) 261-5800 PAX; (408) 261-5900 MICHAEL G. ACKERMAN October 17, 2017 Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Ngoc Bui Association Board Members 999 Story Road, Suite 9090 San Jose, CA 95122 Joseph Nguven 6036 Stevenson Bivd. Fremont, CA 94538 Khanh Cao Huu Joany Yuin 989 Story Road, Suite 8063 3005 Silver Creek Road San Jose, CA.95122 San Jose, CA 95121 Re: Unit 90135 Our File No.: 10962-001 Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association: As you are aware, we represent San Francisco Pizza, Inc., Tan Nguyen, Nghia Nguyen and Kim Thuy. Ho, the tenant and owners of Unit9015 in Building 999, Based upon the lawsuit brought by Amy ‘Vu and Cuong Vu it has been made apparent that the Board.of Directors for the Association has failed miserably to meet its responsibilities to manage the Condominium complex, instead delegating its duties and responsibilities to David Alvarado of Matrix Association Management. Itis ironic that Amy Vu, who filed the lawsuit.claiming that it was the Board's responsibility to manage the complex, was at one time amember of the board and resigned on July 15,2015, complaining that every board meeting was.cancelled during her brief tenure on the board and that the board was not managing Mr. Alvarado, it was the other way. around. She knew from her own'personal experience that the board had abandoned all responsibility for the complex and delegated its resonsibilties to Mr. Alvarado. Based on the foregoing it is our belief that Mr. Alvarado, orally , in emails and by his conduct and actions, approved'the use of Unit 9015 as a restaurant on behalf of the Association. However, we are including with this letter a copy of the plans for the San Francisco Pizza restaurant, which have already been approved by the City of San Jose, and request that the Board formally approve Unit 9015, pursuant to Exhibit D of the Declaration, as a restaurant. @ Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association Board Members October 17, 2017 Page 2 As is set forth above, we firmly believe that this approval has been given by Mr. Alvarado, which approval our clients have relied upon and spent in excess of $450,000 in having plans drawn, applying for permits, building out the restaurantand advertising the business. We ask that this approval be given within fifteen days (15) of the date of this letter. If we do notreceive a response within fifteen days, we will file suit for declaratory relief and for damages for negligent misrepresentation. We will have no choice but to join in the lawsuit all of the other restaurants at the complex to assure that they also have been or will be given approval by the Board to operate as a restaurant, including Units 9042 and 9045 that we believe were combined as one Unit without Board approval. It is our hope to avoid the expense and time consumption of a lawsuit through a negotiated resolution. We are a mediation being held with all Unit owners present to resolve these issues throughout the complex. The lawsuit with Mr. and Mrs. Vu was settled-without disclosing the'specific terms. There was a vague referenceto a gas line being provided by the Association to Mr. and Mrs. Vu. We have verified with Pacific Gas & Electric Company that once a gas meter has been connected to a gas line and has been tested and approved by the City of San Jose, the meter and gas line are no longer the property of the Association but-instead are the property of Pacific Gas & Electric Company and the owner of the Unit to which the line is connected. Should anyone tamper with the meter and/or line connected to Unit 9015, we will immediately take action to report this to Pacific Gas & Electric Co, and to file suit for trespass and damages, We look forward to receiving your response to this letter within the next fifteen days. Very truly yours, _, LAW OFFICES 3 OF MICHA L.G_ACKERMAN ee (PaOlViele “4 fo 4 YICHABL f ACKERMAN MGA:cjs co: Daniel J. Mash, Esq. coe Anne Acuna, Esq.” ce: client CAMyDees\Nguyen, TWietsamTownCondoAssoc. 101617 32 - 7 ¥ 3 SAN TENANT FRANCISCO PIZZA LHC ut IMPROVEMENT “HC, Design, ELLE. nD Hes Dest, fac Letteon fee. repack 999 STORY RD. SUITE 9015 SAN JOSE, GA 95122 Bic DRAWING INDEX SYNBOI, TABULATION VICINITY wp 9 “a wen ns oc Bare | GE Ree, SAN SUSE, CA 540 es Bere aes ea > or it rm a a ee Sue mate pResoo ae ior Ge ae xo ssewteit ~ nexionen: HAU-OBING LIAO, AIA say ‘ EER ia pa ee, err ae, es BURRS te ns AMAL BEY, ASSOC. ATA FE RiBBR an mecce some meg y gomces SARATOGA, Ca E010 o~ Seoreec serena 5398 or FRc ae ‘TEL: (408) 483-2831 Bee rag amt es : @— mar... iH Saesaterane BRS © Setseawee wena anor oe Re eae 0, ey aoa PROJECT DESCRIPTION a nse eae, mx Fegyres aor omenpet peat 58 1 ee ee - See SONS rater 4O. ABBREVIATION GENERAL NOTES eTE - 3 BR AEE ee cripigngemwoa aa tccomaciis ‘geen eee per ionsnser Bg = |= DEFERRED SUBMITTALS: REAReset ewan norecacee R ny J. AUTO SPRINKLER BODIFICATIONS, * preetomomuneene SBE anna canes actrees eae eee Forte moran a a 2, FIRE. 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