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  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview
  • San Francisco Pizza, Inc et al vs Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc et al Other Real Property Unlimited (26)  document preview


Co em YN DW BF YW NY 10 WW 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BERDING & WEIL LLP 29S Cao Bs Se 50 ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386 170V318151 Santa Clara — Civil Nicholas A. Rogers, California Bar No. 248900 Aaron D. Zimmerman, California Bar No. 278624 BERDING & WEIL LLP 2175 N. California Blvd, Suite 500 Walnut Creek, California 94596 Telephone: 925/838-2090 Facsimile: 925/820-5592 Attorneys for Defendants VIETNAM TOWN CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. and JOSEPH NGUYEN A. Hwan E-FILED 2/23/2018 5:37 PM Clerk of Court Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara 170V318151 Reviewed By: A. Hwang Envelope: 1251435 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA - UNLIMITED SAN FRANCISCO PIZZA, INC., TAN NGUYEN, NGHIA NGUYEN and KIM THUY HO, Plaintiffs, vs. VIETNAM TOWN CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.; MATRIX ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT; JOSEPH NGUYEN, an Individual; LAP T. TANG, an Individual; MICHAEL JOHNSON, an Individual; DAVID ALVARADO, an Individual; AQUATEK PLUMBING, INC. a California corporation; and DOES Ithrough 50 inclusive, Defendants. No. 17CV318151 MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT Hearing Date: May 29, 2018 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept. 19 Hon. Judge Peter H. Kirwan Action Filed: Trial Date: October 25, 2017 None MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINTTABLE OF CONTENTS 2 3 L INTRODUCTION ...0..eeeeesesseeseseeseeesecseseenesesscsesesneeesensaesneassesussessecstsnsassnsucacansnsenaneeeeensene 1 4 I. DEFENDANTS COMPLIED WITH CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE § 430.41 ............ 2 5 Il. SUMMARY OF FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS 10.0... cessesesessesessesesessseeesseseenenseneneeeenensaneneee 2 6 Iv. PROCEDURAL DISPOSITION. 7 V. LAW GOVERNING GENERAL AND SPECIAL DEMURRERS .........sseeseseseeseeeerenene 4 VI. ALL CLAIMS ASSERTED ON BEHALF OF PLAINTIFF SF PIZZA ARE 8 SUBJECT TO GENERAL AND SPECIAL DEMURRER .........sessssssesesseseereneseseeeereneneeneee 4 9 |}vl. ALL CLAIMS ASSERTED AGAINST THE ASSOCIATION AND/OR MR. 10 NGUYEN ARE SUBJECT TO GENERAL AND SPECIAL DEMURRER.... A. The First and Second Causes of Action Are Subject to General and Special 11 Demurrer 6 B. The Third Cause of Action Is Subject to General and Special Demurrer . 8 12 Cc. The Fourth Cause of Action Is Subject to General and Special Demurrer 9 D. The Seventh Cause of Action Is Subject to General and Special Demurrer 12 13 E. The Fifth Cause of Action Is Subject to General and Special Demurrer .. 13 14 | vu. ALL CAUSES OF ACTION ASSERTED AGAINST MR. NGUYEN AND THE 15 ASSOCIATION SHOULD BE DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE uo. cssescessessesseseesseerenee 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BERDING & WEIL LLP -i- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINTTABLE OF AUTHORITIES 2 Page(s) 3 Cases 4 Alfaro v. Community Housing Imp. System & Planning Association, Inc. 5 (2009) 171 Cal. App.4th 1356....cccccscsescsessseesessseesseesseessesessseesssseesnseseesseesessseesseesseesneeseeeneesees 11 6 || Amid v. Hawthorne Comm. Med. Group 7 (1989) 212 Cal. App.3d 1383 .....ececesseesesesesssessessesssessesssesssesseesseesesseessesssesensssteseenessneesnes 12 8 Ball vy, FleetBoston Financial Corp. (2008) 164 Cal.App.4th 794 ° Banerian v. O'Malley 10 (1974) 42 Cal. App.3d 604... ceeceescesecsssssessesssessesstsssesssesnesssessesseessessessesssessessessssenesnessnesse 4 11 |} Beauchene v. Synanon Foundation, Inc. b (1979) 88 Cal. App.3d 342.....ccccsescecseessesscsecsesseessecsseesssssessseessesseessscsnssseessessecsscsseesneeseeeseesneese 4 Blank v. Kirwan 13 (1985) 39 Cal.3d 31 Lecccsssscsssssssssessssssssssssssesssssssvesssesssssesssessssesssseseisesivesssiessueessieeee 4 14 Cantu v. Resolution Trust Corp. 15 (1992) 4 Cal.App.4th 857 16 |} Committee on Children’s Television, Inc. (1983) 35 Cal.3d 197 . General Foods Corp. 17 Franklin v. Marie Antoinette Condominium Owners Association 18 (1993) 19 Cal. App.4th 824 .cscscsssscssssssssssssessssssssssessssessssssssssssssssssssussssssssseusensssssseussnsssssseee 9 19 Goodman vy. Kennedy 20 (1976) 18 Cal.3d 335 ...cccccccesssecsessseesessssessesecssesseesssssessssssessesssecseesssesnseseessesseesssssuessnseseeseesneese 4 21 || International Billing Servs., Inc. v. Emigh (2000) 84 Cal.App.4th 1175 22 Jamotchian v. Slender 23 (2009) 170 Cal. App.4th 1384 ....csccsssscsssssscsssssssssssssususssssssssssscessesssesssssssissssuunusessssseeceeeeseessssea 7 24 Ketner Homeowners Association v. Superior Court 25 (2008) 166 Cal.App.4th 1055 .....cccccseesscsseeseseeseessessessessesesssesssseesssesssssseesesseeseessesssesenssessees 9 26 || Kisesky v. Carpenters’ Trust for So. Cal. (1983) 144 Cal. App.3d 222 ....cccsescsecssssecsesesecsecseesseessesssssseessesssssseesnscssesecssesseesscssessnseseeeseesneese 4 27 Lee v. Hanley 28 (2015) 61 Cal.4th 1225. BERDING & WEIL LLP -ii- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386Martin v. Bridgeport Cmty. Ass’n, Inc. 1 (2009) 173 Cal.App.4th 1024. 2 Munger v. Moore 3 (1970) 11 Cal. App.3d Lo. eeeecessessecsesssssesesssssesssesssssnssssessessreserssesssssesssssssessessessseserasenesesenssessess 7 4 || Plummer v. Day/Eisenberg, LLP (2010) 184 Cal. App.4th 38...cccccsccsssssccssssssssssssssssssesssesssesssessevessvessssssssssseserssesesesssessseveevesesesenss 7 5 Reeves v. Hanlon 6 (2004) 33 Cal. 4th 1140.0... cceeessesscsseseesessesseesssssssssssssessessesssesesssenssesssssessesesseeretasenesssersaessees 8 7 San Jose Construction, Inc. v. S.B.C. 8 (2007) 155 Cal.App.4th 1528. 9 |] Triscony v. Orr (1875) 49 Cal. O12... cecsecessecseeseessesesssseeseessesesssenssnssssssssessessveserssesesssenssessvssessnssesseeserasenenssersaessees 7 10 Statutes 11 Dp Civ. Code, § 6856 (a) ..csseeecseessesesesseesesesesesesseensnesessseenenenessseenenenssesssensneassesesensneaesesecansenseesesenenenenee 5 B Civ. Code § 6856 ...cccscsceseseessesseseesseseesessssessessseseessssssssesssssssssssesssscssssssssesessssesssseesnessseeesssessessees 5 14. |] Civ. Code § 430.41. eecsccsseereecsessssnressssssneesesensssneesesensssneresesenssaneresesenssaneresetenssanerenetensnanerserenseas 2 15 || Civ. Code §§ 430.30 16 |] Civ. Code §§ 430.30 (€) ccessssssssssssssvesssssssseeeeesssessnsnsnsntnnnmmssssseeseeeeeeeeeseensnssnsnsnnnnmmmussssseseeeseeeeeeeeeeee 4 17 ]} Civ. Code §§ 430.10.....csssssssssssssssssmesssesessceeesssssssnsssunnsnnssesssseeseceeeeeeesessnnsnnnsnnnnnmmmnsstsesseeeeeeeeeeseses 7 18 |] Civ. Code §§ 430.10 () .cssesssssssessssssessssssssssssesssssssscsssussssssussssssseessstisecsssuescassecsesssesesss 7, 8,9, 12, 13 19 I Civ, Code §§ 430.10 (f).cssssssssssssssssssssssssssssessssssssssssesssssssssssissssssssusssssssssseussnesese 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 20 Other Authorities 21 CACT § 2100 csccssssssssssssssssssssssusssssssesssecesssssssssssssusunssssssessseceseeeseessssssnsssssusunuscssessseceseseesesssssssassssenees 7 22 CACT § 2101 oeccssscssssssssssssssssnsnsnsssssesseceessssssssssssnuuunmssssssseceeeeccecesssssnsssnanuumsnssesseeeeeeeeeeesssnsnsssnsneees 7 23 24 25 26 27 28 BENDING & WEIL LLP -iii- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT1 Defendants VIETNAM TOWN CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. N (“Association”) and JOSEPH NGUYEN (collectively demurring defendants are referenced as 3 || “Defendants”) submit this Memorandum of Points and Authorities in support of their Demurrer to BR Plaintiffs SAN FRANCISCO PIZZA, INC. (“SF Pizza”), TAN NGUYEN, NGHIA NGUYEN, 5 jland KIM THUY HO’S (collectively “Plaintiffs”) verified complaint filed in the above entitled 6 |} Court on or about October 25, 2017 (“Verified Complaint”). 7 L INTRODUCTION 8 This dispute arises from Plaintiffs’ failure to secure prior Association approval to change 9 |i their retail condominium unit into a restaurant and secure gas utility service to the unit as required 10 || to operate a restaurant by relevant governmental agencies. Instead, Plaintiffs purchased their unit, 11 | began altering the unit (without association approval), constructed a gas line on the common area 12 |\roof and then tap into an as-built gas line designed to service a neighboring unit; all without 13 | Association approval. In response, the neighboring unit owners filed suit against Plaintiffs and the 14 | Association resulting in an enforceable settlement agreement that obligated the Association to 15 |] restore gas utility service to the as-built utility lines that provided gas service to the neighbor’s 16 |) restaurant unit. 17 In response, Plaintiffs filed the Verified Complaint that fails to assert a single sustainable 18 |] cause of action against Defendants. In doing so, Plaintiffs impermissibly plead contradictory and 19 || antagonistic facts in an attempt to sustain their futile claims. For instance, Plaintiffs contend the 20 || Association provided express permission to install their gas line to support certain intentional 21 |i torts, but then allege the Association abdicated all responsibility with respect to reviewing their 22 || application for purposes of their breach of contract claim. 23 Plaintiffs’ inability to assert a single viable cause of action is further demonstrated by their 24 |! failure to address, allege, describe, or incorporate any relevant servitudes in the Association’s 25 | “Declaration of Establishing a plan for Commercial Condominium Ownership dated November 26 115, 2010” (“CC&Rs”). Relevant provisions of the judicially noticeable CC&Rs completely 27 || contradict Plaintiffs’ verified allegations and defeat their claims. The verified allegations are also 28 | contradicted by Plaintiff Ho’s judicially noticeable sworn admissions provided to the Court BERDING & WEIL LLP -l- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386during an evidentiary hearing before Judge Aaron Persky regarding Plaintiffs request for a N preliminary injunction that was denied on November 8, 2017. Plaintiff Ho conclusively admitted w neither the Association nor management ever approved a request to convert the unit into a BR restaurant or construct a common area gas line to service the unit for such purposes. wn Il. DEFENDANTS COMPLIED WITH CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE § 430.41 Defendants complied with the “meet and confer” requirements described by Code of Civil a a Procedure (“CCP”) § 430.41. (See Declaration of Nicholas A. Rogers Filed in Support of oo Defendants’ Demurrer (“Rogers Decl.”.) ° Til. SUMMARY OF FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS 10 The Association is a commercial condominium association located in San Jose, California 11 || (the “Development”) formed under California law pursuant to the “Declaration of Establishing a 12 | plan for Commercial Condominium Ownership dated November 15, 2010” (“CC&Rs”). (Verified 13 || Complaint, § 3.) Mr. Nguyen is a volunteer director and President of the Board of Directors for 14 || the Association. (Verified Complaint, J 5.) 15 Plaintiffs T. Nguyen, N. Nguyen, and Ho are the legal owners of real property commonly 16 |] known as Unit 9015 at 999 Story Road, San Jose, California (“Unit 9015”). (Verified Complaint, 17 ||q 1.) Plaintiff SF Pizza is Plaintiffs T. Ngyen, N. Nguyen, and Ho’s Unit 9015 tenant. (Verified 18 || Complaint, {| 2.) Unit 9015 is located in the Vietnam Town Condominium Project. (Verified 19 |] Complaint, ¥ 12.) 20 Plaintiffs’ contend they purchased Unit 9015 for $610,000 in reliance on representations 21 |)made by Defendant Michael Johnson. (Verified Complaint, {| 13.) Plaintiffs also allege that in 22 || reliance on representations from Defendant David Alvarado, “Plaintiff San Francisco Pizza, Inc. 23 |! has spent in excess of $500,000.00 in making tenant improvements to construct a pizza restaurant 24 |! in Unit 9015.” (Verified Complaint, {| 17.) 25 Plaintiffs then allege the Association delegated certain management and oversight 26 || responsibilities to Mr. Alvarado who approved Plaintiffs’ request to change Unit 9015 from retail 27 | to restaurant use; approved certain architectural changes to Unit 9015; approved construction of 28 |/ utility gas line over common area to service Unit 9015; granted Plaintiffs’ exclusive use of BERDING & WEIL LLP -2- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386common area for purposes of constructing the new gas line; and approved alteration and 2 || connection of the new gas line into the existing as-built common area utility gas line servicing a 3 || neighboring unit. (Verified Complaint, § 14, 17-20; 33-45; 52-55.) 4 Plaintiffs’ claim once the restaurant was constructed and ready to open, the Association 5 | directed Defendant Aquatek to disconnect Plaintiffs’ gas line in order to settle a separate lawsuit 6 || with Plaintiffs’ neighboring unit owner thereby preventing Unit 9015 from operating as a 7 || restaurant resulting in damages “caused by the disconnection of their gas line and the cessation of 8 ||the business of San Francisco Pizza, Inc.” that are estimated to exceed “$5,050,000.00.” 9 | (Verified Complaint, § 19-20; 42; see also {J 22-23; 26; 31-32; 42; 45; 55.) 10 IV. PROCEDURAL DISPOSITION 11 The Verified Complaint was filed on October 25, 2017. The Verified Complaint asserts 12 || eight causes of action: (1) trespass; (2) conversion; (3) intentional interference with prospective 13 j}economic advantage; (4) breach of contract; (5) declaratory relief; (6) fraud; (7) negligent 14 || misrepresentation; and (8) civil extortion. The breach of contract, declaratory relief, fraud, 15 ||negligent misrepresentation, and civil extortion causes of action are not asserted against Mr. 16 || Nguyen. The fraud and civil extortion causes of action are not asserted against the Association. 17 On October 27, 2017, Plaintiffs filed papers in support of a requested temporary 18 || restraining order, or alternatively, for an order shortening time. Plaintiffs claimed they had a right 19 |) to operate Unit 9015 as a restaurant and Defendants violated those rights by disconnecting the gas 20 || line, which effectively prevented Plaintiff SF Pizza from operating a restaurant. 21 On November7, 2017, an evidentiary hearing lasting approximately three hours was 22 || before the Honorable Judge Aaron Perksy at which Plaintiff Ho and Mr. Nguyen testified and 23 |! documentary evidence was presented. On November 8, 2017, Judge Persky issued an Order 24 || denying Plaintiff's application for injunctive relief (“Order”), which stated in relevant part: 25 The Court also concludes that a preliminary injunction will not preserve the status 26 quo pending trial. Accordingly, Plaintiffs motion for a preliminary injunction is DENIED. (Ex. A to Defendants’ Request for Judicial Notice (“RJN”), at p. 3.) 27 Lo: . . . . : The parties, via their legal counsel, continued to discuss possible resolution of the matter. 28 BERDING & WEIL LLP 3- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386Mediation was held before Hon. Kevin McKenney (Ret.) of JAMS. Mediation lasted 12 hours, N but certain Plaintiffs who departed mediation refused to sign a written settlement agreement. w Following mediation and in the absence of Association approval, Plaintiffs dredged the common BR area parking lot to install a permanent gas line in further violation of the Association’s governing wn documents. It then became clear the matter could not and would not settle. Shortly thereafter, Plaintiffs SF Pizza, T. Nguyen, and N. Nguyen obtained new legal counsel. Counsel for Plaintiff a a Ho filed a motion to be relieved as counsel. That motion is pending before the Court with a oo hearing scheduled for April 19, 2018. ° Vv. LAW GOVERNING GENERAL AND SPECIAL DEMURRERS 10 A demurrer tests the legal sufficiency of a pleading. (Beauchene v. Synanon Foundation, 11 jl Inc. (1979) 88 Cal.App.3d 342, 346.) A defendant may properly object by demurrer when a 12 || complaint is defective, in whole or in part, and the defects appear on the face of the complaint or 13 || from any matter of which the court must or may take judicial notice. (CCP, §§ 430.30; 430.70; 14 || Blank v. Kirwan (1985) 39 Cal.3d 311, 318; Cantu v. Resolution Trust Corp. (1992) 4 15 || Cal.App.4th 857, 877.) Not only does a demurrer test the sufficiency of allegations in the 16 |}complaint, but it also tests whether those facts are pleaded with sufficient certainty and 17 || particularity. (CCP §§ 430.30 (e); 430.30 (f); Banerian v. O’Malley (1974) 42 Cal.App.3d 604.) 18 Plaintiffs have the burden of showing the facts pleaded are plead with sufficient certainty, 19 || particularity, and satisfy every element of each cause of action. (Martin v. Bridgeport Cmty. 20 || Ass'n, Inc. (2009) 173 Cal.App.4th 1024, 1031; Goodman v. Kennedy (1976) 18 Cal.3d 335, 349.) 21 |! Contentions, deductions or conclusions of fact or law alleged in the complaint are not considered 22 |!in evaluating the sufficiency of the pleading. (Kisesky v. Carpenters’ Trust for So. Cal. (1983) 23 || 144 Cal.App.3d 222, 228.) 24 VI. ALL CLAIMS ASSERTED ON BEHALF OF PLAINTIFF SF PIZZA ARE 25 SUBJECT TO GENERAL AND SPECIAL DEMURRER 26 Plaintiff SF Pizza fails to allege facts sufficient to sustain any cause of action against 27 || Defendants and/or all such claims and allegations of resulting damage are impermissibly 28 || uncertain and subject to a motion to strike. The gravamen of Plaintiffs’ entire case arises from BERDING & WEIL LLP 4. 29S Cao Bs Se 50 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386allegations that certain acts and omissions prevented Unit 9015 from operating as a restaurant 2 |lresulting in damages “caused by the disconnection of their gas line and the cessation of the 3 || business of San Francisco Pizza, Inc.” that are estimated to exceed “$5,050,000.00.” (Verified 4 || Complaint, § 42; see also {J 22-23; 26; 31-32; 42; 45; 55.) 5 Civil Code section 6856 empowers a commercial association and the owner of a separate 6 jl interest with reciprocal rights to enforce equitable servitudes in an enabling declaration (i.e., 7 || CC&Rs) against one and other. (Civ. Code, § 6856 (a).) Indeed, servitudes reflected in the 8 || governing documents solely bind the Association and owners of separate interests in the 9 || development. (/d.) 10 Section 3.2 of the CC&Rs states in relevant part: MN “The Owner of a Condominium shall automatically, upon becoming the Owner of 12 the Condominium, be a Member of the Association, and shall remain a Member thereof until such time as the ownership cases for any reason, at which time the 13 membership in the Association shall automatically cease.” (Ex. B to RJN, at § 3.2 [pp. 11-12].) 14 15 Section 1.32 of the CC&Rs defines “Member” as a person entitled to membership in the 16 || Association as provided in the CC&Rs. (Ex. B to RJN, at § 1.32 [p. 4].) And, an “Owner” is 17 || defined as the record holder or holders of title to a Condominium in the Development. (Ex. B to 18 | RIN, at § 1.38 [p. 5].) 19 Plaintiff SF Pizza is not an owner as defined by the CC&Rs because the corporation is a 20 | commercial tenant who leased use of Unit 9015 from their landlord: Plaintiffs T. Nguyen, N. 21 |/Nguyen, and Ho. (Verified Complaint, §] 2 [“Plaintiff San Francisco Pizza, Inc. is the tenant of 22 || Plaintiffs Tan Nguyen, Nghia Nguyen and Kim Thuy Ho of Unit 9015, having entered into a 23 || lease agreement with said Plaintiffs on or about October 4, 2016.”].) Plaintiff SF Pizza has no 24 |\ rights arising under the CC&Rs, has no possible claim to ownership of common area utility lines 25 || for purposes of Plaintiffs’ first three causes of action, and neither the Association nor Mr. Nguyen 26 || owe Plaintiff SF Pizza any common law or contractual duty arising from the CC&Rs. As such, 27 || Defendants are not liable to Plaintiff SF Pizza for any alleged damages asserted in the Verified 28 | Complaint, which are also subject to a motion to strike. Such claims for damage, if any, are BERDING & WEIL LLP -5- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386between the corporation and its landlord; i.e., Plaintiffs T. Nguyen, N. Nguyen, and Ho. 2 And, the only fact allegations concerning purported damages in the entire Verified 3 |/Complaint state Defendant Johnson is liable for $610,000 damages arising from Plaintiffs’ 4 | purchase of Unit 9015 and an additional $500,000 in damages against management. Plaintiffs 5 } further allege $500,000 in additional reliance damages from alleged representations that resulted 6 |} in the corporation “making tenant improvements to construct a pizza restaurant in Unit 9015.” 7 || (Verified Complaint, {| 13; 17.) Neither the Association nor Mr. Nguyen is liable for such 8 || damages. Accordingly, the Association and Mr. Nguyen respectfully request the Court sustain 9 |i their general and special demurrers with prejudice as to each and every cause of action asserted in 10 || the Verified Complaint on behalf of Plaintiff SF Pizza. 1 VII. ALL CLAIMS ASSERTED AGAINST THE ASSOCIATION AND/OR MR. 12 NGUYEN ARE SUBJECT TO GENERAL AND SPECIAL DEMURRER 13 The Verified Complaint fails to assert a single sustainable cause of action against the 14 | Association or Mr. Nguyen. Plaintiffs’ claims sounding in conversion and intentional interference 15 |] with prospective economic advantage are not sustainable as it is apparent from certified recorded 16 |] land-use instruments that Plaintiffs had no right to possess common area gas lines and the factual 17 |/ allegations asserted in support of such claims are uncertain; Plaintiffs’ breach of contract claim 18 | fails as a matter of law, is contradicted by terms and provisions of certified recorded land-use 19 |] instruments, and the factual allegations asserted in support of this claim are uncertain; Plaintiffs’ 20 |! also failed to plead facts sufficient to support their negligent misrepresentation claim, the alleged 21 || facts asserted in support of such claims are uncertain, and the allegations are contradicted by 22 || Plaintiff Ho’s judicially noticeable admissions to the Court; and Plaintiffs’ declaratory relief 23 | action is wholly derivative of unsustainable causes of action and as a result fails as well. Under no 24 |! set of facts as alleged in the verified allegations can Plaintiffs allege theories of liability against 25 || Defendants. Accordingly, the Association and Mr. Nguyen respectfully request the Court sustain 26 || the instant demurrer, in its entirety, and dismiss the Verified Complaint and all claims asserted 27 | against Defendants therein with prejudice. 28 A. The First_and Second Causes of Action Are Subject to General_and_ Special BERDING & WEIL LLP -6- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386Demurrer Plaintiffs’ First and Second causes of action against Mr. Nguyen and the Association for N trespass and conversion are deficient and subject to general and special demurrer because the w Verified Complaint fails to state facts sufficient to state these causes of action and is uncertain. BR (CCP, §§ 430.10; (d); 430.10 (e); 430.10 (f).) Conversion is the wrongful exercise of dominion wn over the property of another.’ (CACI § 2100; Lee v. Hanley (2015) 61 Cal.4th 1225, 1240.) And, a a a plaintiff must allege he or she is entitled to immediate possession of the property at the time of conversion. (Plummer v. Day/Eisenberg, LLP (2010) 184 Cal.App.4th 38, 45.) Similarly, it is oo well settled that a person having neither possession nor the right to possession of personal chattels ° 10 |] cannot maintain an action for trespass. (CACI § 2101; Triscony v. Orr (1875) 49 Cal. 612, 617; 11 |] See also Jamotchian v. Slender (2009) 170 Cal.App.4th 1384, 1400-1401 [trespass to chattels 12 || permits recovery for interference with possession of personal property].) 13 Plaintiffs allege that once a gas meter and line are connected to an individual 14 |/condominium unit and it is tested and in use, the gas line is no longer the property of the 15 |] Association or part of the common area. (Verified Complaint, §] 22; 26.) This allegation is 16 || unsupported as a matter of law and contradicted by the Association’s recorded CC&Rs, the 17 || felevant provisions of which Plaintiffs failed to attach to the Verified Complaint. 18 The Verified Complaint asserts no legal basis to support an inference of a right to 19 |] immediate possession, use, or control of the gas (utility) lines. Contrary to Plaintiffs’ unsupported 20 || conclusion of law, gas lines are defined as Utility Facilities in the CC&Rs and the Association has 21 || the exclusive right to maintain, repair, replace, restore, operate, and manage all common area 22, || utility facilities. (Ex. B to RIN, at §§ 6.1 [pp. 26-27]; 5.1 (A)(1) [p. 20].) And, in the absence of 23 || Association approval, a member has no right to alter Utility Facilities such as the gas lines. (Ex. B 24 || to RIN, at §§ 5.1 (A)(1) [p. 20]; 5.1 (A)(2)(a) [p. 21]; 6.3 [p. 27].) 25 Provisions of the CC&Rs expressly contradict the verified legal conclusion asserted by 26 || Plaintiffs in their futile effort to establish liability for the intentional torts of trespass and 27 "It is generally acknowledged that conversion is a tort that may be committed only with relation to personal property 28 || and not real property. (Munger v. Moore (1970) 11 Cal.App.3d 1, 7.) BERDING & WEIL LLP -7- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386conversion. As such, Plaintiffs fail to allege facts sufficient to state a cause of action and/or 2 |) relevant provisions of the CC&Rs cited herein render such claims fatally uncertain. Accordingly, 3 || Defendants respectfully request the Court sustain their general and special demurrer as to the first 4 | and second causes of action with prejudice as any amendment thereto would be futile. 5 B. The Third Cause of Action Is Subject to General and Special Demurrer 6 Plaintiffs’ Third Cause of Action for intentional interference with prospective economic 7 || advantage against the Association and Mr. Nguyen is subject to general and special demurrer g || because the Verified Complaint fails to state facts sufficient to state this cause of action and is g || uncertain. (CCP, §§ 430.10 (e); 430.10 (f).) In order to allege a cause of action for intentional 10 |/interference with prospective economic advantage, Plaintiffs must allege facts sufficient to 11 |] establish the alleged acts were independently wrongful beyond the mere fact of interference itself. 12 || (Reeves v. Hanlon (2004) 33 Cal.4th 1140, 1152 [act or omission must be wrongful]; San Jose 13 |] Construction, Inc. v. S.B.C.C., Inc. (2007) 155 Cal.App.4th 1528, 1544-1545 [act must be 14 || wrongful by some legal measure, not merely the product of improper but lawful purpose or 15 |] motive].) 16 Plaintiffs allege Plaintiff SF Pizza was in the final steps of opening a pizza restaurant to 17 || the public and would have done so but for defendants’ “wrongful interference” with the business 1g |] by “disconnecting their gas line and preventing Plaintiffs’ contractors from re-connecting it.” 19 |] (Verified Complaint, § 30.) This cause of action is wholly derivative of Plaintiffs’ trespass and 20 |) conversion claims and more specifically derivative of allegations that presuppose the Association 21 || did not have the exclusive right to maintain, repair, replace, restore, manage, operate, and control 22 || the common area utility lines at issue. The CC&Rs completely contradict Plaintiffs’ allegations. 23 || (Ex. B to RIN, at §§5.1 (A)(1) [p. 20]; 5.1 (A)(2)(a) [p. 21]; 6.1 [pp. 26-27], 6.3 [p. 27].) As such, 24 || the Verified Complaint fails to assert facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action and/or is 25 || fatally uncertain as the Association was entirely justified in disconnecting Plaintiffs’ unauthorized 26 || utility line to restore service to the as-built gas line that exclusively serviced their neighbor’s 27 || restaurant. A conclusion further supported by Judge Perskey’s Order which expressly concluded a 2g || preliminary injunction would “not preserve the status quo pending trial.” (Ex. A to RJN, at p. 3.) BERDING & WEIL LLP -8- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT ‘Walnu recy Caitas 3861 The Order and CC&Rs are subject to judicial notice; both of which support a conclusion N that the Association and Mr. Nguyen’s alleged acts or omissions were not independently 3 || wrongful as required to plead a claim for intentional interference. Such acts and omissions were BR performed in good faith, consistent with the CC&Rs, and performed in accordance with an 5 jl executed settlement agreement that mitigated exposure to damages for unapproved alterations 6 || performed by Plaintiffs. Accordingly, Defendants respectfully request the Court sustain their 7 | general and special demurrer as to the third cause of action with prejudice as any amendment 8 || thereto would be futile. 9 C. The Fourth Cause of Action Is Subject to General and Special Demurrer 10 Plaintiffs’ Fourth cause of action for breach of contract against the Association is subject u to general and special demurrer because the Verified Complaint fails to state facts sufficient to LD state this cause of action and is uncertain. (CCP, §§ 430.10 (e); 430.10 (f).) An enabling B declaration describes the rights and obligations of the association of each owner with respect to 4 property identified and encumbered by restrictions contained therein. The instrument is examined 5 and enforced by applying contracting principles, but the recorded land-use instrument is not an 16 enforceable contract between a member and their community or commercial association. The u declaration is a unique instrument sounding in land use, enforceable covenants, and equitable 18 servitudes, but does not satisfy elements of contract formation and, therefore, Plaintiffs’ cause of 19 action for breach of contract fails as a matter of law. (see Franklin v. Marie Antoinette Condominium Owners Association (1993) 19 Cal.App.4th 824, 828 [no appellate authority to 21 support claim that enabling declaration is an enforceable contract]; Treo @ Ketner Homeowners 22 Association v. Superior Court (2008) 166 Cal.App.4th 1055, 1066 [CC&Rs are construed as a 23 contract but are equitable servitudes; not a contract].) a4 And, even if this cause of action did not fail as a matter of law, principles of contract 25 required Plaintiffs allege essential terms of the CC&Rs, or if done correctly, at the very least 26 allege the import of the terms. (/nternational Billing Servs., Inc. v. Emigh (2000) 84 Cal.App.4th 27 1175, 1187.) Typically, this is done by attaching a complete copy and incorporating it into the 28 BERDING & WEIL LLP -9- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINTBERDING & WEIL LLP 29S Cao Bs Se 50 ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386 Co em YN DW BF YW NY 10 WW 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 complaint by reference. (/d.) The Verified Complaint only attached Exhibit D to the CC&Rs, (see Ex. A to the Verified Complaint), but failed to attach any other provisions of the CC&Rs or incorporate such provisions into the Verified Complaint to explain the meaning of the exhibit or terms relevant thereto. It is apparent from a cursory review of the CC&Rs that Plaintiffs’ fourth cause of action fails to allege facts sufficient to sustain a cause of action for breach of the CC&Rs because the recorded CC&Rs: e Required prior approval from the Board of Directors to construct gas lines, (Ex. B to RIN, at §§5.1 (A)(1) [p. 20]; 5.1 (A)(2)(a) [p. 21]; 6.1 [pp. 26-27], 6.3 [p.27].); « Separate approval from the membership to grant an exclusive use easement over common area where a new gas line was constructed, (Ex. B to RJN, at § 5.2 (B) [p. 23); e Precluded Plaintiffs from interfering with existing utility gas lines servicing neighboring units (Ex. B to RJN, at § 7.11 [pp. 33-34]);? « Required written approval to alter any structural elements inside their unit (Ex. B to RJN, at § 7.11 [pp. 33-34]); and ¢ Prior approval to change use of a unit from retail to restaurant, (Ex. B to RJN, at § 7.2 (B) [p. 28]; see also Exhibit D.)° Plaintiff does not plead facts sufficient to address these issues and instead asserts factual contentions that completely contradict allegations asserted in support of their intentional tort claims. For instance, in support of Plaintiffs first cause of action they assert verified allegation that they connected a gas line with the “express permission and consent” of the Association. ? Section 7.11 of the CC&Rs states in relevant part: “[A]n Owner shall not (in the course of remodeling his Unit) damage or interfere with utility lines or facilities which serve other Condominiums.” (Ex. B to RJN, at § 7.11 [p. 33].) 3 Section 7.2 (B) of the CC&Rs prohibits the preparation and/or sale of food for on-site consumption with any unit not listed on Exhibit D to the CC&Rs. Unit 9015 is not listed on Exhibit D. All units listed on Exhibit D are corner units in the development. Unit 9015 is not a corner unit. Section 7.2 (B) also reserves a right in the declarant or its successor once all units are sold, i.e. the Association, to approve additional units for the sale of food and on-site consumption. The Association never approved any change of use for Unit 9015. -10- MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT(Verified Complaint, | 22; see also {] 26; 30.) Plaintiffs then contradict their own verified 2 |lallegations by claiming the Association failed to consider and approve or disapprove their 3 |} application. (Verified Complaint, 4 35.) While a plaintiff may plead inconsistent counts or causes 4 || of action in a verified complaint, this rule does not entitle a party to describe the same transaction 5 las including contradictory or antagonistic facts. (Alfaro v. Community Housing Imp. System & 6 || Planning Association, Inc. (2009) 171 Cal.App.4th 1356, 1381-1382; citing Faulkner v. 7 || California Toll Bridge Authority (1953) 40 Cal.2d 317, 328.) This is improper and subjects the 8 || pleading to general and special demurrer. 9 Further contradicting Plaintiffs’ verified allegations are Plaintiff Ho’s judicially noticeable 10 || admissions that she never had permission from the Association to operate a restaurant or install 11 }l gas lines: 2 Q. Did you ever receive anything in writing with permission from the HOA? 13 A. I did not. Nothing was ever written. 14 Q. When you say “nothing was ever written,” do you mean there was no written 15 permission from David Alvarado? 16 A. There is permission from David Alvarado, but not from the board.” (Ex. C to 17 RIN, at 82:28-83:7.) 18 When pressed, Plaintiff Ho then admitted Mr. Alvarado did not approve her request to 19 change the unit from retail to restaurant use or construct a gas line, but instead agreed to 20 “support” her request to the Board: 21 Q. I’m trying to just narrow down whether or not the e-mails say that I’m going to—do they say something to the effect of I support you, or I recommend approval 22 or do they say you are approved? 23 A. I support you. 24 Q. Okay. And— 25 A. To my understanding, I would take that in, you know, I have approval—I have 26 been approved. 27 Q. Okay. So the e-mails and writings we’re discussing right now talk about 28 supporting you, but you interpreted that to mean approved? BERDING & WEIL LLP -11- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINTA. Yes. (Ex. C to RJN at 86:19-87:2 see also at 83:3-7.) N The cogent inference and conclusion from these admissions are as follows: (1) the w Association never approved Plaintiffs’ project; (2) the Board never delegated authority to BR management for approval; (3) Plaintiffs understood management was not empowered to approve wn their request to change use of the unit from retail to restaurant or install gas lines; (4) Mr. Alvarado never communicated approval; and (5) Plaintiffs had no right to change use or alter gas a a lines in the absence of approval from the Board of Directors. The combination of Plaintiffs’ oo verified allegations, express provisions from the CC&Rs, and Plaintiff Ho’s sworn admissions in ° Court result in the unmistakable conclusion that this cause of action is subject to both general and 10 special demurrer. And, any attempt to amend the fatally deficient Verified Complaint to assert 11 | additional contradictory factual allegations is futile and subject to challenge under the sham 12 pleading doctrine. (Amid v. Hawthorne Comm. Med. Group (1989) 212 Cal.App.3d 1383, 1390.) 13 Accordingly, Defendants respectfully request the Court sustain their general and special demurrer 14 | as to the fourth cause of action with prejudice as any amendment thereto would be futile. 15 D. The Seventh Cause of Action Is Subject to General and Special Demurrer 16 oe . . : oo, . Plaintiffs’ Seventh cause of action for negligent misrepresentation is subject to general 17 : . . . . and special demurrer because the Complaint fails to state facts sufficient to state this cause of 18 action and is uncertain. (CCP, §§ 430.10 (e); 430.10 (f).) Plaintiffs allege Plaintiff Ho spoke to 19 Joany Yuin, one of four volunteer directors, and asked who she needed to speak with to have her 20 unit approved for use as a restaurant. (Verified Complaint, at { 14.) Plaintiffs further allege Ms. 21 Yuin directed Plaintiff Ho to contact Mr. Alvarado “to obtain answers to her questions.” (Verified 22 Complaint, at { 14.) Plaintiffs then allege Plaintiff Ho contacted Mr. Alvarado and requested, in 23 ae coe woge . . writing, to have the Board grant permission in a letter from the Association to install a gas line to 24 operate a pizza restaurant. (Verified Complaint, at § 14; see also Ex. C to RJN, at 82:10-83:7.) 25 Plaintiffs then contend Mr. Alvarado orally informed Plaintiffs that their unit was approved for 26 . we : restaurant use and the gas lines were owned by the Association and could be connected to units 27 opening restaurants. (Verified Complaint, at ¥ 14.) 28 BERDING & WEIL LLP -12- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT1 The Verified Complaint fails to allege a single fact attributing an affirmative statement to N the Association regarding approval or delegation of Association approval to use Unit 9015 as a 3 || restaurant, to alter the unit, or to alter common area utility lines. In fact, the only express BR allegation attributed to a Board member indicates Ms. Yuin directed Plaintiff Ho to obtain 5 |] answers to her questions from Mr. Alvarado and Plaintiff Ho then requested Mr. Alvarado obtain 6 || the Association’s approval, in writing, for the requested changes and alterations from the Board. 7 || Plaintiffs then allege Mr. Alvarado reviewed a draft letter on or about August 14, 2017 that stated 8 || “Plaintiffs had followed all of the appropriate steps to obtain approval both by the VTCOA as 9 | well as by PG& E for the restaurant.” (Verified Complaint, 14.) This allegation does not allege 10 || a written or oral statement regarding approval. In fact, it creates a cogent inference that as late as 11 }| August 14, 2017, Plaintiffs still had not received approval for their project. 2 In the absence of specific factual allegations concerning the alleged statement, who B published it, where it was published, and when it was published, there is no basis to support the 14 elements of duty, intent to induce reliance, reliance, causation or harm. (Committee on Children’s 5 Television, Inc. v. General Foods Corp. (1983) 35 Cal.3d 197, 215-216 [negligent 16 misrepresentation requires specific factual allegations].) Actual factual allegations are of M7 particular importance in this dispute in light of Plaintiff Ho’s sworn admissions that contradict her 18 verified allegations. (Ex. C to RJN at 86:19-87:2.) Accordingly, the Association respectfully 19 requests the Court sustain its general and special demurrers to the Seventh cause of action with prejudice as any amendment thereto would be futile. . E. The Fifth Cause of Action Is Subject to General and Special Demurrer 3 Plaintiffs’ Fifth cause of action for declaratory relief against the Association is subject to 24 general and special demurrer because the Complaint fails to state facts sufficient to state a cause 25 of action and is uncertain. (CCP, §§ 430.10 (e); 430.10 (f).) A declaratory relief claim is subject %6 to general demurrer where it relates to a substantive claim that is invalid as a matter of law. For 17 example, when a plaintiff fails to state sufficient facts to support a statutory claim, a general 28 demurrer may be sustained both to the statutory claim and to a claim for declaratory relief that is BERDING & WEIL LLP -13- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT“wholly derivative” of the proposed statutory claim. (Ball v. FleetBoston Financial Corp. (2008) 2 || 164 Cal.App.4th 794, 800.) 3 Plaintiffs allege the present controversy arises from whether its conduct or that of Mr. 41 Alvarado approved the proposed change of use and installation of a gas line. (Verified Complaint, 5 4] 44.) However, Plaintiffs failed to allege facts sufficient to support any of their claims sounding 6 Vin tort or contract as Plaintiffs’ effectively plead: 7 « The Association provided express permission to install a gas line (i.e., for purposes : of intentional torts); 10 e The Association took no action and abdicated all responsibility with respect to ll their application (i.e., for purposes of their breach of contract claim); 12 * The Association delegated all decision making authority to management who 13 supported their applications (i.e., for purposes of their negligent misrepresentation 14 claim.) Is And, then Plaintiff Ho admitted under oath in open Court that the Board never approved 16 use of Unit 9015 as a restaurant or construction of a gas line to serve the unit and that 7 management supported her request to the Board.’ As a result, Plaintiffs’ failed to plead a single 18 sustainable cause of action against the Association sounding in tort or contract and their wholly 19 derivative declaratory relief claim fails as well. Accordingly, Defendants respectfully request the 20 Court sustain its general and special demurrers to the Fifth cause of action with prejudice as any 21 amendment thereto would be futile. 22 3 VIII. ALL CAUSES OF ACTION ASSERTED AGAINST MR. NGUYEN AND THE ASSOCIATION SHOULD BE DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE 24 For all of the reasons discussed herein, the Complaint is subject to general and special 25 26 4 Consistent with Plaintiff Ho’s testimony concerning management “support,” it appears management supported the 27 || request and did what it could to facilitate Association approval for the requested project as reflected by allegations in paragraph 14 of the Verified Complaint concerning a draft letter. Support and compliance with steps to obtain 28 || approval is, however, different than prior actual approval from the Board of Directors. BERDING & WEIL LLP -14- 29S Cao Bs Se 50 ‘Walnu recy Caitas 386 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINTdemurrer. Plaintiffs have not and cannot allege a sustainable conversion, trespass to chattel, or intentional interference with prospective economic advantage claim because it is apparent from the judicially noticeable CC&Rs that they have no right; let alone an immediate or exclusive right to maintain, repair, replace, restore, operate, or manage common area gas lines. Similarly, Plaintiffs breach of contract and negligent misrepresentation claims are unsustainable and fatally uncertain in light of provisions identified herein from the CC&Rs that contradict allegations asserted in the Verified Complaint and/or Plaintiff Ho’s admissions under oath in open Court. Plaintiffs verified judicial admissions, admissions under oath, and CC&R provisions render any attempt to amend the Verified Complaint futile as the factual allegations necessary to sustain claims arising from these events in a future pleading are subject to the sham pleading doctrine. It is apparent from Plaintiffs’ conflicting verified allegations, the judicially noticeable CC&Rs, and Plaintiff Ho’s sworn admissions that Plaintiffs were on notice of the need for prior Association approval to use Unit 9015 as a restaurant, to secure gas service, and were expressly precluded from altering existing utilities in a manner that interfered with their neighbors. Plaintiffs’ knowingly began and completed construction in the absence of such approval and went so far as to construct a gas line over common area and tap into existing gas lines in violation of the governing documents. And, their entire theory of damages arises from claims from a non- member tenant who, if anything, has claims against their fellow Plaintiffs; not the Association or Mr. Nguyen. The Verified Pleading fails to state a claim and Plaintiffs’ existing verified allegations and sworn admissions render any further attempt to amend the pleadings futile. Date: February 23, 2018 BERDING & WEIL i¢holas A. Rog, aron D. Zirhmerman Attorneys for Defendants Vietnam Town Condominium Owners Association, Inc. and Joseph Nguyen =] 3-| MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT