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  • Yehuda Fulda v. Eli S Miles Commercial document preview
  • Yehuda Fulda v. Eli S Miles Commercial document preview
  • Yehuda Fulda v. Eli S Miles Commercial document preview
  • Yehuda Fulda v. Eli S Miles Commercial document preview
  • Yehuda Fulda v. Eli S Miles Commercial document preview
  • Yehuda Fulda v. Eli S Miles Commercial document preview
  • Yehuda Fulda v. Eli S Miles Commercial document preview


INDEX NO. 500201/2010 (FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 04726720171) NYSCEF DOC. NO. 51 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/26/2011 At an LAS. Trial Term, Part) of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of Kings, at the Courthouse, lecated at Civic Center, Borough of Brooklyn, City and State of New York, on the // day of Ayr! 20// PRES ENT Hon._/are4&. Kat tee “5 Cal. No. [Jand AE Velde Fu /da Plaintifi(s) Index No. [O02 °1/2 010 ~ against - Eli ©. Nhjfes Defendant(s) The following papers numbered 1 to read on this motion Papers Numbered Notice of Motion Order to Show Cause and Affidavits (Affirmations) Annexed, Answering Affidavit (Affirmation), Reply Affidavit (Affirmation), (Affirmation), Pleadings - Exhibits. Stipulations - Minutes. Filed Papers. flantttis Motion tor Contempt js denied with Jeswe to renew Dele det Crops Mobo iS Wi Chavet For Clerks use only MG Sood MD E Ws ety Karen © Cou Justice, 5 preme EsV-tev 11-04 FILED APR 2 1 2011 KINGS COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE a Philip R. Berwish, Esq. 228 Park Avenue South ~ Suite 30780 Wy 3 3) New York, New York 10003 (800) 547-8717 Attorney for the Plaintiff, Yehuda Fulda uy be SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK ( COUNTY OF KINGS: COMMERCIAL DIVISION ee ee se ew rere eee nner nes INDEX NO. 500201/2010 YEHUDA FULDA, Plaintiff - against - NOTICE OF MOTION ELI S. MILES, Defendant (FC | p SIR: WARNING: {PURSUANT TO N.Y. JUD. LAW § 756) YOUR FAILURE TO APPEAR IN COURT MAY RESULT IN DEFENDANT’S IMMEDIATE ARREST AND IMPRISONMENT FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MOTION IS TO PUNISH THE DEFENDANT FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT, AND SUCH PUNISHMENT MAY CONSIST OF FINE OR IMPRISONEMENT, OR BOTH. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that upon the Affirmation of Philip R. Berwish, sworm to on December 10, 2010, the Plaintiff's Motion For Contempt And Sanctions, And/Or Alternatively, For Judgment, dated December 10, 2010, and all exhibits, papers and proceedings heretofore had herein, the Plaintiff, Yehuda Fulda, will move this Court at an IAS Part of this Court to be determined, at the Courthouse at 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, on the 5th day of January, 2011, at 9:30 o’clock a.m., or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard for an Order, finding the Defendant in contempt of the Order dated August 5, 2010, awarding sanctions in favor of the Plaintiff and/or, alternatively, for judgment to enter against the Defendant on al] counts in Plaintiff's Verified Complaint, mete and for such further and different relief as the Court deems just and proper. 1 at aed ol Y I (ULC sheet if are required to be served Pursuant to CPLR § 2214(b), answering affidavits, if any, of this motion. upon the undersigned at least seven (7) days before the return date Dated: New York, New York Respect! December 13, 2010 Philip R. Berwish, i 228 Park Avenue South Suite 30780 New York, New York 10003 (800) 547-8717 TO: Samuel Diamantstein, Esq. LAW OFFICES OF DAVID CARLEBACH, ESQ. 40 Exchange Place New York, New York 10005 (212) 785-3041 Attorneys for Defendant, Eli S. Miles AFFIRMATION OF SERVICE I, Philip R. Berwish, an attorney duly admitted to practic e before the courts of the State under the pains and penalties of of New York, do hereby represent, ce! tify and affirm, perjury, that on December 14, 2010, a true and correct copy of the forgoing NOTICE OF via e-mail, upon the MOTION was filed electronically with the court, and was served as follows: counsel of record for the Defendant, Eli S. Miles, addressed Samuel Diamantstein, Esq. LAW OFFICES OF DAVID CARLEBACH, ESQ. 40 Exchange Place New York, New York 10005 (212) 785-3041 Attorneys for Defendant, Eli S. Miles ja Philip R Berwis . 228 Park Avenue South ~ Suite 30780 New York, New York 10003 (800) 547-8717 Attorney for the Plaintiff, Yehuda Fulda ws