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  • Yehuda Fulda v. Eli S Miles Commercial document preview
  • Yehuda Fulda v. Eli S Miles Commercial document preview
  • Yehuda Fulda v. Eli S Miles Commercial document preview
  • Yehuda Fulda v. Eli S Miles Commercial document preview


UcS~840(REV 1/2000) REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION Supreme. hing s Soorroro court COUNTY INDEX NO. DATE PURCHASED. GA\Ae x Clerk only PLAINTIFF (S) : Yehud « Fulda DEFENDANT (S$) : IAS entry date Judge Assigned RJI Date - i Date issue joinea: V/A Bill of particulars served (Y/N): [ ]¥es Mao NATURE OF JUDICIAL INTERVENTION (check ONE box only AND enter information) {] Request for preliminary conference { ] Note of issue and/or certificate of readiness A notice of notion return date: 7S /10 Relief sought [ismiss Comping {.] Order to show cause (clerk enter return date Relief sought. { ] Other ex parte application (specif, NATURE OF ACTION OR PROCEEDING (Check ONE box only) MATRIMONIAL (] Contested -cM [ ] Uncontested -UM COMMERCTAL, (] Contract -CONT [1 Corporate CORP {1 Insurance (where insurer is a party, except arbitration) -INs {] Ucc (including sales, negotiable -uce instruments) [] *0ther Commercial -0c REAL PROPERTY (] Tax Certiorari -TAX (1 Foreclosure -FOR 1] Condemnation -COND (] Landlord/Tenant LT [] *other Real Property -ORP Oy nc cont £ Dispe fe L#6s Theol S ov2.00n TORTS [] Notice of petition (return date Relief sought {] Notice of medical or dental malpractice action (specify C C C ] Statement of net worth ] Writ of habeas corpus ] Other (specify: ) Malpractice C C C C C 8! { C C C C C C ] Medical/Podiatric J Dental ] *other Professional ] Motor Vehicle ] *Products Liability Environmental Asbestos Breast. Implant *Other Negligence ] *Other Tort (including intentional) SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS ] Art. 75 (Arbitration) Art. 77 (Trusts) Art. 78 Election Law Guardianship (MHL Art. 81) *Other Mental Hygiene +Other Special Proceeding -ART75 -ART77 ~ART78 “ELEC -GUARDS81 -MHYG -osPCheck “YES" or "NO" for each of the following questions: Is this action/proceeding against a YES NO YES NO (1 0X Municipality: £1 Dxf public authority: (specify. ) (Specify ) YES No (1 Xd Does this action/proceeding seek equitable relief? [1 XJ Does this action/proceeding seek recovery for personal injury? C1 bd Does this action/proceeding seek recovery for property damage? Pre-Note Time Frames: (This applies to all cases except contested matrimonials and tax certiorari cases) Estimated time period for case to he ready for trial (from filing of RII to filing of Note of Issue): /txpeaitea: 0-8 months 0 Standard: 9-12 months © Complex: 13-15 months Contested Matrimonial Cases Only: (Check and give date) Has summons been served? Oo No Q Yes, Date. Was a Notice of No Necessity filed? 9 No © Yes, Date ATTORNEY (S) FOR PLAINTIEF(s) : self Name Addr: Phone # Rep.* a Phi lip RK. Berwieh Ese. Iss Werter Streed. CUZ CY Oo Broobl, Mero [IL ATTORNEY (s)_ POR DEFENDANT (S) : Self Name Address Phone # a |lewotlicro? Duid Grblel pap | YO Exchace Mlce Tvte tie (TUT 304, a New YorG, Mrs York, (020 5- *Self Represented: parties representing themselves, without an attorney, should check the "Self Rep." box and enter their name, address, and phone # in the space provided above for attorneys. INSURANCE CARRIER, RELATED CASES: (IF NONE, write "NONE" below) . Title Index # Court Nature of Relationship Pi Yebedla Felferc Hs miles T0O32I/pG —SepremCont Sane Action Diwisfef for lach of pociera| jentdluten ing Cs wty I AFFIRM UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT, TO/MY KNOWLEDGE, OTHER THAN AS NOTED ABOVE, THERE ARE AND HAVE BEEN NO RELATED ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS, NOR HAS A REQUEST FOR. ICIAL INTERVENTION PREVIOUSLY BEEN FILED IN THIS ACTION OR PROCEEDING. Law OF G/ so, LE. of “aval, Cobb, Es Dated: 2 0 > S Geel f 1 Indivcl. ste} , E (PRINT,OR TYPE NAME) . A: Debdud Eli S Miles ATTORNEY FOR Dele, do ne ATTACH RIDER SHEET IF NECESSARY TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION \forms\rji2000.4pd