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  • Patrick Keen v. Majestic Realty Associates Llc, Challenger Properties, Llc, New York Smsa Limited Partnership D/B/A Verizon Wireless (3rd Party Deft.) Tort document preview
  • Patrick Keen v. Majestic Realty Associates Llc, Challenger Properties, Llc, New York Smsa Limited Partnership D/B/A Verizon Wireless (3rd Party Deft.) Tort document preview


INDEX NO. 153809/2012 (FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0472572013) NYSCEFSD0GY NOY 239 +e rar Leup“ourren, sass om OTT cic-#9¢-BB@RIVED NYSCEF: §4425/2013 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION FOR ONTC (Managing Attorney/Attorney in Charge for Multiple Attorney s, In Firm/ Agency) (DEBORAH BASS | reg, (Attomey RegistrationNo._1 02 2914 )s am the ing attorney of/attorney in charge of ¢-filing for the law firm/agency or axtment Firm”) G& . [hereby acknowledge that_American Clerical Service (“the filing agent”) haa registered as an authorized filing agent user of the New York State Courts Electronic Filing System (“NYSCEF") (User ID. }. Further, T represent that the attorneys in the Firm who are authorized users of the NYECEF systern hereby authorize the filing agent to file documents on their behalf and at their direction in any ¢-filed matter in which they ate counsel of record through NYSCEF, as provided in Section 202,5-b(0)(1) of the Uniform Rules for ” the Trial Courts, ‘This suthorization extends to any matter in which these attorneys heve previously consented to e-filing or may hereafter consent and to any matter in which they authorize the filing agent to-tecord consent in the NYSCEF system. This-filing authorization extends to any and all documents these attorneys generate and submit to the filing agent for filing in any such matter. This authorization, posted ones on the NYSCEF website aa to each matter in which these attorneys are counsel of record, shall be deemed to accompany any document in thet matter filed by the filing agent on behalf of these attorneys. Where a document intended for filing includes secure information as set forth in the E-Filing Rules, the attorneywill notify the filing agent and direct the filing agent to mark that document Secure in the NYSCEF system. These attomeys further authorize the filing agent to view suoh Secure documents that they have filed or that they generte and submit‘o the filing agent for fling in any euch This authorization shall continue until the Firm or attomey revokes the authorization in writing ona prescriked form delivered to the E-Filing Resource Center, Dated: City, State and Zip Code Jean “BASS AA-¥ 4 F— Hf Print Name Phone ledy- a AT f Me, Che DBASSB LG @-lAw. Con posLOCH non | Firm/Departmnent Be-Mail Address HET. I a som re , ole Complete & Fax to 212.732.4327