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  • Leon Holdings, Llc, Leon Petroleum, Llc v. Northville Industries Corp. Commercial document preview
  • Leon Holdings, Llc, Leon Petroleum, Llc v. Northville Industries Corp. Commercial document preview
  • Leon Holdings, Llc, Leon Petroleum, Llc v. Northville Industries Corp. Commercial document preview
  • Leon Holdings, Llc, Leon Petroleum, Llc v. Northville Industries Corp. Commercial document preview


NA AU OUN Kk 40 Dv INDEX NO. 601536/2012 NYSCEF BOC. NO. 98 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/27/2015 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORE COUNTY OF NASSAU wenn ener en ene ener neem en nen en nenenennenenennnannnnnnnen neh Index No. 601536/2012- LEON HOLDINGS, LLC and LEON PETROLEUM, LLC, NOTICE OF JOINT MOTION Plaintiffs, TO COMPEL DISCOVERY AND FOR A PROTECTIVE -against- ORDER NORTHVILLE INDUSTRIES CORP., Defendant. ween ene neem nen een en nen en ee nen nen enennenennenenenenenenennnneX PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that upon this Notice of Motion, the annexed Memorandum of Law and the Affirmations of Keith H. Richman, Esq. and Debra L. Rothberg, Esq., together with the Exhibits attached thereto, the undersigned counsel for Plaintiffs Leon Holdings, LLC and Leon Petroleum, LLC (hereinafter “Plaintiffs”) will move the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Nassau, at the Courthouse located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mincola, New York 11901, on the 21" day of May, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., or as soon or as thereafter as counsel may be heard, for: (i) an Order compelling Defendant Northville Industries Corp. ta produce for inspection certain internal corporate notes prepared by its manager responsible for environmental compliance, a non-attorney employee; (ii) a Protective Order, pursuant to CPLR § 3103(a), for certain redacted entries on the invoices of Plaintiffs’ outside litigation consultant, Apex Companies, LLC relating to the prior underlying Federal MTBE action; and (iii) for such other, further and different relieve as the Court deems just and proper. Dated: Garden City, New York March 27, 2014 V espectfully S UA ath Richman Y) VV? eith chman & Wine, P.C 666 Old Country Road, Suite 101 Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: 516-228-9444 Fax: 316-228-9514 Attorneys for Plaintiffs