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  • Ryan Jones, By His F.N.G Darell Jones v. Orlin & Cohen Orthopedic Associates, Llp, Metropolitan Diagnostic Imaging, P.C., Bradley Dean Gerber M.D., Steve Sharon M.D., Mark J. Decker M.D., Lowell B. Barek M.D. Medical Malpractice document preview
  • Ryan Jones, By His F.N.G Darell Jones v. Orlin & Cohen Orthopedic Associates, Llp, Metropolitan Diagnostic Imaging, P.C., Bradley Dean Gerber M.D., Steve Sharon M.D., Mark J. Decker M.D., Lowell B. Barek M.D. Medical Malpractice document preview
  • Ryan Jones, By His F.N.G Darell Jones v. Orlin & Cohen Orthopedic Associates, Llp, Metropolitan Diagnostic Imaging, P.C., Bradley Dean Gerber M.D., Steve Sharon M.D., Mark J. Decker M.D., Lowell B. Barek M.D. Medical Malpractice document preview
  • Ryan Jones, By His F.N.G Darell Jones v. Orlin & Cohen Orthopedic Associates, Llp, Metropolitan Diagnostic Imaging, P.C., Bradley Dean Gerber M.D., Steve Sharon M.D., Mark J. Decker M.D., Lowell B. Barek M.D. Medical Malpractice document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 01/23/2014 INDEX NO. 601537/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/23/2014 07819-083098 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU ----------------------------------------x RYAN JONES, by his Father and Natural Guardian, NOTICE OF MOTION DARELL JONES, Index No.: 601537/12 Plaintiffs, -against- Return Date: February 12, 2014 ORLIN & COHEN ORTHOPEDIC ASSOCIATES, LLP, METROPOLITAN DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING, P.C., BRADLEY DEAN GERBER, M.D., STEVE SHARON, M.D., MARK J. DECKER, M.D. and LOWELL B. BAREK, M.D., Defendants. X COUNSELORS: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that upon the annexed Affirmation of YUKO ANN NAKAHARA, ESQ., dated January 23, 2014, upon all the exhibits annexed thereto, and upon all prior pleadings and proceedings, the undersigned, on behalf of the defendant, MARK J. DECKER, M.D., will move this Court at the Courthouse located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, 12th day of February, 2014,at 9:30 AM of Mineola, New York 11501 at the Part on the that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard for an Order: a. Pursuant to CPLR 3126, compelling co-defendant METROPOLITAN DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING, P.C. to disclose copies of any and all diagnostic studies, films, reports and/or records pertaining to the infant-plaintiff, RYAN JONES; and, b. Granting such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that pursuant to CPLR R 2214-b, responding papers, if any, are to be received by the undersigned no later than seven (7) days prior to the return date of this motion. Dated: New York, New York January 23, 2014 Yours, etc. MARTIN CLEAR WATER & BELL LLP - Yuko Ann Nakahara Attorneys for Defendant MARK J. DECKER, M.D. 220 East42ndStreet, 131h Floor New York, New York 10017 (212) 697-3122 TO: ROSENBAUM & ROSENBAUM, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiffs " Floor 110 Wall Street, 21 New York, New York 10005 (212) 514-5007 LEWIS JOHS AVALLONE & AVILES, LLP Attorneys for Defendants ORLIN & COHEN ORTHOPEDIC ASSOCIATES, LLP, BRADLEY DEAN GERBER, M.D. and STEVE SHARON, M.D. One CA Plaza - Suite 225 Islandia, New York 11749 (631) 755-0101 GAB RIELE & MARANO Attorneys for Defendants METROPOLITAN DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING, P.C. and LOWELL B. BAREK, M.D. 100 Quentin Roosevelt Blvd. Garden City, New York 11530 (516) 542-1000 2175276 l.DOC 2