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  • Progressive Northern Insurance Company v. Bi Y. Guan Commercial document preview
  • Progressive Northern Insurance Company v. Bi Y. Guan Commercial document preview


INDEX NO. 505794/2013 (FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 0171672014) NYSCEF DOC. NO. 12 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/16/2014 At an LA.S. Trial Term, Part Tot the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of Kings, at the Courthouse, located at Civic Center, Borough of Brooklyn, ey and State of New York, on the ins day o!TT ZV tn omy 20) PR ES EN T Hon. Justice In the Matter of the A +he PROGRESSIVE NOR tf \icahon of ERN Plaintiff(s) Cal.No. Index No. 50 wioby fan tt - COMPANY, 508744. | 1D Arbitration sought te ni & $104 prENe H. LUANG, Admnist¥ dor of the Estade, Se S D efendant(s Guan deaedent The following papers numbered 1 to on this motion Papers Numbered Notice of Motion - Order to Show Cause and Affidavits (Affirmations) Annexed. Answering Affidavit (Affirmation). —— Reply Affidavit (Affirmation), Affidavit (Affirmation) Pleadings - Exhibits, Stipulations - Minutes. Filed Papers. val \S dened % wnimel pos a iI oD CAL g 4503 Ce) ake an acquis For Clerks use only A MG MD_~ Motion Seg. # | = ENTER x LS. EJV-rev 11-04 Hon. Debra Sither