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  • Joan Nachmani v. The City Of New York, Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc., Triumph Construction Corp. Tort document preview
  • Joan Nachmani v. The City Of New York, Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc., Triumph Construction Corp. Tort document preview


a ag INDEX NO. 150890/2014 * D NYSCEF: 04/16/2019 fo SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK Nace, ber INDEX NO Lxage/ooly Plaintiffis) - against - TAS PARTS (Ce ¥39 Crr¢ Defendant(s). STIPULATION IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between or among the attorneys named below as follows OCH Vo KE~yo 1 Pints 8/30/17 Longaros, by o/h off 9 AS Pee sea fr9 atbi4_- pending, relioetfF Sfi7_ Aimar ae” 2.11 +0 provide feurtesy copy of May.2017 olemand w/t Fit days fe cnielcor hw. Nyc gov Nxt CC: fpr @ 2p Mort : cfe1, L9 ney for Defendant “C$ Attorney for Defendant Dated >—hw \C ] Ae ERED: 1 ~ oe dates. SO ORDERED priorcourt ord? is ENTER: HON. LYLE E. FRANK 14et lof 1