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  • Joan Nachmani v. The City Of New York, Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc., Triumph Construction Corp. Tort document preview
  • Joan Nachmani v. The City Of New York, Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc., Triumph Construction Corp. Tort document preview


INDEX NO. 150 ih ee NYSCEF: 05/15/2017 eh ee 003620 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK 7s INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT PART 5a Joan Nachman l STIPULATION o/.Za/y “a INDEX NO [ SO89 WY, CONEN 6 MOFION-CALENDAR NO. 9c NWO DATE [ Ii 7 IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the below-named attomey(s) as follows: compliance Comfew2 1S resolve a Bik, b Teagund WS Demand deteet si fq gpa Bek Cok cits b prodmo VE? who fst al ae Jp dutel PWT on a lem 2017 @ late alati7 @) } One Coe S140 aL nt t royerd ty 1s DH Aaked Wik leo? to A +, Ta iO | (ore tt & of ste pladed1 Inbiz) whe 2D Aug to extent at geoiided on 3/19 Attomey for Plaintiff Ath want ZC Attomey Defendant co So Ordered. KFher Ske > ~ tog Bolsen Attomey for Defendant a — ENTER: af) pram JSC. Avoauod fe KA 5 ev cc 208 HON. ALEXANDERM. TISCH lof 1