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  • Shelley Karten, Mark Karten v. 500-512 Seventh Avenue Lp, Llc.,, Newmark Grubb Knight Frank, Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc., Gibraltar Contracting, Inc, G&E Real Estate Management Services, Inc Tort document preview
  • Shelley Karten, Mark Karten v. 500-512 Seventh Avenue Lp, Llc.,, Newmark Grubb Knight Frank, Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc., Gibraltar Contracting, Inc, G&E Real Estate Management Services, Inc Tort document preview
  • Shelley Karten, Mark Karten v. 500-512 Seventh Avenue Lp, Llc.,, Newmark Grubb Knight Frank, Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc., Gibraltar Contracting, Inc, G&E Real Estate Management Services, Inc Tort document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/15/2018 10:04 AM INDEX NO. 151650/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 119 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/15/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK X SHELLEY KARTEN and MARK KARTEN, Index No.: 151650/14 AFFIRMATION IN Plaintiff(s), OPPOSITION -against- 500-512 SEVENTH AVENUE LP, LLC., NEWMARK GRUBB KNIGHT FRANK and NEW YORK, INC. and G&E REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC., Defendant(s). ______________________ ---X LAWRENCE B. SAFTLER, ESQ., an attorney duly licensed to practice law before the courts of the State of New York, affirms the following to be true under the penalty of perjury: 1. I am a partner with the law firm of SAFTLER & BACHER, PLLC, and I am fully familiar with the facts and circumstances of the within opposition. 2. I submit the affirmation in opposition to the motion 500- following by defendant, 512 SEVENTH AVENUE LP, LLC, for summary judgement on the issue of liability. 3. At the outset, the defendant 500-512 SEVENTH AVE LP, LLC (hereinafter referred to as 500) had wholly failed to apprise this court that they were precluded by court order from producing evidence on liability. See Exhibit 1, status conference order of J. Manuel Mendez wherein it states, "500-519 is precluded from producing evidence on liability at trial". While this is summary judgment motion, itcertainly takes the place of a trial,which they are attempting to preclude plaintiff from having. Therefore, this defendant should be sanctioned for the bringing of this motion, for itwell knew and failed to include in itsmotion paper work the procedural history of this case, and specifically the status conference order of this court 1 of 3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/15/2018 10:04 AM INDEX NO. 151650/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 119 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/15/2018 precluding 500-519 from producing evidence on liability at trialin an order dated October 1, 2017. 4. Further to this point, itwas ruled that defendant 500 would be precluded because its' of repeated failures to produce a witness pursuant to court orders of which there were many, but notably the prior order of the court of 7/19/17, attached as Exhibit 2. The prior court orders, also omitted from the defendant's procedural history, are attached hereto as Exhibit 3. 5. As the court should take judicial notice of itsown order, the preclusion of 500 is clear, and the fact that this is not a trial but a summary judgement motion, should have no impact on their preclusion. Further to that point, while defendant's attorney argues that 500-519 produced a witness, the witness they produced was only a witness from NEWMARK GRUBB KNIGHT FRANK who was not precluded. See Exhibit 1 its' 6. Further, assuming the court overlooks own preclusion order, the defendant its' 500 fails in burden of proof, since they essentially argue that the exception to the administrative code as it pertains to utility gratings applies to this matter, alleviating their clear responsibility as the adjoining landowner pursuant to the administrative code. However, they defendant fails to prove in any way, manner, or respect in itsability to show that the plaintiff fell within the 12 inch limit surrounding the perimeter of the grading. Therefore, the administrative code 7-120 stillapplies, or at the very least presents a question of fact, and since 500 is the admitted owner of the premises, itremained their responsibility to maintain the sidewalks around the perimeter of their building under said law. 7. For all of the reasons set forth herein, this motion should be denied in its entirety. WHEREFORE, itis respectfully requested that the court deny the motion by Defendants and for such other and further relief as the court may deem just, proper and equitable, including 2 of 3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/15/2018 10:04 AM INDEX NO. 151650/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 119 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/15/2018 the imposition of sanctions and costs for bringing a spurious motion for which they knew they were already precluded. Dated: New York, NY October 15, 2018 Yours, etc. SAFTLER & BACHER, PLLC Attorneys for plaintiff(s) By: Lawrence B. a ler,Esq. 275 Madison Ave., Suite 2005 New York, NY 10016 646.865.0797/646.865.0801 TO: WEISER & MCCARTHY Attorneys for defendant(s) 500-512 SEVENTH AVENUE LP, LLC. and NEWMARK GRUBB KNIGHT FRANK 17 State Street, 8th Floor New York, NY 10004 (212) 943-8940 File No.: 15-00290419 BRS CONSOLIDATED EDISON COMPANY OF NEW YORK, INC. Attorney for Defendant/Third-Party Plaintiff 4 Irvington Place, Room 1800 New York, NY 10003 (212) 460-3355 LAW OFFICE OF VIRGINIA E. MCDONALD Attorneys for Third-Party Defendant NAMOW, INC. 13th One Whitehall Street, FlOOr New York, NY 10004 (212) 248-9100 3 of 3