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  • Peter Columbia v. Bes Group Inc., Beatriz Quinones Tort document preview


SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK X Index No. 151012/2014 PETER COLUMBIA, Plaintiff, -against- STIPULATION BES GROUP INC., and BEATRIZ QUINONES, individually Defendants. X Itis hereby stipulated and agreed, by counsel for Plaintiff and by Defendants, as follows: Plaintiff's motion for a default judgment against Defendants is adjourned until June Defendants’ time to appear in this action and respond to the summons and complaint is extended through and including June 19, 2014. Defendants waive any and all defenses predicated upon lack of personal jurisdiction. 3. Provided that Defendants appear in this action no later than June 19, 2014, Plaintiff agrees to withdraw his pending motion for a default judgment. : 4. Defendants agree to file this Stipulation on May 21, 2014, which is the return date for the motion for a default judgment. DATED: May 20, 2014 ARCE 0 de nfo Bryan BArces£sq. \Be4triz Quinofes 30 Brdad Street - 35" Floor Individually and on behalf of BES Group Inc. New York, New York 10004. 325 West 38" Street - Suite 1601 New York, New York 10018