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  • Peter Columbia v. Bes Group Inc., Beatriz Quinones Tort document preview
  • Peter Columbia v. Bes Group Inc., Beatriz Quinones Tort document preview
  • Peter Columbia v. Bes Group Inc., Beatriz Quinones Tort document preview
  • Peter Columbia v. Bes Group Inc., Beatriz Quinones Tort document preview


INDEX NO. 151012/2014 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/17/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 12 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/17/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK X Index No.: 151012/2014 PETER COLUMBIA Plaintiff, BEATRIZ QUINONES’ AFFIDAVIT - against - IN OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR DEFAULT BES GROUP, INC. and BEATRIZ QUINONES JUDGMENT Defendants. ee —----X |, Beatriz Quinones, being duly sworn, hereby say as follows: 1 | am the owner of Defendant BES GROUP, INC. (“BES”). All of the facts stated herein are of my own knowledge unless| indicate otherwise. 2 | started BES in 2009 as an energy consulting agency in New York City. 3. | retained the law firm of Kagan Lubic Lepper Finkelstein & Gold, LLP (“Kagan”) in 2013 to represent me in the case Joseph Dj Virgilio v. BES Group, Inc. and Beatriz Quinones, Index No. 159645/2013. Plaintiff in that matter was represented by Bryan S. Arce from the Arce Law Group. 4 | was never personally served with the complaint for the instant matter, Peter Columbia v. BES Group, Inc. and Beatriz Quinones, \ndex No. 151012/2014. | believe that Bryan Arce arranged for the complaint to be served directly to my attorneys at Kagan. 5. | believed that Kagan was working on submitting an answer to this complaint on behalf of myself and BES. | know that Kagan was in touch with plaintiffs counsel, Bryan Arce, because a Stipulation to Adjourn was filed on March 3, 2014. This stipulation extended the time to answer until April 3, 2014. 6 Due to difficulties | was having with Kagan, | asked that they withdraw from representing me on or about April 9, 2014. 7 Since that time, | have been diligently trying to find other counsel. | tried to go through my insurance carrier but they did not approve the claim or provide me or my company with representation. 8. | have called many attorneys who tell me that they can help me but then change their minds later. One such attorney, Langweber McQuat, LLP, wrote a letter to the court on June 17, 2014 to ask that an adjournment be granted on my behalf, to give me additional time to find representation. 9 | have also been in touch with plaintiffs counsel on this matter. | had a friend who is a family law attorney contact Bryan Arce to ask for more time on my behalf. | also talked to Bryan Arce directly, to which he kindly granted me another extension, in a stipulation that was filed with the court on June 20, 2014. 10. Even up to the week of the return date for plaintiff's default judgment motion, | have been in contact with no fewer than three different attorneys. | met with someone from Wilson & Elser who decided not to represent me. Attorney Matthew Heerde also could not represent me. aa. | have been extremely diligent in my attempts to get assistance so that | can answer this complaint on behalf of myself and BES. My diligence is also demonstrated in the fact that | have answered and participated in the case involving plaintiff Joseph Di Virgilio. 12. My delay in responding has not been intentional or willful. While trying to find counsel, | have been simultaneously running my business without any employees to assist me. Bei Quinones Sworn to before me on JulyJ7, 2014 Notary Susan S Egan Notary Public-State of New York No 02E£G6128381 2 Qualified in New York County My Commisssion Expires 1[ 14{ 11