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  • Alberto Collado v. Ermogeno Peralta, Miguel A. Rodriguez-Acevedo Tort document preview
  • Alberto Collado v. Ermogeno Peralta, Miguel A. Rodriguez-Acevedo Tort document preview
  • Alberto Collado v. Ermogeno Peralta, Miguel A. Rodriguez-Acevedo Tort document preview
  • Alberto Collado v. Ermogeno Peralta, Miguel A. Rodriguez-Acevedo Tort document preview


YORK OUN Kk Dv NDEXI5To4872014— NO. NYSCEF BOC. NO. 33 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/20/2015 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY PRESENT: RLENE P, BLUTH PART ZZ Justice AMEAIDED D=EaisioNl COLLADD (ALBERTS INDEX NO. (IS1C4B 14 MOTION DATE ERALTA, ERMCEENO MOTION SEQ. NO. CO { The following papers, numbered 1 to , were read on this motion to/for Notice of Motion/Order to Show Cause — Affidavits — Exhibits J No(s). Answering Affidavits — Exhibits [ No(s). Replying Affidavits [ No(s). Upon the foregoing papers, it is ordered that this motion is PRIOR. DECISION ON MOTION DATO 7(I6[\s IS VACATED. AND NORE ISTO BE CALENDAPRED FOR A|lolIs ZZEFM® 10:004M FEZ <0 Of DGASD STTPLATION ATTA ED as Bo 3 bated: _“! feo|s- pn, S.C, et et NON. AR inne SiS oe 33 nels 1 we 1s 4, CHECK ONE: ..sssssesoee {_j CASE DISPOSED (] NON-FINAL DISPOSITION 2. CHECK AS APPROPRIATE: MOTION IS: {_]GRANTED CIDENIED {]GRANTED IN PART v LOTHER 3. CHECK IF APPROPRIATE: ... sssseseseene ._ SETTLE ORDER 1 SUBMIT ORDER (iD0 NOT POST { | FIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT ° |} REFERENCE MMoOp Mr 00 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK Aypood INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT PART _@R a Coallado STIPULATION Peralta wocxno, / S/0¢8 [14 MOTION 7 /ag NO. / 5 pate 7 (20 fis IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the below-named attorney(s) as foliows 1D) Courts deceson Granth. sm dated T/hisls Ls how by vacate 1 >) 1 heroby decopts A'S op pest ry— 3) shawl’ hase’ pe fo Serve /bk pep ly papers by S(4HS 4) mohon ‘to be (urqucd on AVL LE S)T -fryths toer 1gh fp kope A min LS Aba CL lal Cob fara.srov ’ AISSOCS, 420[1 Attomey for Plaintiff Ata [tog vez bl Me JUL 20 2015; Attomey forDefendant? So Ordered. ‘Attomey for Defendant ENTER: ‘SC-8G (rev 2/86) RLE mene ete