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  • Sandra Engelman v. The City Of New York, Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc., Safeway Construction Enterprises, Inc. Tort document preview
  • Sandra Engelman v. The City Of New York, Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc., Safeway Construction Enterprises, Inc. Tort document preview


INDEX NO. 151665/2014 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/08/2016 I1:14 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 24 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/08/2016 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY PRESENT: HON. ROBERT R. REED PART Y S J.S.Cuustice Sanory Eng am av) woexno. LOGE 5 7 Y MOTION DATE MOTION SEQ. NO. (iry OF NY, EAL. The following papers, numbered 1 to , were read on this motion to/for Notice of Motion/Order to Show Cause — Affidavits — Exhibits [ No(s). Answering Affidavits — Exhibits PNo(s). Replying Affidavits [ No(s). Upon the foregoing papers, It is ordered that this motion Is ara noted on delaul F, Kecocdt ngly 14 4s OeENES +hak laTmHlPs Yolkioa Soe leave to anand the conphiat hee in 4s Granted | and the amended congiatat tn the ee posed faced anneved to the Moving papers Shall be deerted served upon serve cof 2 copy of drs order usth notice of enty theres: and? is fur the OROEED that dolendamts shail seve an ansmer 4o the arteaded Conglatat or otherwise respood thereto wHthia 20 dys Lom Hhe date of savd sorice’ and ff 7s further uz Ore VO thes AW Aeon Shall bo transfeqed & a v-Pe-ertiated vo Case Wanage nent Coe) Par F Qursuant fo ti5 Coucds Pre tocol 25 zg Cenc aang asstpnme nd of Gre Y Casec_ ao 5 & 29 eu Dated Marth 7, 2016 JSC. 1, CHECK ONE: ........0005 susan [] CASE DISPOSED If NON-FINAL DISPOSITION 2, CHECK AS APPROPRIATE: "MOTION is: (JGRANTED DENIED CIGRANTED IN PART CoTHER 3. CHECK IF APPROPRIATE: . CJSETTLE ORDER Co susmit ORDER (D0 NoT PosT CFIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT (OREFERENCE lofl