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  • The People Of The State Of New York, By Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General Of The State Of New York, Benjamin M. Lawsky, Superintendent Of Financial Services Of The State Of New York v. Lyft, Inc. Other Special Proceeding document preview
  • The People Of The State Of New York, By Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General Of The State Of New York, Benjamin M. Lawsky, Superintendent Of Financial Services Of The State Of New York v. Lyft, Inc. Other Special Proceeding document preview
  • The People Of The State Of New York, By Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General Of The State Of New York, Benjamin M. Lawsky, Superintendent Of Financial Services Of The State Of New York v. Lyft, Inc. Other Special Proceeding document preview
  • The People Of The State Of New York, By Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General Of The State Of New York, Benjamin M. Lawsky, Superintendent Of Financial Services Of The State Of New York v. Lyft, Inc. Other Special Proceeding document preview


‘— ( ( R OF Iii S F’\ ii-OF’ \l\k’ YORK u NJ i NIW YoRK -x FF11 Pt P1 I OF Fl IF S IAI F OF NEW YORK. b IRIC F 5(1 INEIDI RMAN, Attorney General of’the State et Nev ‘rork, and BENJAMIN M. LA SKY. Supei jute ndent of Financial Services, Index No. -5 l47620I4 l9aintj It’s. [\S Part \ssianed u Justice Kathrn F. Ireed STIPULA1’LON Al) AGREEMENT i it hie 1)eftindant, -x I iiRF \S. pltIntIfl Fliedand sered a complaint on JuR I 2014 ole ( 1i!)O, fl \\ II f:R F\S. in an attempt to resohe the C oinplaint ithout further motioi practice or itigatiun.the parties entered a stipulation and agreement on August I. 2014 (ii led August 13.2014 1I)ocket No. 39}. that sas so ordered by the Court on Seplember 12, 2014 Ii )oc Let N 41 I.tispending the litigationuntil No ember 11, 201 4 and extcndinn Iy mc o e. ‘nove, or otheri Re respond to the Complaint until December 11 20 4: and ill_RI AS, the parties entered an additional sttpulation and agreement or ‘ eembcr 1I. 2014 lilod November 10. 2014) [Docket No. 421. that ‘.as o ordered b the ( ourt tt I)ecember I 0. 2014 Docket No. 43J. suspendin the liticationuntil lanuar iad C\teitdiilC I Ii stime to ansser. mo e. or uther se respond to the (on’ p1.0 ni ml I ebin:.u’ , 101 : and it fl ‘V” the i\sfliea entered an add.tiopttl stipulation and 4reeiilCPt or J.iiiuai> 2;; (ii’Cd Januan S. 2t)l5jf I )ceket No. 44). that was sO ordered l the Court on lanuary 20. 201$ jl)ocket No. suspending the litigation until March 9. 2035 and e’ctending 1.>ft” 1 time to answer, move, or otherwise respond to the Complaint until pril 7 2015’ and l3 1(1.‘S. the partie’ agree that additional time is nxes.’tir) the ti’ r:SL’lse •“tjiairt t. t10ut Wither zilni ion practice or litigation. lIIzRl’I’ORE. the ponies hereby stipulate and agree as follows. the litigation shall be suspended fir an additional thirt> (30) da> S the date that this agreement is eaceuted by the panics (the “additional suspension periodTh. t.u+u whici ‘rye the panec will make a good faith etIbrr to recolve allrciiiainin insics ltition 11 t.k’ 1 > lCs time to answer. iiicn e. or otherwise respond to the t ‘omplaint shall be estended tar siat> j60) days. so that l.yft ma> answer. mose. or othersi it respond to the t within thin) 1 (.mpLa:i iJO) days after the additional suspension period ends 2. Plaintiffs shall have thirty (30; days from the date that the deflndant :tiswrs. noses or otherwise responds to the Complaint, to file and serse resporisise papu s. and delerdant shall ha’ e lifteen 115) dai>s thereafter to file and sers e any rply 1. l)uring the additiona suspension period, the panics shall not engac in discos ers and the First Set of Requests thr the Pmduction of’ I)oia.ments served l’s Plaäit’l Is on September 12. 2014 shall be stayed for the duration of the additional tpe’1.i.’:1 ,‘rt’d. lithe pantes tail It’resol’e this litigation during the additional .n ‘liszt) ‘c it: •_cte.idant .hall respond to PlaiiailT’s First Set of Requsts Ii’r the :.:;w ••. . .•••‘ ‘.•..4•V••4.f.v• vj;:•:. ciJtr tö•• •••4•• t ..f.., •::fl : Production of Documents within thirty (30) dams after the additional suspension period ends. Atler the additional suspension period ends, any party ma> serve discovery demands ‘n an opposing party, and the panics will. in good faith. develop wid agree to a discovery 4dledUk. 4. PijWà èipvessfrki&& tti gkàiC4 áiij Stipulation and Agreement none ofthe parties waives any rights, claims. delënscs, or other remedies that are or would be available to the parties in the absence of this agreement. 5. This agreement may be signed in counterparts. ________ DaWJ: New York, New York Mar . 2015 iRI( I cI!NLII)LRMAN \tt roe\ (ienorI of Ihe S!ate ot’Nov York it rcy r PloiniifR I3: J\NEM. ALIA J — flI\1N M. LA’SKY uperintehdrit ol linoncial Services B JOY FLGFN BAUM 1/’ / NiI i: :\L I IN, LLI’ \tu!11c br I)etIndorit IY vIR1IN B JACKSON 4 ) ORI)1R[’ I): I Ioi Kathrv n 1% hreeJ