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  • Sni/Si Networks L.L.C. v. Directv, Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Sni/Si Networks L.L.C. v. Directv, Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Sni/Si Networks L.L.C. v. Directv, Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Sni/Si Networks L.L.C. v. Directv, Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Sni/Si Networks L.L.C. v. Directv, Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Sni/Si Networks L.L.C. v. Directv, Llc Commercial Division document preview


INDEX NO. 652471/2014| (FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/07/2014 10:30 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/07/2614 | SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK — NEW YORK COUNTY PRESENT: LAEFE JEFFREY K. OING PART A§ JSS.C. Justice SNI/S1 Netoote_ LLC INDEX NO. S24 | 14 MOTION DATE “ve MOTION SEQ. NO OO/ D woot TV. LLCE MOTION CAL. NO. The following papers, numbered 1 to were read on this motion to/for PAPERS NUMBERED Notice of Motion/ Order to Show Cause — Affidavits — Exhibits Answering Affidavits — Exhibits Replying Affidavits Cross-Motion Upon the foregoing papers; _ Yes 4 No it is ordered that this motion iS grant | NeusAa +O ng alls and toe C Bela dod ae. adtrrtted) yo lace vwic® aq Ocha attacied pre Hae Voce Dated u/s] « JEFFREY K- OING JSC. Check one FINAL DISPOSITION QZ ON-FINAL DISPOSITION Check if appropriate DO NOT POST SUPREME COURT FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK SNI/SI Networks L.L.C., Index No.: 652471/2014 Plaintiff, Part: 48 - against - Hon. Jeffrey K. Oing DIRECTV, LLC, Motion Seq. No.: 001 Defendant. ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE OF MELISSA D. INGALLS AND ROBYN E. BLADOW Melissa D. Ingalls, Esq. and Robyn E. Bladow, Esq., having applied to this court for admission pro hac vice to represent defendant DIRECTV, LLC in this action, and said application having been submitted in support thereof by an affirmation of John P. Del Monaco, a member of the bar of the State of New York and attorney of record herein for I DIRECTV, LLC, affidavits of the applicants dated September 11, 2014, and Certificates of Good Standing from the jurisdiction in which the applicants were admitted to the practice of law, and the Court having reviewed the foregoing submissions and due deliberation having been had, it is now therefore ORDERED that the motion is granted and Melissa D. Ingalls, Esq. and Robyn E. Bladow, Esq. are permitted to appear and to participate in this action on behalf ofDIRECTV, LLC; and it is further ORDERED that they shall at all times be associated herein with counsel who is a member in good standing of the Bar of the State of New York and is attorney of record for the party in question and all pleadings, briefs and other papers filed with the court shall be signed by the attorney of record, who shall be held responsible for such papers and for the conduct of this action; and it is further SNUSI Network L.L.C. v. DIRECTV, LLC Page 2 of2 Index No.: 652471/2014 Motion Seq. No.: 001 ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 520.11 of the Rules of the Court of Appeals and Section 602.2 of the Rules of the Appellate Division, First Department, the attorneys hereby admitted pro hac vice shall abide by the standards of professional conduct imposed upon members of the New York Bar, including the Rules of the Courts governing the conduct of attorneys and the Disciplinary Rules of the Code of Professional Responsibility; and it is further ORDERED that they shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of New York with respect to any acts occurring during the course of their participation in this matter; and it is further ORDERED that said counsel shall notify the Court immediately of any matter or event in this or any other jurisdiction which affects their standing as a member of the Bar. ifs) ENTER: JS.C. . JEFFREY k. OING JS.C, -2-