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  • Robert Knebel incorrectly named as
  • Robert Knebel incorrectly named as
  • Robert Knebel incorrectly named as
  • Robert Knebel incorrectly named as


(ILEQ;, NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 1171372014 10:53 AM INDEX NO. 161908/2014 NYSCEF Cc. NO.4 y RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/13/2014 . \|EX PARTE MOTION 0 Nw aoe. ROVED wl te FORT AYR ‘At an J.A.S. Part of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, in and for the OF Morion FEB County of New York, eld at the Courthouse, ONLY located at C. New York on the\Z*-day of November, 2014. PRESENT: HON HON, GEOFFREYD. WRIGHT SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK mene ne nen neem een n en enna nee nen e ene n enn en nen nen nenne! In the Matter of a Petition to Quash Subpoen: Ad Testificandum and/or for a Protective, Order ROBERT KNEBEL (incorrectly named as ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE “ROBERT KANEVAL”). WITH TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER Petitioner, - against - Index No.: \loL OO% | \ IKE JIUUN-SHYONG HUNG Respondent wanna nnn ete ene ene ee nen en nee n ne een n en eeene! Upon the annexed Affirmation of Douglas M. Jones, Esq., duly sworn to on the 5" day of November 2014, upon the exhibits annexed hereto, and upon all of the papers and proceedings had herein; K LET the Plaintiff, show cause before this Court, on the 3 © day of November 2014 at the Courthouse located at £ oO Cent Ft dm $22 a S New York, New York 10013, why a permanent Order should not be made quashing the Subpoena issued by the Orange County Clerk dated September 16, 2014 SUFFICIENT CAUSE appearing therefore, it is further ORDERED that a Temporary Restraining Order is granted until.a-hearing can be had in this matter restraining IKE JIUUN-SHYONG HUNG, Meyer, Olson, Lowy & Meyers, LLP, their agents, servants, employees, and all others, enjoining them, and any person acting on their behalf, rls Ww ~~ from compelling the deposition of ROBERT KNEBEL and the foregoing Subpoena Ad Testificandum is hereby Stayed until further noti¢e:of this Court; and it is ORDERED, that Service of a Copy of this Order to Show Cause, together with a copy of the papers upon which it is granted on Meyer, Olson, Lowy & Meyers, LLP, Attorney for Respondent at 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 1425, Los Angeles, California 90067, by overnight mail. on or before the (2 " day of November 2014 be deemed good and sufficient service thereof. Dated: November pa » 2014 ENTER: C HON. AIC