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  • Jewish Home Lifecare v. Mark Ast, Ernest Ast, Fiduciary For The Estate Of Betty Ast Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Jewish Home Lifecare v. Mark Ast, Ernest Ast, Fiduciary For The Estate Of Betty Ast Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Jewish Home Lifecare v. Mark Ast, Ernest Ast, Fiduciary For The Estate Of Betty Ast Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Jewish Home Lifecare v. Mark Ast, Ernest Ast, Fiduciary For The Estate Of Betty Ast Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview


(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0170672015 12:39 PM INDEX NO. 161001/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/06/2015 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK JEWISH HOME LIFECARE, Index No. 161001/2014 Plaintiff, -against- NOTICE OF MOTION TO DISMISS MARK AST, ERNEST AST and FIDUCIARY for THE ESTATE OF BETTY AST, Defendant(s). ween etna tenn nent ene eee een en een nenennueeennceneneeeneene PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that upon the annexed Affirmation of THOMAS C. LANDRIGAN, ESQ., dated January 6, 2015, and upon the accompanying memorandum of law and affidavits, and upon all of the pleadings and proceedings herein, the Defendants Mark Ast and Emest Ast will move this Court, in the County of New York, to be held at the Courthouse at The Motion Support Office, Room 130, 60 Centre Street, NY 10007, on the 22 day of January 2014, at 9:30 in the forenoon of that day or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard for an Order of this Court: (i) pursuant to CPLR 3211(a)(1) and CPLR 321 1(a)(7), dismissing Plaintiff's Complaint in its entirety; and (ii) pursuant to CPLR 3212, granting summary judgment in favor of Defendants Mark Ast and Ernest Ast as to all causes of action; or, alternatively, (iii)pursuant to CPLR 3212, granting partial summary in favor of Defendant Mark Ast as to all causes of action; and (iv) for other and further appropriate relief as the court deems just, proper and equitable. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that all answering affidavits and papers must be served in accordance with CPLR 2214(b). -1- Dated: Goshen, New York January 6, 2014 COHEN, LABARBERA& LANDRIGAN, LLP ae By Tho: ndrigan Attorneys ‘for Defendants, MARK AST AND ERNEST AST 40 Mathews Street, Suite 203 Goshen, New York 10924 (845) 291-1900 To: (via ECF) Alberthe Bernier, Esq. LITTMAN KROOKS LLP 399 Knollwood Road White Plains, New York 10603 Attorneys for the Plaintiff 2-