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  • Robert Hemlall v. New York City Transit Authority Article 75 proceedings document preview
  • Robert Hemlall v. New York City Transit Authority Article 75 proceedings document preview
  • Robert Hemlall v. New York City Transit Authority Article 75 proceedings document preview
  • Robert Hemlall v. New York City Transit Authority Article 75 proceedings document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/05/2014 07:01 PM INDEX NO. 653419/2014 NYSCEF # {Print NO. DOC. in bleck 1 ink to fill in the spaces next to the instructions] RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/05/2014 .,.t .' SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK . COUNTY OF NEW YORK --------------------------------------~x In the Matter of the Application of Index Number - I 4 /\wAter:;t ~ULL YvAG--lES Pot< -rHI?:.'E;l£ ~AY.s: AI-ONGf ""•.nTH 'THE£' CDsr..s Atv.:J:> 'J)IS8o~Sc=ME)'VT~ Petitioner [sign your name] t??a8E,e, HEML.ALL [print your name] 15 BENHAM S'rREE-r- 'vVAT~f3UIZY CT 067'~B 917-4-95-7362 [your address and telephone no.] VERI FICA TION STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 0 AQQY\2 ss: [your name], being duly sworn, deposes and says that: I am the petitioner in this proceeding; I have read the foregoing petition and know the contents thereof; the same is true to my own knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be al/eged on information and beJief; and as to those matters I believe it tobe true. Sworn to before me' on Petitioner [sign your name in front of a Notary] ~o.f3ER-r J/£/YlL/f-LL [print your name] I HARIPRASAD DEVI., ~tJteof New Y'JrK Notary pubIiC'H~A6241098 No, 0,1 County QualifiedIn o.U8;tlS '\6,2015 commission Expl!e~ May VerPet4-06 ****·***********************NOTICE OF ENTRY***************************** INDEX"NUMBER ~ _ Sir/Madam: .' Please take notice that the within is a (certified) true copy of a . SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK . . .' . '. .. COUNTY OF NEW YORK .' ___ -,.._~-......:..._~. duly entered In the office of the clerk of . . .the within named courtonthe_'_"_day of . ,200_.. ~OBEI<7 J-./E/VI L/t L L .Dated: . Yours, etc. . : Plaintiff I Petitioner Attorney for: Petitioner 1 - against - . Respondent --, __ ~_.,......"..;.,.;.,. .,......,, ~_. Office and Post NEW. YO~Ic-C ITY ..7i<.ANSI T... A UTHo I£»TY, _':"'-~ __ ~~_~-"--,--':'"""'""_-:--....o..-. Office Address Defendant/'Respondf!nt, To: Att9.rney(s) for __ ---' __ ---"'-- -'- ***************,,****N OTICE· 0 F SETTLEMENT**************** To the best of my knowledge, information and belief, .• Sir/Madam: . .. . . formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances, "') the presentation of these papers and the contentions therein . Please take notice that an~........;.,....-'-~~-...,....- __ ...,....;...,....-'-...,....;.._ are not frivolous as defined in subsection (c) of section 130-1.1 of the Rules of theChh!f Administrator (22NYCRR). . . of which the within is a true copy.will be presented for settlement Sign Name: . ~~.' ;> ..-. to. the Hon. . ,one.oftheJustices Print Name: /f?o8E:.R -r HEM~/\ L~. of the within named court at . , on' _...-- ,200_ at .' AM/PM Address: .1!5 '13EAJf-{A/v1, S7F?EE7" .' \IV A 1£12..15u-R.y' Dated: ,200'--. . . Yours, . ete CT- 6·G 7'0 g . Telephone ·...917 -'f:95'~'-73 ~.'2-'. Petitioner "Service of a copy of the within is hereby admitted To: . Dated: ·,200_ Attorney(s) for Attorney for ~ __