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  • Robert Hemlall v. New York City Transit Authority Article 75 proceedings document preview
  • Robert Hemlall v. New York City Transit Authority Article 75 proceedings document preview
  • Robert Hemlall v. New York City Transit Authority Article 75 proceedings document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/05/2014 07:01 PM INDEX NO. 653419/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/05/2014 [Print in black ink all areas in bold letters.] J Su'PREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ------ ---------------------------x Index Number In the Matter of the Application of ,e' .,---.rROJ3E-RT HEMLALL [fill in name(s)] Petitioner(s) NOTICE 0F PETITION - against- [fillin name(s)] . Respondent( s) --------~-------------x PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that upon the verified petition(s) of rROBER T I-/E/VII....A:LL ,[yourname(s)),sworntoon Nov·5r1l .20'£ [date Verified Petition notarized], and the attached exhibits, petitioner(s) will request this Court, 'at 9:30 AM on the ) ,rr day of0£CEM13ER.. , , 20~ L. [return date] at the Courthouse, at 60 Centre Street. New York. N. Y.. in the Motion Support Courtroom, Room 130, for a jUdgment. pursuant to the Civil Practice Law and.Rules (CPLR), granting the fol/owing relief to the petitioner{s):[brief/y describe what you are asking the Court to do] 70 tvto'J) /.p:'y , . IN PAfZ-r ,HtE 'J)ECISI6N D~ '/H£ ,4N:P AWARD FULL WAG-.GS ,t::OF? 7ff;eEE :::DAYS - ALo/Vt!:- WITH and for such other and further relief 8S this Court may deem just and proper. Dated: Alo v· Sf'" •20' 4 . Respectfullysubmitted. [date signed] r;RO.BEl?f /ft;;Hi.-A Lt- ,IS .BENHAM.. ST/C?E£T' To: Respondent(s) Petitioner(s) /JEW Yol(k. CI'Ty'ikI}-IVS'/7 AUTJfORITY [your name, address, telephone number] /VIA-RISSd SotR/ffll ...-LJ~Bol'< A-TTDR/lJEY 2. f3~O~\IIJAY/ NEW Yoi If yes, date filed: _ Has a summons and complaint or summons w/notice been served? o <:) If yes, date served: _ Is this action/proceeding being filed post-judgment? o o If yes, judgment date: _ NATURE OF JUDICIAL INTERVENTION: Check ONE box onl AND enter additional information where indicated. o Infant's Compromise o Note of Issue and/or Certificate of Readiness o Date Issue Joined: Notice of Medical, Dental, or Podiatric Malpractice _ o o Notice of Motion Notice of Petition Relief Sought: Relief Sought: -Ju-d-g-m-en-t-.-M-o-ne-y------ Return Date: -:-::--:-::-c:-c-:--------- Return Date: ..:.1=.2-....:1-=-2:.:0:...;.1..:.4 _ o Order to Show Cause Relief Sought: _ Return Date: _ o o Other Ex Parte Application Poor Person Application Relief Sought: ----------- o Request for Preliminary Conference o Residential MortgageForeclosureSettlement Conference o Writ of Habeas Corpus O Other (specify): List any related actions. For Mabimonial actions, include any related criminal and/or Family Court cases. RELATED CASES: If additional space is required, complete and attach the RJI Addendum. If none, leave blank. Case Title Index/Case No. Court Judge (ifassigned) Relationship to InstantCase For parties without an attorney, check "Un-Rep" box AND enter party address, phone number and e-mail address in space provided. PARTIES: If additional space is required, completeand attach the RJI Addendum. Parties: Attorneys and/or Unrepresented litigants: Issue Un- List parties in caption order and Provide attorney name, firm name, business address, phone number and e-mail Insurance Joined Rep indicate party role(s) (e.g. defendant; address of all attorneys that have appeared in the case. For unrepresented Carrier(s): (Y/N): 3rd·party plaintiff), litigants, provide address, phone number and e-mail address. HEMLALL HEMLALL ROBERT Last Name LastName First Name ROBERT DYES l8] First Name Primary Role: 15 BENHAM STREET Firm Name WATERBURY connectiG 06708 Petitioner EJ SecondaryRole(if any): Street Address City Stale Zip (!)NO 9174957362 RHEMLAll@YAHOO.COM Phone Fax e-mail NEWYORKCITYTRANSITAUTHORITY SORAN MARISSA last Name last Name FirstName NEWYORKrrrv TRANSITLABORATTORNEY OYES Fir.;tName Firm Name 0 Respondent Primary Role: 2 BROADWAY NEWYORK NeWY0nG 10004 SecondaryRole~f any): B Address Street city Stale Zip C!)NO 6461511936 Phone Fax e-mail LastName Last Name First Name DYES First Narne Firm Name D PrimaryRole: City Stale Zip StreetAddress SecondaryRole(if any): bNO Phone Fax e-mail LastName last Name First Name DYES Firm Name 0 First Name Primary Role: City state Zip Street Address SecondaryRole(if any): ONO Phone Fax e-mail IAFFIRM UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT, TO MY KNOWLEDGE, OTHER THAN AS NOTED ABOVE, THERE ARE AND HAVE BEEN NO RELATED ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS, NOR HAS A REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION PREVIOUSLY BEEN FILED IN THIS ACTION OR PROCEEDING. Dated: 11/05/2014 ••••• SIGNATURE ROBERT HEMLALL ATTORNEY REGISTRATION NUMBER PRINT OR TYPE NAME PrintForm .]