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  • Devika Koobair v. Kourosh Mehrnia Dds, American Dental Care, P.C. Medical Malpractice document preview
  • Devika Koobair v. Kourosh Mehrnia Dds, American Dental Care, P.C. Medical Malpractice document preview


(FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 01/08/2016 03:42 PM INDEX NO. 706958/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/08/2016 SUPREME COURT QF TLE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF OUIENS DEVIKA KOOGAER, Plaistalt, INDEX NU, FOR9SR20) 4 sagdinsl- STIPULATION OF ROUROSH MEHRSLA, D1.S. and USCONTINGANCE, AMERICAN DENTAL CARE, PC, Deliendants, a ~ HUIS EREDY STIPULATED AND AGREED, by uml between the undersigned. the aturaeys of record for all the parties to the ohove-cuptioned aetion, thal wheres ni party bereto fan infant oc incompwtemt person for wluim uw ceimmiltee has been appolnted and me peruse party hax an intezest in the subject marter ef this avtion, the above-captioned: acthat dy herehy Uiscontinued. sith prejios, by and between the partes withuul vost to either PUry a4 against all defendants. This Stipuluston may be liked satlusut farther native with the Clerk atthe € ourt. Dans: New York. New York Deseer 2ful4 ALBER WOCEELA iL a sq. Pluie ROBYN §. GOLDFARB, ESQ. ALBERT W CRU Kw ASSOCTATES. Pt SMEGEL LEFELER PLLC Attorney I for Fintiff Atomeys for Defendants 100 Merrick Rang, Suit 1051: 135 W 20" Sireet, Suute BI Kockville, Mew Vork 11870 New York. New York 10001 (316) 399-2920 TTD SN