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  • Estate of:Mikleu, IonelGuardianship for Disabled - Person and Estate document preview
  • Estate of:Mikleu, IonelGuardianship for Disabled - Person and Estate document preview
  • Estate of:Mikleu, IonelGuardianship for Disabled - Person and Estate document preview
  • Estate of:Mikleu, IonelGuardianship for Disabled - Person and Estate document preview
  • Estate of:Mikleu, IonelGuardianship for Disabled - Person and Estate document preview
  • Estate of:Mikleu, IonelGuardianship for Disabled - Person and Estate document preview
  • Estate of:Mikleu, IonelGuardianship for Disabled - Person and Estate document preview
  • Estate of:Mikleu, IonelGuardianship for Disabled - Person and Estate document preview


Hearing Date: 8/1/2024 11:00 AM Location: Court Room 1812 Judge: Outlaw, Jesse CCP 0200 12/01/20) FILED IN 'I'IIE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILI.,INOIS 6/25/2024 4:21 PM COUNTY DEPARTMENT — PROBATE DIVISION IRIS Y. MARTINEZ File No. 2024P004493 CIRCUIT CLERK COOK COUNTY, IL FILED DATE: 6/25/2024 4:21 PM 2024P004493 Estate of 2024P004493 Calendar, 12 Ionel Mikleu 28259442 Alleged Person with a Disability PKTITION FOR APPOINTMKNT OF GUARDIAN OF A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY Does the Petitioner expect the Alleged Perso~ H~kth A Disability to appear in cotzrt? P ]es 't/o In accordance with (I la-8 of the Probate Act of 1975 (" Probate Act") [755 ILCS 5/I la-8j and I'1(201 - 204 of the is, Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act ("UAGPPJA") [755 ILCS 8/201 - 204j, the Petitioner, Gabriela Stellhorn [printed name of the Petitioner] states under the penalties of perjury: Ionel Mikleu (the "Respondent" ), [printed name of the alleged person with a disability] whose year of birth who is 18 years or older, who resides in Cook County, and whose place of residence is 5701 N. Sheridan Unit 28@, Chicago, IL 60660 , is a person with a disability; [address/city/county/state/zip code] 2, The relationship to and interest in the Respondent of the Petitioner is "'3. The reasons for the guardianship are that the Respondent is a person with a disability due to Dementia, Severe cognitive impairment. Please see CCP-211 and because of that disability [des«iption of disability] (a} lacks sufficient understanding or capacity to make or communicate responsible decisions concerning the care of the Respondent's person; (b) is unable to manage the Respondent's estate or financial affairs; 4. (a) The approximate value ofthe Respondent's estate is: Personal $ Under lnvesti ationReal $ Under investi~ation; (b) The amount of the Respondent's anticipated annual gross income and other receipts are: $ " « " e tg 5. The names and post office addresses of the Respondent's Guardian, if any, or of the Respondent's agent(s) appointed under any Power of Attorney Act, if any, and of the Respondent's nearest relatives entitled to notice, are listed on Exhibit A attached to this Petition "Nearest relatives" means, in the following order, (a) the spouse (including a party to a civil union) and adult children, the parents and adult brothers and sisters or, if none, (b) the nearest adult kindred known to the Petitioner; 6, The names and post office addresses of any minor or adult who is dependent upon the Respondent are also listed on Exhibit A attached to this Petition. 7. The name and address of the person with whom, or the facility in which, the Respondent is residing is Warren Barr Gold Coast - 66 W. Oak St., Chicago, IL 60610 *8. H (a) No Petition for the appointment of a Guardian of the Respondent is pending in any other jurisdiction; (b} A Petition for the appointment of a Guardian of the Respondent is pending in «9. H (a) Illinois is the Respondent's "home state" as defined in II201(a)(2) of the UAGPPJA. (b) is the Respondent's "home state", but Illinois is a "significant-connection state" as defined in (201(a)(3) of the UAGPPJA, and one of the additional requirements specified in (203(2)(A)-(B) of UAGPPJA applies. Cheek the appropriate box or boxes Check the appropriate basis for jurisdiction IRIS Y. MARTINEZ, CLERK OF THK CIRCUIT COURT OF COOI& COUNTY, ILLINOIS Page 1 of 5 2024P004493 CCP 0200 B (12/01/20) File No. (c) Illinois is not the Respondent's "home state" or a "significant-connection state" as defined in (201(a)(2)-(3) of the UAGPPJA, but the "home state" and every "significant-connection state" have declined to exercise jurisdiction because Illinois is the most appropriate forum. FILED DATE: 6/25/2024 4:21 PM 2024P004493 (d) Illinois is not the Respondent's "home state" or a "significant-connection state" as defined in $ 201(a)(2)-(3) of the UAGPPJA, but the circumstances involved constitute an "emergency" as defined in $ 201(a)(1) of the UAGPPJA, and, as a result, the Court has "special jurisdiction" under $ 204(a) of the UAGPP JA. The Petitioner asks that be adjudged a person with a disability, and that [printed name of the Respondent] A Gabriela Stellhorn [printed name of the proposed Guardian] 15663 Hawks Way, Carmel, IN 46033 [post office address/city/state/zip code] age 36 yeai s Daughter Account Executive at Salesforce [relationship to the Respondent] [occupation] who is qualified and willing to act and who " been convicted of a felony, be (has) (has not) appointed as Guardian of the estate and person of the Respondent. (estate and person) (estate only) [printed name of the proposed Guardian] [post office address/city/state/zip code] age years, [relationship to the Respondent] [occupation] who is qualified and willing to act and who been convicted of a felony, be (has) (has not) appointed as Guardian of the person only of the Respondent. [printed name of the proposed Guardian] be appointed even though has been convicted of a felony because: (lie) (sile) (i) the appointment is in the Respondent's best interests, after considering the nature and date of the offense and the evidence of the proposed Guardian's rehabilitation, and (ii) the offense is not one which, under ) 1 la-5(5) of the Probate Act, would prohibit the appointment. ***Strike if not applicable. [signature of the Petitioner] Attorney Number 39490 15663 Hawks Way Timothy J. Ritchey/M. Cristina Puleo [address of the Petitioner] Fiim Naine Peck Ritchey, LLC Carmel, IN 46033 Attorneys for Petitioner [city/state/zip code] Service via Email will be accepted at: Addiess 321 S. Plymouth Ct. 6th Fl. City/State/Zip Chicago, IL 60604 by ent pursuant to Ill. Sup. Coutt Rules 11 and 131. Telephone (312) 201-0900 Attorney Certification Fmail tritchey@Peckritchey.corn IRIS Y. MARTINEZ, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Page 2 of 5 2024P004493 CCP 0200 C (12/01/20) File No. EXHIBIT A Attached to and made a part of a PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN OF A PERSON V%TH A DISABILITY FILED DATE: 6/25/2024 4:21 PM 2024P004493 List the names and post office addresses (i) of the persons entitled to receive notice under paragraph 5, and (ii) of the minors or adults who are dependent upon the Respondent under paragraph 6, of the Petition to which this Exhibit A is attached. l. Respondent's Guardian(s) or agent(s) appointed under the Illinois Power of Attorney Act Has a Court appointed a Guardian for the Respondent? P Yes PNo Unknown Has the Respondent executed a Power of Attorney for Property? Yes No Unknown I-[as the Respondent executed a Power of Attorney for I-Iealth Care? Yes No Unknown Provide the following information with respect to each Guardian and agent: [name] [nanle] [address] [address] [city/state/zip] [city/state/zip] [relationship to the Respondent] [relationship to the ltespondent] [telephonej [email] [telephone] [col all] Type of guardianship: Type of Power of Attorney: Type of guardianship: Type of Power of Attorney: Adult Minor Property Q Adult Minor Property Person 0 Estate P Health Care Person Estate Health Care If the Respondent has one or more additional Guardian(s) or agent(s), provide the above information with respect to each on an additional page. II. Respondent's Nearest Relatives Entitled to Notice A. Does the Respondent have a spouse (by marriage or civil union) and adult children, parents and adult brothers and sisters living? If "No" or "Unknown", proceed to paragraph 8 below, If "Yes", provide the following information with respect to each: Spouse Adult Child Gabriela Stellhorn [name] [name] 15663 Hawks Way [address] [address] Carmel, IN 46033 [city/state/zip] [city/state/zip] 708-785-4559 gabbymikleu87 gmai[.corn [telephone] [email] [telephone] [email] IRIS Y. MARTINEZ, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Page 3 of 5 2024P004493 CCP 0200 D (12/01/20) File No. Adult Child Adult Child Lleana Mikleu FILED DATE: 6/25/2024 4:21 PM 2024P004493 [name] [nanlc] 440 N. Wabash [address] [address] Chicago, IL 60611 [city/state/zip] [city/state/zip] 708-785-4559 [telephonej [email] [telephone] [email ] If the Respondent has one or more additional adult children living, provide the above information with respect to each on an additional page. Parent [name] [name] [address] [address] [city/state/zip] [city/state/zip] [telephonej [cnlall] [telephone] [email] Adult Brother or Sister Adult Brother or Sister [name] [name] [address] [address] [city/state/zip] [city/state/zip] [telephone] [col ail] [telephone] [c alai I I If the Respondent has one or more additional adult brothers and sisters living, provide the above information with respect to each on an additional page, B. If the Respondent has no spouse, no adult child, no parent and no adult brother or sister, provide the fol- lowing information with respect to each nearest adult relative: [name] [relationship] [name] [relationship] [address] [address] [city/state/zip] [city/state/zip] [telephone] [email] [telephone] [c nl ai I j IRIS Y. MARTINEZ, CLKRI& Ol THK CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Page 4 of 5 2024P004493 CCP 0200 E (12/01/20) File No. [name] [I clatlonshtp] [name] [relationship] FILED DATE: 6/25/2024 4:21 PM 2024P004493 [address] [address] [city/state/zip] [city/state/zip] [telephone] [cn1a11] [telephone] [cnlrdl] If the Respondent has one or more additional adult relatives living, provide the above information with respect to each on an additional page, III.Minor(s) and Adult(s) Dependent Upon the Respondent Does the Respondent have one or more minors or adults who are dependent upon the Respondent' Yes H No Unknown If "Yes", provide the following information with respect to each: Dependent Minor E3 Adult Dependent P Minor Adult [name] [relationship] [name] [relationship] [address] [address] [city/state/zip] [city/state/zip] [telephone] [email] [telephone] [email] If the Respondent has one or more additional adult relatives living, provide the above information with respect to each on an additional page. IRIS Y. MARTINEZ, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Page 5 of 5