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  • In the Interest of Minor Child(ren)Parent-Child - No Divorce document preview
  • In the Interest of Minor Child(ren)Parent-Child - No Divorce document preview


VIL ASE NFORMATION HEET AUSE UMBER FOR CLERK USE ONLY OURT FOR CLERK USE ONLY TYLED €g., John Smith v. All American Insurance Co; In re Mary Ann Jones; In the Matterof the Estate of George Jackson) A civil ca nformation sheet must be completed and submitted when an original petition or application is filed to initiate a new civil, family law, probate, or mental health .¢ or when a post-judgment petition for modification or motion for enforcement is filed in a family law case. The information should be the best available at the tin e of filing, 1. Contact information for person pleting case information sheet: Names of parties in case: Person or entity completing sheet is: BlAttomney for Plaintiff/Petitioner ame: I laintiff(s)/Petitioner(s): Pro Se Plaintiff/Petitioner Diitle IV-D Agency Dother: Address: Telephone: Additional Parties in Child Support Case: Defendant(s)/Respondent(s): Custodial Parent City/State/Zip: Fax: Custodial Parent: Signature: CPL State Bar No: Presumed Father: [Attach additional page as necessary to list all parties] 2, Indicate case type, or identify the most important issue in the case (select only 1) Family Law Post-judgment Actions Contract Injury or Damage Real Property Marriage Relationship (non-Title Debt/Contract DAAssault Battery TEminent Domain/ TAnnulment LJEnforcement CConsumer/DTPA construction Condemnation (Declare Marriage Void (Modification ustody (Debt/Contract (Defamation Partition ivorce (Modification ther (Fraud/Misrepresentation Ipractice Quiet Title (With Children Title IV-D Doother Debt/Contract: Daccounting LiTrespass to Try Title LINo Children (TJEnforcement/Modification Legal Cotnher Property: Bpatermity Foreclosure OMedical MiReciprocals (UIFSA) (Home Equity xpedited uo er Professional Olsupport Order Cother Foreclosure Liability (Franchi: Related to Criminal Dinsura ce [Motor Vehicle Accident Matters Other Family Law Parent-Child Relationship DLandlord/Tenant DPremises CExpunction TEnforce Foreign DJAdoption/Adoption with (Non-Competition duct Liability Cludgment Nisi Judgment ermination partner Mp DAsbestos/Silica (Non-Disclosure (Habeas Corpus Cchitd Protection (other Contr (other Product Liability Ceizure/Forfeiture (Name Change Cchitd support ist Product: [Writ of Habeas Corpus (Protective Order Ccustody or Visitation P -indictment DRemoval of Disabilities Ocestational Parenting other Injury or Damage: Doother: of Minority (Grandparent Access Cother: CParentage/Paternity (Termination of Parental Employment Other Civil Rights BROther Parent-Child: [Discrimination (Administrative Appeal CLawyer Discipline (CiRetaliation (CAntitrust/Unfair perpetuate Testimony DTermination Competition Disccurities/Stock (Workers Compensation LCode Violations DTortious Interference (other Employment: CiForeign Judgment Cother: Citntellectual Property Tax Probate & Mental Health LiTax Appraisal Probate/Wills/Intestate Administration (Guardianship dult (Tax Delinquency (Dependent Administration (Guardianship inor Dother Tax [independent Administration (Mental Health (other Estate Proceedings Clother: 3. Indicate procedure or remedy, if applicable _may select more than 1) T1Appeal from Municipal or Justice Court (Declaratory Judgment LiPrejudgment Remedy DArbitration-related (Garnishment (Protective Order Attachment Oitnterpleader Deceiver DaBill of Review BIicense sequestration certiorari (Mandamus (Temporary Restraining Order/Injunction Cclass Action CiPost-judgment Orurnover 4, Indicate damages sought ( 0 not select if it is a family law case) CiLess than $100,000, including damages of any kind, penalties, costs pel pre-judgment interest, and attorney fees CLess than $100,000 and non-monetary relief (over $100, 000 but not more than $200,000 (over $200,000 but not more than $1,000,000 Dover $1,000,000,