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  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:Jamie H.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview
  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:Jamie H.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview
  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:Jamie H.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview
  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:Jamie H.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview


34C01-2407-TP-002171 Filed: 7/1/2024 4:35 PM Clerk TAX SALE CERTIFICATE Howard Circuit Court Howard County, Indiana Or\g\nal Certificate Amount: Subject To 10%: $100.00 $13,967.76 Cause Number: 34C01-2309-TS-2746 No. 342300326 ut STATE OF INDIANA, HOWARD COUNTY J I\ I, Jessica Secrease, County Auditor in and for the County aforesaid, do hereby certify that at a public sale held by Christie Branch, the County Treasurer of the aforesaid County, which commenced on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 10:00 AM and J I I continued until all parcels were offered for sale, that the treasurer did on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, in the main gallery of the Commissioners' Meeting Room 338, legal notices as prescribed in IC 6-1.1-24-2 having been given, sell to \ HOWARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS \ 220 NORifH MAIN STREET 1 H b1b 1 • l r • I E KOKOMO, IN 46901 , ' Pr1n , the following described piece ?r parcel of land in Howard County, Indiana, to wit: Pr-· Key Number/ Property ID# 34-04-31-128-003.000-002 Brief Legal Description: WT CHAMBER'S 1ST ADON LOT 15 33.3' E SD IOW 700 iol Street Address or other common description: East Of 821 E Taylor Kokomo 46901 \, Ii§], the said sum paid being equal to or greater than the amount of the judgment issued by the Howard County Court on 9/29/2023, oo I said judgment based on taxes, penalty, interest and costs due on the Real Estate above described for the year 2021 payable 2022, and prior years, to which is added the tax of 2022 payable 2023, said land being assessed and duly er)t~red for taxation in the name of: -~ Allen, Robert L Jr & William & Lillian & Larry % Allen, Larry 3 2211 N Bell St, , Uri Kokomo, IN 46901 The purchaser, above named, having paid the treasury of Howard County said purchase money (he or she being the highest· and best bidder for cash), will be entitled to a deed for the tract of land so purchased as above described at the expiration of the redemption period (Thursday, February 15, 2024) and after said purchaser COITJplies with tpe ~tatutory i:eq~iJ;ements of IC 6- 1.1-25-4 et seq., if the same shall not have been previously redeemed. ., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal as Auditor aforesaid at Kokomo, Indiana, this 10/18/2023 -----~lCov0t_C/l.(A J.).v--.:c__.:_~-- JEssicA SECREASE, AUDITOR OF HOWARD COUNTY, INDIANA STATE OF INDIANA, HOWARD COUNTY ,1,1,, Jo I, Christie Branch, Treasurer of Howard County, do hereby guarantee that the taxes and special assessments on ~he Real Estate named in the _abov~ cert!ficate _are delinquen~. and that the same were yet due and unpaid at the t,me of the sale thereof, mentioned In said certificate, and said Real Estate being eligible for sale under IC 6-1.1-24. --1 I CHRISTIE BRANCH, TREASURER OF HOWARD COUNTY, INDIANA I ii l ASSIGNMENT FOR VALUE RECEIVED, THE WITHIN CERTIFICATE IS HEREBY ASSIGNED AND TRANSFERRED TO JAMIE HECHMI • WHOSE TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IS ON FILE WITH THE COUNTY AUDITOR, AND WHOSE MAILING ADDRESS IS 821 E TAYLOR , KOKOMO, IN 46901. B~derNumber 43 Ou Assignment Amount: $100.00 Assignment Date: 2/28/2024 The purcha ser of the assign ment of the tax sale certific ate, above named , having paid the treasu ry of Howar d purcha se money (he or she being the highes t and best County said bidder for cash), will be entitled to a deed for the tract purcha sed as above describ ed at the expiration of the of land so redemp tion period (Thurs day, June 27, 2024) and after compli es with the statuto ry require ments of IC 6-1.1-2 said purcha ser C 5-4 et seq., if the same shall not have been previou sly C1 redeem ed. X -~l~ ~f./ !.tA A.U___ ---- -- ---- - ~- - - - - - HOWARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY THE SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSIONERS, AUDrTOR \ JESSICA SECREASE. THE STATE OF INDIANA, HOWARD COUNTY, SS: \ \ PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE THE UNDERSIGNED NOTA RY PUBLIC, TH\S 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2024, 1\-\E ABOVE NAMED JESSICA SECREASE IN THE CAPACITY AS THE SECRETARY TO THE BOARD OF COMM\SS\ONERS AND ACKNOWLE DGED THE EXECUTION OF THIS ASSIGNMENT. WITNESS M~A ND AND SEAL NOTARY PUB IC SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME: JENNIFER ROBERTS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOVEMBER 29, 2028 MY COUNTY OF RESIDENCE: MARION ' ' J.l